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Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. Love Live, even though not as relevant in my life anymore, has changed my life for the better. I grew up throughout elementary and middle school without any real friends because I didn’t think anyone was worth my time and people were no more brain than stone (quite literally uneducated). I never really had any shared interests with anyone, and spent a majority of my childhood on a computer. I would always think “why can’t people think the way I do or understand the things I can?”. I was also having issues with my family, but that’s not the point, I had issues communicating and no friends essentially for 16 or so years. Spending a majority of my time online, I came to watching a lot of anime and playing games in my free time, I was a big fan of the Milky Holmes series, and I followed Soramaru and Nanjol (Nico and Eli for those who don’t know), and what animes that they voiced in, which eventually led to Love Live. I didn’t really know anything about idols, so I thought why not. I also soon found out a rhythm game for it existed, so I was like sure. I also eventually went to browsing around twitch and finding someone who actually streams SIF ( in 2014), which at the time was no more than 10~20 viewers at a time. These people changed my life for the better (you know who you are) in giving me something to do and people to somewhat care about, and I enjoyed online friends more than people I knew in real life. In the end, it really allowed me to find what I really enjoyed and express myself, and really show what I care about and love, such as crossdressing and cosplaying. Also friends who I could somewhat talk to. Oh do I love the people I’ve met primarily through and I truly treasure the memories we’ve shared. Also an end to clinical depression. Also ily vivi (vivaars sif subreddit mod who I love talking to in our rare moments, met because of love live and maplestory). Going through my hell of a life (which I didn’t go into detail about), Love Live was truly a savior, that made me happy for once in my 16/17(?) years (20 now).
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