
Ainz - The Goal of All Life is Death

Nov 6th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. The name of the class was eclipse. The explanation of it in his status said, “Only overlords who have truly mastered death can acquire this class and eat away at all life like the sun is eaten away at in a solar eclipse.”
  3. And what Ainz was about to unleash was a skill that was acquired at the highest level, 5, of the eclipse class, which could be used only once every hundred hours—eclipse’s ace move.
  5. It was called the Goal of All Life Is Death.
  7. That moment, a clock pointing to twelve appeared behind him. And he cast a spell. “Widen Cry of the Banshee!” A woman’s screams echoed throughout the area like ripples—and they caused instant death.
  9. It was difficult to resist because it had been strengthened with his various other skills. But of course, it didn’t work on Shalltear, who was undead, or Einherjar, who was treated as a construct, because they were immune to instadeath.
  11. What was strange was that some of the kin, who weren’t immune to instadeath, didn’t die.
  13. Ainz thought it odd but wasn’t shaken. On the contrary, things have to be that way.
  15. Ker-chk.
  17. Along with the noise, as the magic began to take effect, the clock behind him began to count down.
  19. As Einherjar’s lance attacks chipped away at his health, he looked at Shalltear out of the corner of his eye—and lost hope.
  21. So I won’t be able to just end this? Fuck, Peroroncino, you gave her that to counter me? You didn’t have to give her a revival item! Dammit! he griped in his head to one of his bestfriends in the guild.
  23. While he scrambled to evade Einherjar’s attacks, twelve seconds passed on the clock and the needle came around to point heavenward again.
  25. Then Ainz’s ace move activated.
  27. In that instant, the world died.
  29. That was not a metaphor.
  31. It died. All of it.
  33. Einherjar, who’d been brandishing its lance before him, turned to white mist and began to collapse. It died instantly despite being a construct and having no life. In the same way, all Shalltear’s kin were enveloped in a power they couldn’t resist and died off.
  35. That wasn’t all. It brought death even to the lifeless air and made it impossible to breathe within a diameter of almost 250 yards. If there was anything trying to breathe and live in that area, its lungs would have been polluted by the dead air and it would have died from that.
  37. The soil also died. Everywhere within those 250 yards around Ainz instantly turned into a desert. In this world consisting of nothing but death, the only things that moved were Ainz and Shalltear. This was Ainz’s ace move. The Goal of All Life Is Death was a move that strengthened spells and skills that had instadeath as an effect. The effect strengthened by this skill would kill even an opponent with an ability that made them immune to instant death, once a certain time elapsed.
  39. The way to avoid it was, as Shalltear had done, to use some kind of resurrection effect on oneself within the twelve-second time limit.
  41. That instadeath skill boost was also why the air and soil had died. In Yggdrasil, the effect hadn’t gone that far, but in the real world, it was expressed more accurately. Death to everything in equal portions.
  43. ***
  45. Volume 3, Chapter 5.2
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