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Jun 30th, 2020
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  1. atari800_artifacting = "disabled"
  2. atari800_cassboot = "disabled"
  3. atari800_internalbasic = "disabled"
  4. atari800_keyboard = "poll"
  5. atari800_ntscpal = "NTSC"
  6. atari800_opt1 = "disabled"
  7. atari800_opt2 = "disabled"
  8. atari800_resolution = "336x240"
  9. atari800_sioaccel = "disabled"
  10. atari800_system = "400/800 (OS B)"
  11. beetle_saturn_analog_stick_deadzone = "15%"
  12. beetle_saturn_autortc = "enabled"
  13. beetle_saturn_autortc_lang = "english"
  14. beetle_saturn_cart = "Auto Detect"
  15. beetle_saturn_cdimagecache = "disabled"
  16. beetle_saturn_horizontal_blend = "disabled"
  17. beetle_saturn_horizontal_overscan = "0"
  18. beetle_saturn_initial_scanline = "0"
  19. beetle_saturn_initial_scanline_pal = "0"
  20. beetle_saturn_last_scanline = "239"
  21. beetle_saturn_last_scanline_pal = "271"
  22. beetle_saturn_midsync = "disabled"
  23. beetle_saturn_mouse_sensitivity = "100%"
  24. beetle_saturn_multitap_port1 = "disabled"
  25. beetle_saturn_multitap_port2 = "disabled"
  26. beetle_saturn_region = "Auto Detect"
  27. beetle_saturn_trigger_deadzone = "15%"
  28. beetle_saturn_virtuagun_crosshair = "Cross"
  29. beetle_saturn_virtuagun_input = "Lightgun"
  30. cap32_autorun = "enabled"
  31. cap32_combokey = "y"
  32. cap32_Model = "6128"
  33. cap32_Ram = "128"
  34. fbneo-allow-depth-32 = "enabled"
  35. fbneo-analog-speed = "100%"
  36. fbneo-cpu-speed-adjust = "100%"
  37. fbneo-cyclone = "disabled"
  38. fbneo-diagnostic-input = "Hold Start"
  39. fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Bonus_Life = "7000"
  40. fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Cabinet = "Upright"
  41. fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Coinage = "1 Coin 1 Credits"
  42. fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Lives = "3"
  43. fbneo-dipswitch-frogger-Cabinet = "Upright"
  44. fbneo-dipswitch-frogger-Coinage = "A 1C/1P B 1C/1P C 1C/1P"
  45. fbneo-dipswitch-frogger-Lives = "3"
  46. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Bonus_Life = "20k 70k 70k"
  47. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Cabinet = "Upright"
  48. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Coinage = "1 Coin 1 Play"
  49. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Demo_Sounds = "On"
  50. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Difficulty = "Easy"
  51. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Freeze = "Off"
  52. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Lives = "3"
  53. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Rack_Test = "Off"
  54. fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Service_Mode = "Off"
  55. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Autofire = "Off"
  56. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-BIOS = "MVS Asia/Europe ver. 6 (1 slot)"
  57. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Coin_chutes = "1"
  58. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Coin_chutes_2 = "2"
  59. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Commmunicaton = "Disabled"
  60. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Free_play = "Off"
  61. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Memory_card = "Writable"
  62. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-New_card_type = "Normal"
  63. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Setting_mode = "Off"
  64. fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Stop_mode = "Off"
  65. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Bonus_Life = "20k & 70k Only"
  66. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Cabinet = "Upright"
  67. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Coin_A = "1 Coin 1 Credits"
  68. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Coin_B = "1 Coin 1 Credits"
  69. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Demo_Sounds = "On"
  70. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Difficulty = "Rank A"
  71. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Freeze = "Off"
  72. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Lives = "3"
  73. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Rack_Test_(Cheat) = "Off"
  74. fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Service = "Off"
  75. fbneo-dipswitch-neocdz-Region = "Europe"
  76. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Bonus_Life = "10000"
  77. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Cabinet = "Upright"
  78. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Coinage = "1C 1C"
  79. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Difficulty = "Normal"
  80. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Ghost_Names = "Normal"
  81. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Lives = "3"
  82. fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Rack_Test_(Cheat) = "Off"
  83. fbneo-dipswitch-punisher-Freeze = "Off"
  84. fbneo-dipswitch-tgm2-Debug = "Off"
  85. fbneo-dipswitch-tgm2-Service_Mode = "Off"
  86. fbneo-dipswitch-tgm2-Speed_Hacks = "No"
  87. fbneo-fm-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order"
  88. fbneo-frameskip = "0"
  89. fbneo-hiscores = "enabled"
  90. fbneo-load-subsystem-from-parent = "enabled"
  91. fbneo-neogeo-mode = "DIPSWITCH"
  92. fbneo-sample-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order"
  93. fbneo-samplerate = "48000"
  94. fbneo-vertical-mode = "disabled"
  95. fceumm_apu_1 = "enabled"
  96. fceumm_apu_2 = "enabled"
  97. fceumm_apu_3 = "enabled"
  98. fceumm_apu_4 = "enabled"
  99. fceumm_apu_5 = "enabled"
  100. fceumm_aspect = "8:7 PAR"
  101. fceumm_nospritelimit = "disabled"
  102. fceumm_ntsc_filter = "disabled"
  103. fceumm_ntsc_scanlines = "disabled"
  104. fceumm_overclocking = "disabled"
  105. fceumm_overscan_h = "disabled"
  106. fceumm_overscan_v = "enabled"
  107. fceumm_palette = "default"
  108. fceumm_ramstate = "fill $ff"
  109. fceumm_region = "Auto"
  110. fceumm_show_adv_sound_options = "disabled"
  111. fceumm_show_adv_system_options = "disabled"
  112. fceumm_show_crosshair = "enabled"
  113. fceumm_sndquality = "Low"
  114. fceumm_sndvolume = "7"
  115. fceumm_swapduty = "disabled"
  116. fceumm_turbo_delay = "3"
  117. fceumm_turbo_enable = "None"
  118. fceumm_up_down_allowed = "disabled"
  119. fceumm_zapper_mode = "lightgun"
  120. fuse_machine = "Spectrum 128K"
  121. gambatte_gb_colorization = "custom"
  122. genesis_plus_gx_addr_error = "enabled"
  123. genesis_plus_gx_aspect_ratio = "auto"
  124. genesis_plus_gx_audio_filter = "disabled"
  125. genesis_plus_gx_bios = "disabled"
  126. genesis_plus_gx_blargg_ntsc_filter = "disabled"
  127. genesis_plus_gx_bram = "per bios"
  128. genesis_plus_gx_fm_preamp = "100"
  129. genesis_plus_gx_force_dtack = "enabled"
  130. genesis_plus_gx_gg_extra = "disabled"
  131. genesis_plus_gx_gun_cursor = "disabled"
  132. genesis_plus_gx_gun_input = "lightgun"
  133. genesis_plus_gx_invert_mouse = "disabled"
  134. genesis_plus_gx_lcd_filter = "disabled"
  135. genesis_plus_gx_lock_on = "disabled"
  136. genesis_plus_gx_lowpass_range = "60"
  137. genesis_plus_gx_no_sprite_limit = "disabled"
  138. genesis_plus_gx_overclock = "100%"
  139. genesis_plus_gx_overscan = "disabled"
  140. genesis_plus_gx_psg_preamp = "150"
  141. genesis_plus_gx_region_detect = "auto"
  142. genesis_plus_gx_render = "single field"
  143. genesis_plus_gx_sound_output = "stereo"
  144. genesis_plus_gx_system_hw = "auto"
  145. genesis_plus_gx_ym2413 = "auto"
  146. genesis_plus_gx_ym2612 = "mame (ym2612)"
  147. mame2000-show_gameinfo = "disabled"
  148. mame2000-skip_disclaimer = "enabled"
  149. mame2003-plus_dcs-speedhack = "enabled"
  150. mame2003-plus_samples = "enabled"
  151. mame2003-plus_skip_disclaimer = "enabled"
  152. mame2003_dcs-speedhack = "enabled"
  153. mame2003_samples = "enabled"
  154. mame2003_skip_disclaimer = "enabled"
  155. mgba_allow_opposing_directions = "no"
  156. mgba_color_correction = "OFF"
  157. mgba_frameskip = "0"
  158. mgba_gb_model = "Autodetect"
  159. mgba_idle_optimization = "Remove Known"
  160. mgba_interframe_blending = "OFF"
  161. mgba_sgb_borders = "ON"
  162. mgba_skip_bios = "OFF"
  163. mgba_solar_sensor_level = "0"
  164. mgba_use_bios = "ON"
  165. mupen64plus-169screensize = "640x360"
  166. mupen64plus-43screensize = "320x240"
  167. mupen64plus-aspect = "4:3"
  168. mupen64plus-astick-deadzone = "15"
  169. mupen64plus-astick-sensitivity = "100"
  170. mupen64plus-BilinearMode = "standard"
  171. mupen64plus-CorrectTexrectCoords = "Off"
  172. mupen64plus-CountPerOp = "0"
  173. mupen64plus-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler"
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  196. mupen64plus-next-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler"
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  222. mupen64plus-next-pak1 = "memory"
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  248. mupen64plus-u-cbutton = "C4"
  249. pcsx_rearmed_analog_axis_modifier = "circle"
  250. pcsx_rearmed_async_cd = "sync"
  251. pcsx_rearmed_bios = "auto"
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  261. pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjusty = "0"
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  263. pcsx_rearmed_input_sensitivity = "1.00"
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  271. pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_no_main = "disabled"
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  280. pcsx_rearmed_pad4type = "none"
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  283. pcsx_rearmed_pad7type = "none"
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  286. pcsx_rearmed_psxclock = "57"
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  289. pcsx_rearmed_show_other_input_settings = "disabled"
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  293. pcsx_rearmed_vibration = "enabled"
  294. snes9x_aspect = "4:3"
  295. snes9x_audio_interpolation = "gaussian"
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  297. snes9x_block_invalid_vram_access = "enabled"
  298. snes9x_echo_buffer_hack = "disabled"
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  300. snes9x_gfx_hires = "enabled"
  301. snes9x_gfx_transp = "enabled"
  302. snes9x_hires_blend = "disabled"
  303. snes9x_justifier1_color = "Blue"
  304. snes9x_justifier1_crosshair = "4"
  305. snes9x_justifier2_color = "Pink"
  306. snes9x_justifier2_crosshair = "4"
  307. snes9x_layer_1 = "enabled"
  308. snes9x_layer_2 = "enabled"
  309. snes9x_layer_3 = "enabled"
  310. snes9x_layer_4 = "enabled"
  311. snes9x_layer_5 = "enabled"
  312. snes9x_lightgun_mode = "Lightgun"
  313. snes9x_overclock_cycles = "disabled"
  314. snes9x_overclock_superfx = "100%"
  315. snes9x_overscan = "enabled"
  316. snes9x_randomize_memory = "disabled"
  317. snes9x_reduce_sprite_flicker = "disabled"
  318. snes9x_region = "auto"
  319. snes9x_rifle_color = "White"
  320. snes9x_rifle_crosshair = "2"
  321. snes9x_show_advanced_av_settings = "disabled"
  322. snes9x_show_lightgun_settings = "disabled"
  323. snes9x_sndchan_1 = "enabled"
  324. snes9x_sndchan_2 = "enabled"
  325. snes9x_sndchan_3 = "enabled"
  326. snes9x_sndchan_4 = "enabled"
  327. snes9x_sndchan_5 = "enabled"
  328. snes9x_sndchan_6 = "enabled"
  329. snes9x_sndchan_7 = "enabled"
  330. snes9x_sndchan_8 = "enabled"
  331. snes9x_superscope_color = "White"
  332. snes9x_superscope_crosshair = "2"
  333. snes9x_superscope_reverse_buttons = "disabled"
  334. snes9x_up_down_allowed = "disabled"
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