

Feb 25th, 2019
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  1. Toz enters from the up, riding a black rhinoceros.
  2. He is followed by a mahogany warhound.
  4. You give Toz a peck on the cheek.
  6. Toz gives you a peck on the cheek.
  8. You give a sightseer's spyglass to Toz.
  10. Toz Aquila-Seirath asks, "Where do you find all these trinkets?"
  12. You have emoted: Tatia quirks an eyebrow at Toz and puts on her sweetest smile. "I'll never tell."
  14. Toz folds his arms over his chest, shaking his head in dull amusement. "And here I thought you wanted a smug smile out of me."
  16. You have emoted: Tatia looks around before stepping forward to wrap her arms around Toz loosely. "I said devilish. Which is going to be harder than I thought, it would seem." she offers, tilting her chin up to look at him.
  18. Toz moves to rest his hands on your hips, squeezing lightly. "Maybe so," he concedes, "Heavy thoughts and all." A shoulder lifts up, just a little, and he continues on with a frown, "Can't decide if more or less work is the key."
  20. You have emoted: Tatia chews lightly on her lower lip, thinking quietly for a few moments. "Tell me what you are working on now?" she asks, pausing to look around. "Maybe inside?"
  22. Toz begins to follow you.
  24. You lift your hand to rest atop the three spearheads set into the northern wall, and pull down. As the tips pierce your skin and draw blood, you find yourself pulled through the northern wall.
  25. Toz follows you to the ether.
  26. A torch-lit balcony of black marble.
  27. A trio of golden spearheads have been affixed to the southern wall.
  28. You see exits leading south and down.
  31. Following you in, Toz glances over his shoulder a moment and then reaches for your hand. Lacing his fingers with your, he explains, "Reflex work, and training, for everyone. Maybe I should just focus on that awhile..?"
  33. You have emoted: Tatia squeezes Toz's hand lightly, bring her other up to cup the pairs intertwined hands. "Maybe you should take a week or two to do what you want to do, help clear your mind. Fish, forge, craft, get spoiled, relax?" she suggests, tilting her head while looking up at Toz. "Then decide how to proceed?"
  35. "Maybe," Toz dubiously says to you, turning partially to look you way. "I just need to find that spark again, because it's gone. And if I can't, I need to step aside so someone who has that spark can fan the flames."
  37. You have emoted: Tatia tugs lightly on Toz's hand and smiles warmly. "It's okay to get burnt out, you know?"
  39. "Is it?" Toz asks you, still frowning slightly, and not seeming particularly sure himself. He exhales and gives a shake of his head, leaning in to kiss you softly.
  41. You have emoted: Tatia pulls her free hand from cupping the pairs hands, instead pressing her palm lightly against Toz's face while returning the soft kiss. When the kiss breaks, she shifts her hand to lightly grip the back of Toz's neck in attempt to coax his gaze to her own. "Yes." she states firmly but with care in her tone. "It is also okay to take a moment to regroup yourself, and take some time for just you. Contrary to popular belief, you dont have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders."
  43. Toz gives a slight nod of his head, sighing and closing his eyes. "I'm burned out then," he says, voice very quiet. "Waiting for an attack that has yet to come, dealing with citizens waking and falling asleep again, trying to stall for a better Culture Minister, and leading fights any time I'm awake? It's a lot, sure. Just can't imagine it getting done if I don't do it."
  45. You have emoted: Tatia frowns slightly with Toz's sigh, stepping in to press herself againt him while he speaks. She stays silent for a few moments, nestling her head against Toz's chest, "You arent alone in all of this, Toz. You have the Senate to deal with the Ministries, and with citizens falling asleep.." she starts, falling silent in thought. "Tell you what, let me worry about Culture for the time until a suitable candidate makes themselves known." she decides. "As for leading, we all have to learn some time. Maybe getting thrown in the water with the sharks is exactly what everyone needs to learn. Call it tough love."
  47. "Axius applied already," Toz tells you, with a clear note of displeasure. "I want him nowhere near novices.And speaking of, I have to deal with Maldoror as well, wanting a market stall in the city." He glowers at the name and glances again to the door, then mutters after, "As for tough love...I hate losing. But maybe letting some losses pile up will do us some good."
  49. You have emoted: Tatia grumbles under her breath at the first name mentioned, exhaling lightly after. "Hold out for certain." she murmurs quietly. "As for Maldoror, that benefits the city of Spinesreach in no way, so.. no?" she returns, bumping her hip lightly against Toz. "Your back is broad, my dear, but you cant carry us all the time."
  51. With a nod of his head, Toz tells you, "Aye, it's just gold gain for him- and I don't want him to gain a thing." He bumps back against you briefly, resting a little more against you. "And, someone has to. Such is the way of things- I guess Fezzix or Vyxsis will step up and take charge more. I just can't, for awhile. Too much of it lately."
  53. You have emoted: "As they should. And the rest of us need to learn and be comfortable with it. The fact that we have so many capable leaders is what sets us apart from them." Tatia tells Toz, slipping her arm around him and underneath his coat to rub lightly at his back. "Everything going on with the Senate right now can be handled by the Senate - all you need do is vote if it is called for." she decides, peering up at Toz with a slight smile. "You take a step back, and do things you like for a change. Go fish. Design yourself a new weapon. Make a..chair or something." she offers up with a slightly amused tone. "Or, I'll drag you off and make you have a picnic with me in the Vortex where you cant be bothered."
  55. Leaning forward just a little more at the touch to his back, Toz sighs and nods, raising his hand to slide through your hair from the back, scratching gently at you scalp while cradling you in against him. "I'll do what I can to just step back," he agrees finally, letting his eyes drift closed. "Senate runs things, I vote when needed and dole out credits as appropriate. I'm going to keep stalling on the Culture Minister call because given the choice between Axius and nobody, I'd rather have nobody. Same for Ambassador- he's a truly awful candidate for anything involving a shred of power."
  57. You have emoted: Tatia nods against Toz's chest, exhaling quietly with his attention to her head. "I'll worry with Culture and Ambassador for the time, Robyn wont argue with helping either. I dealt with him as a brand new Ambassador, I know full well how he conducts himself and you're completely correct." she says, continuing to rub her hand against Toz's back. She lifts her head to press her chin against Toz's chest, looking up at him. "Just promise me you'll keep me in the know of how you are feeling, please? I support you no matter what you choose, and I just want you to be happy - that is what matters to me." she tells Toz softly.
  59. "I am, see?" Toz tells you, tapping his chest with his free hand, just beneath your chin. "I didn't last time, and I said I'd do better, hmm?" He continues to stroke through your hair with a very gentle touch, smoothing out the strands after ruffling them up time and again. "If nothing else, you're proving to be a constant soothing presence in my life. I'm so very forunate to have stolen you away for myself."
  61. You have emoted: "You did, and you are." Tatia returns with a slight smile. She flattens her palm against Toz's back and pushes him in against her briefly before resuming her gentle rubbing motions. "Mm, seduced me away and forced me to fall in love with you." she corrects teasingly. She pushes up on her tip toes to press a light kiss against Toz's jaw. "There is nowhere I would rather be."
  63. Bumping lightly against you, Toz tilts his head at the kiss to his jaw and exhales a breath, not quite laughing. "Who seduced who first, hm?" he wonders of you. "I certainly remember resolving to NOT sleep with you, and yet here we are. I still need to make that ring for you, by the by, so thank you for reminding me..."
  65. You have emoted: Tatia attempts to conceal her amused grin but feigns shock. "Weren't you the one showing me beautiful views and had my legs around you with my back pressed to the wall before I moved her?" she asks, tilting her head slightly. "Whatever we did, I'm glad we did." she decides with an affectionate smile. "..What ring?" she asks with the quirk of her eyebrow.
  67. Toz gives a laugh and a roll of his eyes. "Did you think to get away unscathed from asking me to go steady?" he wonders of you. "If I have two women, I fully intend to do right by both of them- I have plans for you. Get used to that." He bumps lightly into you again after, lingering.
  69. You have emoted: Tatia laughs and shakes her head lightly. "Going steady, hm?" she asks with an amused smile. "You really are good to me, you know?" she tells Toz, nuzzling her face in against his chest.
  71. Toz mildly points out, "Enorian wasn't and look what that cost them." He twists his lips briefly towards a smile and then slides back. "Gold gathering then mild inattentiveness calls, my love."
  73. You have emoted: "Their loss, your gain." Tatia points out with a quiet chuckle. "Kiss me and run before I get any smart ideas." she teases.
  75. Toz leans in and claims your lips in a rough, if short, kiss then pulls back. "Love you," he says simply, with a great deal of warmth.
  77. Toz Aquila-Seirath says, "Voltda."
  78. A sulfurous portal opens in the ground before Toz and he quickly jumps into it before it snaps shut behind him.
  79. He is followed by a mahogany warhound.
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