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Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. Guest_Arcticlights has joined the chat
  2. Zaphyri has joined the chat
  3. Kaiyun has joined the chat
  4. Ervinx has joined the chat
  5. Shoosh has joined the chat
  6. Fleas has joined the chat
  7. SylanEser has joined the chat
  8. Ervinx: Yall making me feel short
  9. Ervinx: wtf
  10. Kaiyun: It wasnt meant for here, i was AFK and scroll didnt go down, so I didn't see people leaving
  11. Kirwyn: Pfft.
  12. Guest_Arcticlights: I see.
  13. Kirwyn: Room seems pretty dead.
  14. Zaphyri: Im maiking food.
  15. Zaphyri: You seem pretty dead.
  16. Fleas: I feel roughly 60% dead.
  17. Guest_Arcticlights: Lucky boy.
  18. Zaphyri: I can raise that percentage.
  19. Kirwyn: Hm?
  20. Zaphyri: Percentage of feeling dead.
  21. Zaphyri: With certain state of the art technology we can raise that to a whopping 100%
  22. Ervinx: <_<
  23. Ervinx: whats your resizer
  24. Fleas: yeahnah.
  25. Kirwyn: The fuck is this music.
  26. Guest_Arcticlights: I am afraid I cannot have you doing that. I happen to enjoy him.
  27. Zaphyri: Who the fucks pulling out the jazz.
  28. Kirwyn: Someone is about to have some sex.
  29. Kirwyn: Where are the candles and sex chocolates?
  30. Kirwyn: >_>
  31. Guest_Jnesbit99 has joined the chat
  32. Zaphyri: Sex chocolates?
  33. Kirwyn: -Is dont with the person next to him-
  34. Kirwyn: done*
  35. Kirwyn: -Can't even type anymore-
  36. Zaphyri: Chocolate is bleh.
  37. Kirwyn: Sex chocolate aka chocolate with drugs in them/
  38. Ervinx: wtf
  39. Zaphyri: Roofie chocolate?
  40. Kirwyn: Basically
  41. Zaphyri: Todays been a really druggy day.
  42. Kirwyn: Pretty sure the person next to me in on drugs.
  43. Kirwyn: Yup.. very sure.
  44. Kirwyn: ....
  45. Zaphyri: Ervin?
  46. Guest_Ashitemaru has joined the chat
  47. Zaphyri: I think he is actually.
  48. Kirwyn: -Scoots away from the drug people.-
  49. Zaphyri: Hello would you be interested in some straight heroin?
  50. Kirwyn: >_>
  51. Ervinx: Im on three drugs
  52. Ervinx: exuse you
  53. Kirwyn: Zaph you been selling to these two --
  54. Ervinx: LOL
  55. Kirwyn: I can't.
  56. Kirwyn: Im fucking.. Miso has soem weird ass friends....
  57. Shoosh: hoo
  58. Kirwyn: He's a owl now.
  59. Ervinx: It's the power of the Coco
  60. Zaphyri: I selll to everyone.
  61. Ervinx: powder
  62. Guest_Jnesbit99 has left the chat
  63. Kirwyn: You must have that good shit Zaph.
  64. Zaphyri: I also pimp people out on the occasion. Why? Are you looking for a job?
  65. Kirwyn: XD
  66. Kirwyn: I'll pass.
  67. Zaphyri: Fair enough, not 'Crack whorey' enough anyways
  68. Zaphyri: I probably shouldnt watch people play horror games with hot food in my hands..
  69. Zaphyri: Ah well.
  70. Shoosh: hoo ru Kirwun
  71. Guest_Ashitemaru has left the chat
  72. Kirwyn: Ask normally and I'll answer.
  73. Shoosh: bye\
  74. Zaphyri: I dream of a world with equality for all noodles, regardless of their shape or how long theyve been cooked.
  75. Kirwyn: LOL.
  76. Shoosh: thts a good idea Zap
  77. Ervinx: I'm in love with the Coco
  78. Kirwyn: Noodles?
  79. Shoosh: Hey zap u wanna get married on imvu later
  80. Fleas: I'm tired but I'm not /that/ tired.
  81. Zaphyri: Of course.
  82. Shoosh: K
  83. Zaphyri: (Noodles are lingo for drugs)
  84. Kirwyn: Oh.
  85. Kirwyn: I always use Noodles as a lingo for dicks.
  86. Zaphyri: Nah noodles are just noodles.
  87. Shoosh: fuckin homo
  88. Zaphyri: LOL
  89. Zaphyri: Spiral noodles are pig penis.
  90. Kirwyn: Look. Im sorry if you can't get your limp noodle up shoosh.
  91. Kirwyn: Not my fault.
  92. Zaphyri: I dont want to see a spaghetti noodle type penis.
  93. Kirwyn: LOL
  94. Kirwyn: It would be like a tentacle dick.
  95. Shoosh: the whole rp thing u did when u entered made me cringe so yeah i mean too bad for me ig rite.
  96. Kirwyn: XD
  97. Zaphyri: Like a fucking needle injection.
  98. Zaphyri: Needle penis would be great for self defense.
  99. Kirwyn: At least I can spell.
  100. Kirwyn: And use grammar.
  101. Zaphyri: You just have to find someone trying to kill you really erotic.
  102. Shoosh: na
  103. Shoosh: u a joke
  104. Shoosh: u funny boi
  105. Kirwyn: Uhuh..
  106. Shoosh: No like im seriously laughing
  107. Zaphyri: You guys gotta hug it out.
  108. Kirwyn: Hm. Wonder how fast I can get Miso to stop talking to you.
  109. Shoosh: have fun with that.
  110. Guest_Arcticlights: Charming.
  111. Fleas: Yikes
  112. Kirwyn: See this is what I get for trying to be nice to a troll it seems.
  113. Zaphyri: Woah, shoosh's shadow thing has breasteses.
  114. Zaphyri: Shoosh isnt that bad when you somewhat know him.
  115. Kirwyn: Eh.
  116. Kirwyn: I dont think I want to get to know him since he has gotten asshurt over stupid shit.
  117. Shoosh: uh i think u r mistaken my child
  118. Kirwyn: Its fine though. I'll talk with Miso over this friend of his.
  119. Zaphyri: He doesnt seem asshurt. o.o
  120. Shoosh: ye if anything ur the asshurt one lmaoo
  121. Zaphyri: Kinda mean to try and stop people from being friends too...
  122. Kirwyn: Miso wont mind.
  123. Shoosh: Lol zap
  124. Zaphyri: Id get upset if someone said that to my face. :l
  125. Shoosh: Ye too bad this little girl on imvu isnt
  126. Kirwyn: Little girl?
  127. Zaphyri: Are you the little girl?
  128. Guest_Arcticlights: I don't know if, "mean," is the right word there. "Nosey," perhaps, or, "entitled," or maybe even, "pedantic," but certainly not, "mean."
  129. Zaphyri: Ill believe it.
  130. Shoosh: Ye im pretty sure.
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