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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. convention over configuration:
  2. less flexible,
  4. diffrerent javascript frameworks:
  5. angular: made by google, support a few versions: 1,2,4,5,6
  6. knockout: older
  7. ember has a front-end component
  8. react: alot of buzz around it, complete reversal of what you know about the web - definitely get learning on it, but not the first one to start on
  9. vueJS; the one we will be learning in this class. pretty new, but light - doesn't hold alot of memory and loads into browswer fast
  11. some people feel like there shouldn't be a front-end framework at all
  12. don't discount just writing normal vanilla JS. form your own conventions.
  14. don't just call it 'Vue' - call it VueJS to avoid confusion
  16. MVC
  17. model - how you interact and associate with your data
  18. view - how you display information
  19. controller - houses your logic
  21. 2 way binding:
  22. interaction between where the data is stored and displayed - if you change one, you change the other.
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