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Elick vs Scion judgement

a guest
Aug 8th, 2021
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  1. BTC's Judgement
  2. Round 1
  3. Elick versus Scion
  5. Response 1
  7. Scion, my advice to you? Format your posts for readability please. Ease of readability makes it easy for judges to understand your points better and not lose anything in the process, it can also illustrate key concepts you are trying to convey without forcing me to squint and reread. Practically, this helps the reader also remember and interpret your points better. This is something you do better later.
  9. Scion, you did a good job establishing what your characters could do in your first post, but I don't really see a lot of justification as to the WHY they would behave you suggest. Mordred leaping to the biggest target. Why? mZero being able to anticipate teleportation. I don't really get how that gif was meant to show that. A lot of things also is that you don't really provide context to how or why certain feats are impressive, like killing the golems or servants. To a person that didn't know a thing about fate, there's probably not a lot they could get from your first response.
  11. Elick, while I think you did overall better, here's a few words of advice from me onto your end.
  13. "(I know this is in zero gee, but trust me despite being in zero gee, this is still an impressive feat. I don’t have the character count to astronomypost rn)"
  15. Has the same energy about as Glob swearing on his soul that he thinks Iron Man has anti-feats for piercing. While it is tangible to me as to why this is a good feat, I can understand potential counter-arguments coming to downplay it's existence. There's also the fact you linked the same gif twice (don't think you meant to do that).
  17. ___________________________________________________________________________
  19. Response 2
  21. While I've been talking about round 1 a lot, I think its probably necessary for me to talk about a few things on round 2.
  23. Scion, while I would agree with some of your points overall, it makes it a bazillion times easier on my end if you link which relevant feats are being talked about. A few things I'd point again is the why your characters act a certain way. Mordred or Yusuke BFR Disel. Why? Do they even do this in-character? Cause earlier it seemed you were implying Mordred was just gonna wack, and I think that's a sudden turn of events for her to go from 'wack' to 'yeet this guy out of bounds'. Another thing is that while your point about Disel being TECHNICALLY not bulletproof is true in the most literal interpretation of bulletproof, it... kind of doesn't really show the way you intend when someone has to dump a whole magazine into him in order to just penetrate the armor. You also got some issues with broken links to your evidence, and that is NOT a good look. I will say, you do make at least a decent defense on the dissection of your characters, and that is good on your end.
  26. Elick, you were much better about evidence and also providing counterproof to your opponent's claims. Well done. Your formatting kind of got a bit worse later, but that's not really a grevious sin to take into account.
  28. Winner is Elick.
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