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Sep 26th, 2018
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  1. This is SBCL 1.4.2, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
  2. More information about SBCL is available at <>.
  4. SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
  5. It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
  6. BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
  7. distribution for more information.
  9. WARNING: the Windows port is fragile, particularly for multithreaded
  10. code. Unfortunately, the development team currently lacks the time
  11. and resources this platform demands.
  12. * (lambda () (dotimes (i 1000000) (find 'z '(a b c z)))) (disassemble *)
  14. #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA ()) {100285004B}>
  15. *
  16. ; disassembly for (LAMBDA ())
  17. ; Size: 152 bytes. Origin: #x1002850087
  18. ; 087: 498B4C2460 MOV RCX, [R12+96] ; no-arg-parsing entry point
  19. ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
  20. ; 08C: 48894DF8 MOV [RBP-8], RCX
  21. ; 090: 84042500001020 TEST AL, [#x20100000] ; safepoint
  22. ; 097: 4D31C9 XOR R9, R9
  23. ; 09A: EB66 JMP L1
  24. ; 09C: 0F1F4000 NOP
  25. ; 0A0: L0: 4C8B0571FFFFFF MOV R8, [RIP-143] ; #<FUNCTION IDENTITY>
  26. ; 0A7: 488B0D72FFFFFF MOV RCX, [RIP-142] ; #<FUNCTION EQL>
  27. ; 0AE: 488D5C24F0 LEA RBX, [RSP-16]
  28. ; 0B3: 4883EC38 SUB RSP, 56
  29. ; 0B7: 488B156AFFFFFF MOV RDX, [RIP-150] ; 'Z
  30. ; 0BE: 488B3D6BFFFFFF MOV RDI, [RIP-149] ; '(A B C Z)
  31. ; 0C5: BE17001120 MOV ESI, #x20110017 ; NIL
  32. ; 0CA: 48C743F000000000 MOV QWORD PTR [RBX-16], 0
  33. ; 0D2: 488973E8 MOV [RBX-24], RSI
  34. ; 0D6: 4C8943E0 MOV [RBX-32], R8
  35. ; 0DA: 48894BD8 MOV [RBX-40], RCX
  36. ; 0DE: 4C894DD0 MOV [RBP-48], R9
  38. ; 0E9: B90E000000 MOV ECX, 14
  39. ; 0EE: 48892B MOV [RBX], RBP
  40. ; 0F1: 488BEB MOV RBP, RBX
  41. ; 0F4: FF5009 CALL QWORD PTR [RAX+9]
  42. ; 0F7: 4C8B4DD0 MOV R9, [RBP-48]
  43. ; 0FB: 498D4902 LEA RCX, [R9+2]
  44. ; 0FF: 4C8BC9 MOV R9, RCX
  45. ; 102: L1: 84042500001020 TEST AL, [#x20100000] ; safepoint
  46. ; 109: 4981F980841E00 CMP R9, 2000000
  47. ; 110: 7C8E JL L0
  48. ; 112: BA17001120 MOV EDX, #x20110017 ; NIL
  49. ; 117: 488BE5 MOV RSP, RBP
  50. ; 11A: F8 CLC
  51. ; 11B: 5D POP RBP
  52. ; 11C: C3 RET
  53. ; 11D: CC10 BREAK 16 ; Invalid argument count trap
  54. NIL
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