

Aug 5th, 2013
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  1. alias F12 {
  2. dialog -md form form
  3. }
  4. dialog form {
  5. title "Pokemon Showdown! to C&C Formatter"
  6. size -1 -1 175 145
  7. option dbu
  8. edit "", 1, 24 43 125 72, multi
  9. text "Paste Here", 2, 61 30 50 9, center
  10. edit "", 3, 24 18 125 10
  11. text "Set Name", 4, 61 4 50 8, center
  12. button "Done", 5, 24 123 125 12, ok
  13. }
  14. on *:dialog:form:sclick:5: {
  15. set -l %a echo -a
  16. %a [SET]
  17. %a name: $iif($did(form,3) == $null,$gettok($did(form,1,1),$calc($findtok($did(form,1,1),@,32) + 1) $+ -,32),$did(form,3))
  18. set -l %b 1
  19. while (%b <= 4) {
  20. %a move %b $+ : $gettok($did(form,1,$calc(%b + $iif($findtok($did(form,1,4),Shiny:,32),6,5))),2-,32)
  21. inc %b
  22. }
  23. %a item: $gettok($did(form,1,1),$calc($findtok($did(form,1,1),@,32) + 1) $+ -,32)
  24. %a ability: $gettok($did(form,1,2),2-,32)
  25. %a nature: $gettok($did(form,1,$iif($findtok($did(form,1,4),Shiny:,32),6,5)),1,32)
  26. %a evs: $replacecs($gettok($did(form,1,$iif($findtok($did(form,1,4),Shiny:,32),5,4)),2-,32),SAtk,SpA,SDef,SpD,Spd,Spe)
  27. }
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