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Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. Needletail-Today at 4:26 AM
  2. So just give them what they want? I'm not acting like that's what i have to do, that's what you're saying I do. I don't think it's because they're lazy I think it's a cultural thing, myself. If you think someone like me is in a position to help the homeless, the poverty and gang-ridden than you are very detached. I have no income what so ever, am working hard to graduate highschool and have no money for college. I'm not saying I do not feel sorry for people who turn to crime out of desperation, but just because that is the option they turn to does not mean that people should just accept it as their punishment for not being in a position to help them. People have their own lives to manage, and that is extremely difficult. They have to work, find a living space, pay their taxes, pay for insurance, obey the laws, find time for themselves, maybe even leisure time but most people have to work two jobs just to stay in an apartment every month. You act like these people owe people who are worse off than them stuff. Like they need to have everything handed to them.
  3. The sad fact is that there is no solution, humans breed like rabbits, you might notice that poverty ridden areas produce lots of children, most of whom will not have parents at home to raise and monitor them 24/7 and who may turn to gang influences and/or crime. The real solution here is to enact stronger anti-drug policies, up police patrols in these areas, and open more food kitchens to people who selflessly volunteer their time and work to aid the worse-off. You act like this problem could magically be fixed if people just opened their wallets to strangers. The sad thing is with the economy as it is most people are just scraping by. They cannot, physically take care of so many people. Nobody ever gave my dad handouts when he was living in his car in his 20s and you know what, he owned a house. Had to sell it but we manage to get by with four people, only one of which has a job. You want to know how? for the most part we spend what little we have responsibly and don't waste it on stupid shit. I know a family on foodstamps who just got an xbox one and a 4k big ass curve tv
  4. That is the problem, they spend money they don't have. just the other day they spent over 10 grand on a 2014 mustang, instead of food for their kids. I know plenty of other family's like them. Are they all like this? No but these are people who make the same as my family and still end up worse off because they are not responsible with their money.
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