

Apr 2nd, 2017
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  1. Kobia shamaru > there we go... keep forgetting to do this... helps keep the channel clear
  2. Kobia shamaru > so i'm guessing you just returned after a break of sorts...?
  3. Dr Leviathan > Pretty much
  4. Dr Leviathan > I play on and off when I can
  5. Kobia shamaru > looks like you mainly flew around low/nullsec.... Have you much wh experience?
  6. Dr Leviathan > a lot of solo wh stuff nothing organised
  7. Kobia shamaru > hunting/expo... that sort of thing?
  8. Dr Leviathan > yeah
  9. Kobia shamaru > how did you find us?
  10. Dr Leviathan > Benjaminekay8 is an IRL freind of mine
  11. Dr Leviathan > and since I started playing again he recommened you guys
  12. Kobia shamaru > ah ok.... that's good to know. I'll have a quick chat with him when he gets on... about you you understand.... we'll be technically talking behind your back!
  13. Dr Leviathan > He wont be on for a while, hes away shooting this weekend
  14. Dr Leviathan > But sure tahts np
  15. Dr Leviathan > thats*
  16. Kobia shamaru > ok, no worries... well i won't let that hold things up. What has he told you about us... how much do you know about Ch3ss and it's activities?
  17. Dr Leviathan > Not all that much tbh, you live in a wh and do a lot of wh stuff.
  18. Dr Leviathan > He said you guys were good fun which is why I applied
  19. Kobia shamaru > if you and Ben were to fight each other irl... who do you think would win?
  20. Dr Leviathan > Good question, im only 6'3 hes like 6'6 so hes got the reach
  21. Dr Leviathan > but I think im faster than he is
  22. Dr Leviathan > he does have the weight on me as well
  23. Dr Leviathan > Is it a clean fight or can I cheat?
  24. Kobia shamaru > only 6'3 lol and here at 5'9 like... i can haz heels?
  25. Kobia shamaru > if it's a fair fight... you're doing it wrong :P
  26. Dr Leviathan > I think I would win
  27. Kobia shamaru > ok... so if Ben steps out of line... we can set you onto him :)
  28. Dr Leviathan > Yeah, I know where he sleeps :P
  29. Kobia shamaru > /emote rubs hands together
  30. Kobia shamaru > excellente
  31. Kobia shamaru > How do you hadle opsec?
  32. Kobia shamaru > *Handle
  33. Dr Leviathan > how ever tight you guys want to keep it ill do the same
  34. Dr Leviathan > but the only people I know who play this game anymore are Ben and 2 new guys I just got started this week so I dont have anyone to tell anyway :P
  35. Kobia shamaru > is this is your only acct/char?
  36. Dr Leviathan > yeah
  37. Kobia shamaru > kk... we require an api code from you. Would you be willing to post one onto our website?
  38. Dr Leviathan > sure, as long as you can send me a link
  39. Kobia shamaru > <url=>How to add API key on our website</url>
  40. Dr Leviathan > brb 2min
  41. Kobia shamaru > kk
  42. Dr Leviathan > I've posted my api key now
  43. Kobia shamaru > ok... it'll take a while for it to update on the site. when it does i'll take a quick look, and we can go from there.
  44. Kobia shamaru > you mention 2 new guys starting.... thry rl friends as well?
  45. Dr Leviathan > yeah, Ben knows them too
  46. Kobia shamaru > literally just starting?
  47. Dr Leviathan > One just started last weekend, the others been playing for about 3months I tihnk
  48. Kobia shamaru > ok... maybe they'd like to join us at some point as well. It's good to try and keep mates together
  49. Dr Leviathan > I think thats what they would like to do
  50. Kobia shamaru > kk, if you give me their eve names, so we know who to expect... and ask them to join this channel... you can mail tham the link if its easier... <url=joinChannel:-78544559//None//None>Moderately Sober</url>
  51. Kobia shamaru > i'll let leadership know who they are so we can get to know them and help them progress/answer questions etc
  52. Dr Leviathan > they are:<br>Grimm Snark<br>Magnusson Amatin
  53. Dr Leviathan > I will get them to join next time they are online
  54. Kobia shamaru > kk... have them say hi when they join to blink the channel for us :)
  55. Dr Leviathan > np
  56. Kobia shamaru > I have to switch toons briefly... bbiab
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