
The Studio

Aug 8th, 2018
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  1. A man with short black hair covered by a white tophat and wearing a white two piece suit with far too many decorations sat at a desk across from an annoyed looking man in a blue labcoat. "So Russo, how did the Tank homunculus project go?" The man in the tophat said with a smile. "Well, it was going well until it blew itself up and took Ricci with it." The man laughed. "Well that's unfortunate! Did you get the Changelings to clean up the mess?" "Yes, I did. One of them got too close to the Singing Flesh cages though. We managed to tranquilize it though and get the flesh back." The man smiled. "Good, good. I would hate to have to kidnap someone just to replace that." Russo nodded. "Alright, I'll get back to work now. I found the tank gun and I'm thinking we could attach it to an Integrator." The Curator grinned. "I love it! Get on that and you'll get a 50% raise!" "Sir 50 percent of 0 is still 0." He laughed again. "Exactly!" Russo shook his head and walked away.
  3. The Curator stood infront of a logo of a snake eating it's own tail and smiled as the Changeling film crew turned on the camera. "I've been the leader of Ouroboros for about 50 years now. I know, I look very good for my age." He starts walking towards the production floor where dozens of people in various bright outfits worked on different projects. "As you can see, we have many wonderful artists here to help us." He walks over to a woman in a red coat. "Ah! Here we have one of our lead artists, Rosaline DeLuca. She's been with us for a while now. How are you doing Rosie?" "I told you not to call me Rosie." She said bluntly. He laughed. "Wonderful, wonderful. Any new Homunculi you've thought up?" She brushed her long black hair out of her face. "Yeah, it's an idea called the Gorgon. General idea is it would hide in a swarm of other similar Homunculi and anyone it looks at gets frozen in place." He beamed. "I love it! Let me know what you come up with for implementation!" He grinned and walked away
  5. "I think it's obvious I'm the best boss these people can have. I mean here, let's ask Percy. HEY PERCY! GET IN HERE!" "COMING SIR!" A man with a plain pink suit ran in. "Tell the fine camera how great of a boss I am!" Percy looked towards the camera. "He lets us work with as much material as we want and he's just hilarious!" "See?"
  7. A man in a black suit hummed as he set Homunculi in cages into the back of a van and a man in a highlighter yellow coat stared at him with annoyance. The footage cuts to to yellow coated man being interviewed by the camera. "I'm Romano, I've worked here for about 20 years now. My job is to help with Homunculus distribution and the collection of fresh materials." The footage cuts back to the two men loading the van. Romani is talking to someone when he hears a yelp from the van and looks over to see the other man squeezing two flesh hounds into a cage together. "What are you doing?!" "We each got to take 3 cages each for Homunculi, you put two of your flesh hounds in separate cages, one of which was mine." "But you're only bringing two Homunculi!" "I dont care, these are Alfonsi's crates, not Romano's crates." Romani sighed.
  9. The Curator stood in the doorway of the conference room. "ALL OUROBOROS MEMBERS PLEAE REPORT! WE HAVE A MEETING~" Everyone groaned and went into the room and sat down. "Alright everyone, we got some wonderful news! We're almost ready to start messing with The Foundation again!" Everyone perked up a bit. "That's right! And to celebrate, I recruited us all a new artist! Everyone, meet Bianchi!" A woman in a green labcoat walked into the room and waved a little. "This isn't gonna be a long meeting, just letting you know about the new artist and telling you all to work hard for our big return!" Everyone actually looked a little happy for once.
  11. The Curator walked over with Bianchi to Alfonsi working by his pottery wheel. "Alfonsi, this is Bianchi! She's going to help research more chemically interesting Homunculi!" Alfonsi smiled. "Good to meet you! I'm the one in charge of making sure our Homunculi do what we tell them too." He reached into a drawer by his desk and frowned. "Goddamit ROMANI!" The Curator tilted his head curiously. "What's wrong?" Alfonsi pulled a block of ice out of his drawer with a chisel in it. "Romani put my tools in ice again!"
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