
unfin kanyavore drabble

Apr 29th, 2013
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  1. >kanaya finding herself alone on the side of a highway, having walked several miles en route to rose's house, due to a complicated and extremely unfortunate mishap involving a credit card chargeback and every taxi driver in the city being a douchebag; she's sore, exhausted and hungry, and despite grudgingly raising her thumb to every vehicle that happened to pass by in the last two hours not a single motorist was willing to help her, probably on account of being a impeccably fashionable horned grey vampire
  3. >her mood had gone from mildly irritated to miserable to stressful until finally she felt the last of her patience snap and her almost-mechanical pace freeze in place, swearing on her ravenously growling stomach and the dull ache in her entire body that she was going to get help from the next person to pass her by, fingers clenching her lipstick as she stood on the side of the road and stared ahead waiting, motionless in the dim light of the setting sun
  5. >said person turned out to be a young male on a motorcycle, his head fully obscured by his helmet and wearing an expensively sporty jacket; the lights of his ride meant she saw him coming from a distance, and though he was aware of the odd figure on the road his brain didn't quite register her fully until she had lurched into his path, fangs bared and chainsaw swinging directly towards him
  7. >thankfully she hadn't actually turned it on, instead opting to let him fly straight into the broad side of the weapon as he passed, but she was strong enough to easily bash him off the moving motorbike and send him toppling onto his back as the bike continued on without him and crashed off the road several yards away
  9. >her first instict was to try and firmly but politely demand he assist her, keeping her temper in check, but as soon as she approached the groaning, stunned figure, her olfactory cavities picked up the scent of greased meat and she stared directly him, the poor bastard having made the ill-fated decision to visit a local deli take-out before passing her by and slathering himself in the delicious scents of hams, porks and sausages
  11. >exhausted, starving and very much at the end of her rope, it wasn't surprising that the comparatively-petite troll abandonded any sort of diplomatic procedure and grabbed him by the shoulders, shoving his helmeted head into her maw with reckless abandon and almost instantly feeling her knees buckle at the residual flavors of the deli, even as he desperately tried to shove away from her and his neck grazed her pinpoint fangs
  13. >both of her eyes rolled back as his shoulders slipped into her gullet, his designer jacket adding somewhat unwelcome padding to his figure and causing her to struggle slightly to fit him in; as she went down, her mouth filled with metallic flavor and a combination of cigarette smoke and meat juices, adding another layer of decadent enjoyment to her makeshift meal
  15. >he was screaming and kicking as she began on his legs, his upper body forcing a massive bulge in her abdomen and causing her grey belly to peek out of her shirt, and she used her own swelling midriff as a rest to force more of him down, clawed hands digging into his ankles as she shoved, pushed and groaned in time with her straining mass until finally she reached his shoes, spreading her thighs to let her belly expand further below her and her torso contort to trap him within
  17. >one of his shoes was all that remained of the young man once she was done, though with how much he was kicking and squirming it wasn't surprising when the ex-petite jadeblood heaved and let out a massive, masculine, deep and throaty belch with enough force to send the second shoe out of her throat, esophagus squelching and pushing it up as she expelled the less-than-tasty footwear, followed by another series of moaning, sickly-sounding burps that tried but failed to remove any mor e of his clothing, though for all the alarming sounds her body was making she didn't quite seem to mind the scenario until her mind regained its senses and she began thinking about her original plan
  19. >the entire person inside her horribly distended frame had finally stopped struggling, the lack of air remaining within her gut after her burping nowhere near enough to sustain him, and as she struggled to get onto her feet she realized she had forgotten one critical component: the keys to the bike, which were still in the man's pocket, and thus trapped within her stomach; as much as she wanted to cling to the overwhelming fullness that was sending electric sparks of pleasure throughout her body, she knew she wouldn't last much longer if she had to keep walking, and thus she was at the mercy of her internals to sort things out
  21. >biting her lip, she pressed both hands down into the uppermost swell of her stomach, lying on her front and pushing at the bulge in her belly to try and force her victim further downwards; the gurgling and groaning gave way to strained, airy squelching as her digestive <writing muse runs out>
  23. yes i know theres a glaring plot hole shush
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