
Sarkith X'og Rokum: The Demon Ruler Successor

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. Rank Name: Demon Ruler
  2. Race: Demon
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  4. Amount of Those with Rank: 1/1
  5. Rank Alignment: ?!?!?
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  7. Ingame Name: Sarkith X'og Rokum
  8. Ingame Key: Rhetorical Writer
  10. RP Goal: Successive Overseer of Hell. their main duty is to make sure everything is running smoothly.
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  13. Backstory for Rank:
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  15. Sarkith has been serving as Sarasha's Right Hand for years, only to fall to slumber. Upon awakening to a turned reality, he is met by Sarasha and informed that he has been entrusted with the responsibility of ruling over Hell. Though, shortly after being provided the rank, the former Demon Queen was dispatched by the Half-Kai Yang-- Forcing Sarkith to become the sole, unchallenged Demon Lord of Hell.
  17. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  19. *Sarasha jabs Sarkith's chest. Her fingers are inches into him. Both of them would emit a hazy light. It was noticable that the haze was being transfered to Sarkith.
  21. "I deem you worthy of ruling hell itself. Do not forget who you are, what you are and where you came from." Sarasha declared.
  23. It seems Sarasha had transfered some experience and power to Sarkith. As minimal that power was, the experience was given as a guideline.
  25. "Seek out my library. Only you may lay your eyes on it. There are many other subjects than time that will grasp your attention. I'm sure of it. " Later continuing. Sarasha raised a hand to each Aliester and Chirei. A vibrant light flew from her hands and entered each of them. Those Majinized symbols shattered from them each.*
  27. =======================================================================================================================================
  29. RP Example of Rank:
  31. *Sarkith X'og Rokum ||
  32. Years of slumber...
  33. Resting up, and feeding on souls so that he could achieve his true purpose, to follow through on the promise he made when he first initiated his contract with Sarasha... Only to come to this.
  35. He had happened across the Hollow that allowed him to meet Sarasha, no longer in the grandiose splender he had recognized her as... But now, a fading husk.
  36. All of his hard work...
  37. All of his dedication...
  38. His strife... His motivation...
  40. She was fading, and there was nothing he could do about it. The only purpose he had ever been given was dissipating before his eyes... And it was all the fault of...
  41. His eyes found Yang, but he could not see the man before him any longer.
  42. He could only see the flashbacks...
  44. The flashbacks of Strike assailing him in Hell...
  45. The flashbacks of the nuclear assaults on Hell...
  46. The flashbacks of the saiyans and kaios assaulting Hell...
  47. The flashbacks of the numerous setbacks beings like this caused them.
  49. One... After... Another...
  50. Failure... After... Failure...
  51. And now... This.
  53. Sarkith, was shaking...
  54. The atmosphere tremored in its presence, grass turning over to a crisp yellow, igniting in the fledgling Hell Lord's wake.
  55. From a watering eye, came a tear of blood.
  57. "No..." He murmured...
  58. His voice now coupled with the cacophonous harmony of the thousands of souls he had consumed in his lifetime within the depths of Hell.
  59. "You mortals... Kaios... Fools abroad..." He started, "You took.... everything... from me... From us..." He spoke for Hell's kin... Yet, even so, he was vastly outpowered, too weak to stand up to something like Yang.
  61. Despite this, he took a step further, shattering the earth with his footfall. The excessive weight he bared from soul consumption shown in the tremor that complemented it. The burning embers of the underworld emanated from the splitting leylines below. A drop of blood fell to the ground: Sarkith's tear.
  63. "... Now..."
  65. "We...." He paused, lowering his head to cast shadow over his visage.
  66. "I.... have... nothing..."
  68. The skies grew dark, pried at by the supernatural anchor of Hell's abyss. "--and so... Now, I will stop... at nothing..." The emerald hues that pierced the shadows landed their yellow halo'd pupils unto Yang-- Seeking his soul.
  71. "YOUR LOVED ONES. YOUR REALM. YOUR TIMELINE. YOUR LIFE. YOUR WORLD AND EVERYTHING WITH IT, WILL SUFFER FOR YOUR ACTIONS." The explosion of fury came in the form of volcanic eruption below, engulfing the black figure in uprising magma-- Rendered to naught but shadow amidst the blinding light of molten earth and magma.*
  73. *Yang || It was easy to see that Yang was getting fatigued from the battles that were coming and Sarkith was no push-over either. He'd taken after Sarasha afterall but this was not a war that he wanted with the guy either. He clenched his fist as he kept the force under control as he fought the demon. "Listen..That hatred you have right now is not going to get you anywhere. She came for me and in that same act I defended myself. An entity like herself has now been purified." He appeared to be calm but under all of that he was confused about all the memories he just went under. His friends were safe from her wrath and maybe things could somewhat resume what it once was, but now he may have just stirred new enemies. "Leave now..and return to Hell. I'm tired of fighting."
  75. *Sarkith X'og Rokum ||
  76. Yet again, it made no difference...
  77. Down he fell, back due to drag across the verdant grassland and scar the prarie side with a elongated cylindrical crater.
  78. He had failed yet again... He had failed Sarasha in her final hour.
  80. He wasn't worthy of the title bestowed upon him...
  81. How could he, if he couldn't even take on Yang?
  82. Nothing, had changed...
  83. And from the pit he laid within, he heard Yang's voice-- He heard, words spoken from a victor... As though, the daemon's moot efforts would ultimately be destined for failure.
  85. He didn't win...
  86. He couldn't win...
  87. And it infuriated him...
  88. All he could think about...
  89. All he could see...
  90. -- Was him...
  92. He took away what mattered most to Sarkith: The final straw that broke this metaphorical camel's back.
  94. Yang's power...
  95. Yang's technique...
  96. Yang's physical form and being...
  97. It was all that Sarkith could think about... All that ran within his head.
  98. He grew sickly obsessed, disgusted that mortals would come to taunt him time and time again-- with this final blow from what he percieved to be....
  100. "--an... Abomination..." He uttered to himself, blood splattered past his lips. He was too quiet to make much of an announcement. It'd take effort to actually hear what he had to say from the crater he glared from within.
  101. A supernatural being, meant to be as perfect as demon kin: it's parallel... Tainted by mortal soul and flesh.
  103. It was wrong all on levels... Vile... Inexcusable.
  104. "I... Will not stop..." He muttered to himself.
  105. "I... will never stop..." He winced, vision fading as Yang's figure seemed to double and blur.
  106. "You... Mortals... Mortals and Kaios alike. You ruin my vision... You ruin our vision... Sarasha... She only wanted balance, but she shied from what needed to be done..." He couldn't help himself.
  107. His hatred, was unyeilding...
  109. "... I... Won't... " He was practically shaking...
  110. How could he contain himself?
  111. "Mark my words... Yang. You will rue the day... Rue the day you took everything that mattered... to me..." He wheezed, troubled with his breathing...
  112. Though, it was clear, he wasn't a physical threat any longer... Not like this.*
  114. Yang: Your master started this and brought it upon herself. She's killed my friends and family. She's come for us just as much as we have for her. Now I have given her the change she so desperately seeked. I once wanted to keep the Balance. But I see now no matter how much violence. No matter how much power I have. No matter how much good I want to do, it won't help. I've gotten rid of the one person who hurt us the most only for you to show up.
  115. Yang: So If it means that you will hunt me down..I understand your hatred because in the same position you are in now, So was I.
  116. Sarkith X'og Rokum: The sins committed by the impure, must be cleansed.
  117. Sarkith X'og Rokum: Speak however, and whatever you'd like.
  118. Yang: Hm...
  119. Sarkith X'og Rokum: In the end, history is still in stone. You can not change what has occured.
  120. Sarkith X'og Rokum: --and so, <*coughs up blood*>
  121. Sarkith X'og Rokum: <*grits teeth*>... and... so...
  122. *Yang // The Demon was right and in that same manner he had to remove a threat without destroying the balance in that same way. He should kill him now but he knows the task itself wouldn't be easy. He was in no condition to begin another chase. Instead he could buy peace sometime.
  124. "You're right."
  126. His words echo as he began to zanzoken at a rapid pace. His right arm drawn back attempting bring Sarkith to his knees from a rapid pace assault. Should he manage to bring him down he would stare at the male with his pure blue eyes.
  128. "I cannot undo your hatred but I can ensure that we have this time of peace."
  130. He wanted to be able to live without having to look over his shoulder. He wanted to bring his friends back to the realm of the living where they could live out there lives. With Sarasha gone and no longer able to hunt them, it was possible. He wouldn't give Sarkith that chance to ruin it nor would he kill him.
  132. Should he manage to bring the Demon Male down, he would focus his energy into his right hand and slam it into Sarkith's chest forming a Kanji that would act as a way of temporarily binding him to Hell until he may have built the energy to break it on his own or it would wear off.*
  133. *Sarkith X'og Rokum , already battered and bruised... Couldn't hope to even stand up to the now-charging Yang. What hatred he had, was cemented...
  134. The high-speed movement executed by the exhausted Yang was exercised seemlessly-- Flawless.
  135. The punches... The combos, chained in, one after the other.
  137. He had strained to rise up, despite his numerous injuries only to feel their embrace. Between the half-kaio's lunges into his abdomen, he singed the feeling into his flesh. The pain... This pain...
  138. It would not be forgotten. This was the grinding of salt against the wound.
  139. This wasn't mercy...
  140. This was humiliation, and agony.
  142. To the victor, came the spoils-- And to Sarkith, this was the victor's reward.
  143. A punch to his gut left the world drowned away, his body swayed in slow-motion, but his mind, turning as it always has.
  145. "This is what it feels like, to be worthless..."
  146. Another fist dragged his head offwards, his eyes now looking off into the distant horizon.
  147. "--To be powerless..."
  148. A kick swatted him offwards to the opposing side, gattling him against the ground to spin him off its surface akin to a skipped pebble against a pond.
  149. Alas, his face dragged into the dirt, eyes forced closed and head carving its own cylindrical crater.
  151. He came to a stop, now resting on his front... Approached by Yang, intent on finishing the job.
  152. "To fail, outward to the very end..." He commented, embracing the burn across his face... Listening for the footsteps that came with Yang's advance to his fallen form... His words...
  154. Sarkith strained himself to flip over, if only, to look up to the being that had dropped him so. He couldn't bring himself to showcase fury nor anger... Only a blank facade remained, too tired to even think beyond sensation.
  155. "... It.... stings...." He saw the victor lower themself to place a hand upon his chest.
  157. This... Was a binding...
  158. A technique that'd banish him to the depths of Hell from whence he came. He could feel the burning feeling engulf him... Though, it did not agonize him any longer... For how could he feel pain now?
  159. Had he not suffered enough?
  161. Through flames... Came the ebonic abyss... And unto him, it collapsed, leaving him in freefall into oblivion.
  162. Down he fell...
  163. All the way to underworld.*
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