
Argue with compliments

Dec 3rd, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was in the bathroom with her body bent over the tub, the water on as she proceeded to wash the dye out of her hair. She'd started off by coming into the bathroom for the better acoustics to try to learn the Dashboard song, but somewhere along the lines she'd gotten frustrated with how behind she really was in leaarning the music. By this point, she'd abandoned her laptop on the bathroom counter and the entire room now smells like bleach and dye as she furiously tried to rinse her hair clean.-
  2. Covet: Felix had been in the office working on some stuff for the gallery, chewing on a toothpic. Looking down at the time, he frowned. "Where the hell did the evening go. Where the hell is Steph?" He asked to the two cats, Harley and Hugo, one looking mostly innocent, the other looking judgemental af. "Don't give me that look, I was working. Rude Cat." He said as he got up and walked into the living room seeing no Steph. "Red...Calling Red!" He called out, then smelled something funny, and followed it to the bedroom, "Do I want to know what is going on in here?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Lifting her head from the water, her hair sopping wet, but visibly a different color than when she'd gone into the bathroom a couple hours ago, she turned and blinked through the water now running down her face. "I'm... uh...." She stammered, shifting to sit down on her butt next to the tub.-
  4. Covet: "Are you okay?" He asked as he came around the corner, "It smells... chemical in here. What are you doing?" Felix asked her then looked at her hair, "Is there a tub monster that sucked all the color out of your hair?"
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed her wet hair back out of her face, chewing on her lower lip as she sat staring at him. "There..... was.. yes. That's exactly what happened."-
  6. Covet: "Well why didn't you say something...I can't exactly call you Red, without your Red. Though... I am interested as to how that's going to look when it's dry. " He told her with a smile coming to sit on the toilet.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Red wasnt working." She said glumly, moving her fingers to run through the now gray locks. "I just... I didnt feel like I could do anything right as myself. I needed a change. I need to be someone else for a little while."-
  8. Covet: Felix frowned and looked at her. "What do you mean? You haven't been doing anything wrong."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She gave him a look and then dropped her hands like dead weight into her lap. "I just started to learn the music for the Dashboard song tonight and I have to fly out to record it on Saturday. I can't get the melody right, I can't remember the lyrics... I'm supposed to jump into a video call with them tomorrow to go over it together and I'm so unprepared. And on top of that I talked to the label today and they asked me what I've written lately becaause they want us to jump right into recording again as soon as we're done promoting the new album so we stay relevent. But I haven't written anything..."-
  10. Covet: "There's nothing wrong with any of that. You just need some more time. It's okay." Felix told her "I read something recently about how to commit things to long term memory on the internet the other day." He added.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "No one cares if I need more time. I'm the only one who cares." She said with a pout, lifting her eyes to stare at him. "Do you remember what it actually said?"-
  12. Covet: "Have you asked anyone if you could get more time?" He asked her, "Yeah I think... most of it. You read what you want to be memorized, then say it out loud. Then fifteen to twenty minutes later, you do it again. Then you wait for for six to eight hours to repeat it again, after twenty four hours you do your fourth repetition. That's how to do it quickly, there's a way to remember things for a long time, but it's a bit of a different time schedule where the last one you wait to repeat it for two to three months."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I don't even have twenty four hours..." She started, frowning deeply. "Well no... but that's so unprofessional. They sent it to me over a week ago and I havent had time to start it until now. And i can't say that becaause who's going to want to work with me aagain after something like that?"-
  14. Covet: "No, what's unprofessional is showing up in a call in a near panic and messing it up. " Felix told her then rubbed his hands on his face after listening to her. " I'm going to be brutally honest with you for a second, but I mean everything I say in the best light, Okay?"
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She chewed on the inside of her cheek, nodding her head. "Okay... but that's how you preface a conversation that you intend to just shit all over someone."-
  16. Covet: "I'm not going to shit on you. If anything I'm going to give you a verbal mirror. I just wanted to warn you." Felix said. "Firstly...the people that are going to work with you, are those who understand that sometimes life catches up with people, and those that can garuntee to pick up the slack and can follow through. Which I know you can." He said. "Now... as for these failures you speak of...Where I understand that it is stressful and frustrating, where is moping about it on the bathroom floor getting you?"
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I wasn't moping." She shot back defensively, furrowing her brows. "I was making myself feel better in a completely healthy and expressive way. I've done no harm to myself or anyone around me." She considered his words, giving a shrug. "Most of these people do this full time. Their work gets to come first. I have to juggle for the time being."-
  18. Covet: "This is true, but you're still moping.. while doing that." Felix told her. " You're right, but they didn't always used to do this. And they were in your shoes at one point to. So I'm sure they would understand more than you think they would. But... you get it into your adorable head, that you've already failed before you even try everything."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but Dashboard? They've been in the industry and the real deal for the last twenty years or so. There's no way they can possibly remember this feeling and having to go through this. And what happens if i try to tell them I need more time and they decide they dont have more time and ask someone else? It's not like I can take it back once I say it."-
  20. Covet: " Stop it. If they've been in the industry that long, then they probably understand more than anyone. They probably still have that issue from time to time too. It's a human thing, not a you thing." he shook his head, "If they wanted someone else, they would have asked someone else. They wouldn't give up on you after one thing like this...They might give up on you if you show up without knowing anything. And they might be able to help you with the melody." Felix added. "You stress yourself out over things that haven't even happened, and probably wont happen. You can't give up before you try."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I am trying..." She mumbled, pushing up to her feet. "I haven't given up. I just needed a breather, which I took and now I have all intentions of sitting down and learning this song if I have to do it until the sun comes up. It's not fair of you to say that my fears and concerns probably won't happen because you don't know any more than I do."-
  22. Covet: "You're right. It's not fair, but it's not fair for you to be so hard on yourself like this. You're making yourself miserable over possibilities and concerns, that you don't even know if you should be having yet." Felix told her. "I'm not saying you call them and give them excuses, I'm saying, do the responsible thing and tell them that things got a little hectic with life and midterms. And school is something that takes priority at times, especially where you're trying to graduate, so that you can focus on this full time. Take responsibility for it and give them a solution to reassure them."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I am giving them a solution. Learn the fucking song." She said, pushing her hands back through her wet hair. She walked to the vanity, leaning down to pull her hairdryer out from under the cabinet and plugging it in. "This is what I've always done and things always work out." Turning the hair dryer on, she turned it toward her hair, starting to dry that shit.-
  24. Covet: "Fine. Then stress yourself out, make yourself miserable and show them that you're failing, instead of making it a little easier on yourself. If you want to learn everything the hard way, then who am I to suggest something that could be better." Felix told her loudly. "By the way, how did that focus technique work out for you the other day?" He asked as if to make a point.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her eyes to the mirror so she could look at his reflection without having to turn around. "Both of our techniques worked perfectly fine. Your technique is better suited to sating your mind and that's why we went with that one. That doesn't mean that what I was doing wasn't helping me focus too."-
  26. Covet: "Yeah sure." Felix said rolling his eyes at her being contrary for the sake of being contrary. "I'm going to be in the living room. I'm not going to sit here and butt heads with you over this when you've clearly already made your mind up about it."
  27. Alexithymiaa: -With her hair mostly dry, she turned the hairdryer off and set it down on the counter, turning around to face him. "So because I won't just give in and say you're right when there are multiple solutions to this problem, you'd rather walk away? You don't always get to be right about everything, Felix." She spoke sternly like a fucking hypocrite.-
  28. Covet: "The fact that you wont even consider it, is what is annoying. You won't even try it because you're so insistent that your way will work, and you're right. Regardless of the fact that you could be feeling a lot better about all of it." He told her flatly.
  29. Covet: SHIT!]
  30. Covet: *" I know I'm not right about everything. I'm not saying that I am. But fuck me for trying to help make you feel better about it by offering another solution, Right?" He said walking out of the bathroom.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "I did consider it. And then I told you the issues with doing that and jeopardizing this job with your solution." She set her jaw, getting more irritated that he walked away from her when she wasnt done throwing a temper tantrum. "You're not trying to helpe me feel better, you're trying to get me to make a bunch of excuses to people who have deadlines of their own. I'm not this hot commodity. I'm a dime a dozen and they can turn around and find another female vocalist at the drop of a hat. I need them more than they need me and I don't want to give them a reason to realize that."-
  32. Covet: "No, I'm not. I'm trying to get you to stop putting yourself in this shitty place every time you come up short, instead of thinking of other ways you can make it happen for you. You don't know if it will or wont help, because you refuse to try it. Considering it and trying it are two different things. "You want to be a tired mess tomorrow that might forget the things, instead of being honest and letting them know. Then fine that's on you. And if you could stop shitting on my girlfriend, by saying she's not something unique and just another dime in the coin sack. That would be great too, because if she wasn't something at least a little special, she wouldn't be where she's at in life today." He said before walking out of the bedroom and into the living room, flopping on to the couch, grabbing the remote, finding the Grinch and watching it out of pure spite at this point.
  33. Alexithymiaa: -She just stood there as he walked away because she couldnt even be mad about it considering he left it off by literally complimenting her. "FINE!" She yelled out because she had literally nothing left to say, grabbing her laptop and dropping down to sit down on the floor so she could try to work on singing this song some more.-
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