
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 122

Mar 4th, 2014
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  1. [15:40] <Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:40] <Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:41] <Kjell> -Session 122-
  4. [15:41] <Kjell> Kjell and Kahree had an interesting time meeting with a Bronze Dragon in an old, abandoned temple dedicated to Sarenrae on their first day scouting out the area surrounding what was to become their new settlement
  5. [15:42] <Kjell> Early in the second day, they came across a collosal black shelled scorpion, ineffectively lying in wait for them, which has now chosen to attack with its cover blown.
  6. [15:51] <Kahree> Kahree frowns, holding her hand to her chest. After a moment of mumbling, she's invisible, still standing next to Kjell.
  7. [15:53] <Kjell> The Scorpion sees Kahree Vanish, and can feel her weight shifting against the sand. However, there was a larger bit of prey that it could still see right in front of it. It scuttles forward and jabs at Kjell twice with its stinger.
  8. [15:58] <Kjell> Kjell's armour reduces the impact of the stings, but he feels the scorpions rather potent venom working its way into his system.
  9. [16:01] * Kjell staggers a bit, realizing that his strength of arms was diminished by the powerful poison. He would have to focus on his magic to deal with this thing. He raises his spell arm and unleashes a heat draining cone of cold energy
  10. [16:03] <Kjell> The Scorpion wriggles and flails, seething under the unfamiliar and very painful draining of heat
  11. [16:05] * Kjell attempts to strike the Scorpion at the same time, figuring that it was worth a shot, even if he was weakened
  12. [16:07] <Kjell> Kjell's black blade manages to penetrate the Scorpion's carapace twice, but his strength fails him as he fails to breach it a third time
  13. [16:09] * Kahree reveals herself as she maneuvers behind the scorpion, bashing at its chitinous plates!
  14. [16:11] <Kjell> Kahree manages to find a soft spot between the chitinous plates and gets a nice squishing in
  15. [16:11] <Kjell> The Scorpion flails and moves its Stringer to jab at Kahree, while attempting to pin Kjell with its claws.
  16. [16:14] <Kjell> [Redact]
  17. [16:14] <Kjell> The Scorpion flails and ignores Kjell for a moment, trying to debilitate Kahree with its poison as well
  18. [16:20] <Kjell> Kahree takes two nasty jabs from the stinger, the poison coursing quickly through her
  19. [16:22] <Kahree> Kahree growls, wincing as the poison sinks into her veins.
  20. [16:23] <Kjell> Kjell teeters, struggling to deal with the poison. They needed to put this thing down now. He unleashes a lightning bolt with all of his power behind it
  21. [16:25] <Kjell> He follows through with a few more swings of his sword when he sees that the beast just barely survived the lightning bolt
  22. [16:26] <Kjell> The Scorpion proves terribly tenacious, and continues hanging on to life after Kjell nicks it again
  23. [16:28] <Kahree> Kahree continues bashing the chitin of the scorpion, hoping to end its life before it can do more damage.
  24. [16:31] <Kjell> Kahree pulps as much of the Scorpion as she can reach until it stops twitching
  25. [16:33] <Kahree> Kahree groans, kicking the corpse. "Fuck..." She looks to Kjell, putting away her weaponry and holding out her hand. "I can teleport us back... so someone can remove this poison."
  26. [16:34] <Kjell> Kjell goes rigid and falls backwards, paralyzed
  27. [16:35] <Kahree> Kahree also falls, unable to get up as her muscles fail her!
  28. [16:35] <Kjell> Kahree's strength leaves her as she can't fight off the poison
  29. [16:40] * Kjell sees Kahree fall and quickly tries to think of what he can do. The Scorpion was dead at least, so he had time to think. He had his teleportation prepared, but without being in contact with her he couldn't bring her with him.
  30. [16:41] * Kjell is very glad that Teleportation requires no somatic gestures to use. He didn't know if Samaritha could teleport, and she certainly couldn't cure their poison. He could teleport himself back to the Silken Veil and have Kilarra purge the poison, but that would leave him unable to get back to Kahree quickly enough.
  31. [16:46] * Kjell gets an idea. He focuses as much as he can muster and teleports himself back to the temple of Sarenrae from the day before.
  32. [16:47] <Kjell> Gunthirax is sleeping in his sand pile, but blinks. "I know that smell." He stirs and stands up, looking to see the immobile Kjell suddenly appeared in the middle of the isle. He strides over to him. "Are you alright?"
  33. [16:48] <Kjell> Kjell can't shake his head, but at least he can speak. "No. Very bad scorpion venom. Can't move. Kahree unconscious, maybe dead. Can you bring her back here?"
  34. [16:48] <Kjell> Gunthirax looks sympathetic, and nods, "That is most unfortunate. Where is she?"
  35. [16:49] <Kjell> Kjell tells the brass dragon their approximate location. "Please hurry."
  36. [16:50] <Kjell> The Brass Dragon nods and spreads his wings, taking off thorugh the temple door. After a couple hours of flying over the area, he spies the large carapace of the dead scorpion. He sets down, and looks around it for Kahree. Mercifully, the scorpions body blocked the wind from burying her in the sand, and he gently pickes her up and tosses her limp form over his back.
  37. [16:51] <Kjell> Gunthirax flies Kahree back to the temple and lays her down next to Kjell, before addressing him. "I can hear her heart beating, so she's alive, but I'm afraid I can't do anything to help you."
  38. [16:52] * Kjell looks relieved nonethelss. "It may take a while for us to recover without the aid of a priest. Would it be too much to ask for your aid again?"
  39. [16:53] <Kjell> Gunthirax nods, "Well, you are welcome as guests in my home while you recuperate. I am glad to see you both are alive. Which is remarkable, considering the size of that thing. Thrice my size or more."
  40. [16:56] <Kjell> Gunthirax is as good as his word, keeping watch over the temple doors while his two new friends recuperate. He felt proud of himself for coming to their aid
  41. [16:56] <Kjell> It takes a day, but as the poison begins to work its way out of their systems, eventually Kjell and Kahree regain a little bit of mobility/consciousness
  42. [16:58] * Kjell starts by wiggling the finger of his spell arm, gradually moving up to his hand, then his arm. His movements are sluggish, but at least he's capable of them again
  43. [16:58] <Kjell> Kahree regains consciousness (just barely) after the day passes
  44. [16:59] <Kahree> Kahree groans, not feeling like getting up. She turns her head and looks to Kjell. "Where... are we?"
  45. [17:00] * Kjell looks relieved to hear Kahree talk; "Gunthirax's temple. I teleported here because he was the closest ally I could think of wit hthe capacity to retrieve you, and he was generous enoguh to do so."
  46. [17:01] * Kahree nods weakly, moving her head slightly to look for the dragon.
  47. [17:02] <Kjell> Gunthirax strides over to the two of them, "Welcome back to the waking realm. How are you faring?"
  48. [17:03] * Kahree tries to shrug, but... too much effort. "Not that great. Really tired, but... thanks."
  49. [17:04] <Kjell> Gunthirax nods, "Well, I am glad to see you are alright."
  50. [17:05] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "We need to go somewhere and get ourselves restored. Do you have any recommendations? I can prepare us to teleport more than once today, if needed."
  51. [17:06] * Kahree nods, taking several moments to sit up straight. "And I can teleport us three times." she groans at the effort of moving, then looks pointedly at her boots.
  52. [17:08] * Kjell nods, "Ah yes, your boots. Of course." He gingerly reaches into his sachel, but starts off by getting out some rations first. He was hungry."
  53. [17:09] <Kjell> Gunthirax looks at the two of them, "Will you be alright?"
  54. [17:11] * Kahree nods. "I think we will be, yeah." She glances at Kjell's pack. "Have any extra rations?"
  55. [17:12] * Kjell slowly eats his makeshift meal. "We are well enough to move, but not well enough to travel normally. Mercifully, we posess means of magical transportation." He passes Kahree a piece of bread and some hard tack. It wasn't exactly flavourful, but it would be filling
  56. [17:13] <Kahree> "Thanks," Kahree replies as she takes her meal, nibbling on it to regain some of her strength.
  57. [17:16] <Kjell> Gunthirax nods, "Are your companions aware of your situation?"
  58. [17:18] * Kahree shakes her head.
  59. [17:21] * Kjell looks to Gunthirax, "Thank you. For helping Kahree. Words are insufficient to express my gratitude."
  60. [17:21] <Kjell> Gunthirax smiles, "Well, it was a bit sudden, but a good friend should lend aid when in need."
  61. [17:22] * Kahree nods, giving the dragon a small smile. "As we said before, you'll be welcome always if our town is set up."
  62. [17:25] <Kjell> Gunthirax gives an odd sweeping bow, "I thank you as well then for your hospitality in return."
  63. [17:27] * Kjell finishes eating and pulls out his spell book. As he prepares his spells, he looks to Kahree, "Is there anywhere nearby we could find clerical aid, or should we go all the way back to the Silken Veil and hope Kilarra has the right spells prepared otday?" He chuckles ab it
  64. [17:28] * Kahree shakes her head. "I'd say going back to the Silken Veil would be better."
  65. [17:28] * Kjell nods, "Alright. Should we go back to the settlement first and tell them, or just get ourselves fixed up first?"
  66. [17:30] <Kahree> "How many teleports do you think we'll need?"
  67. [17:31] * Kjell considers. "If we go to the Veil first, then back to the settlement, we'll only need two, but three would let us go there, then to the veil, then back."
  68. [17:34] * Kahree nods. "Then lets go back to the camp first. We have enough."
  69. [17:35] * Kjell nods and spends the next hour getting his spells ready, letting Kahree relax a bit. He closes his spellbook and gingerly stands up. "Ready?"
  70. [17:36] * Kahree nods, standing with a bit of effort. "Ready enough."
  71. [17:37] * Kjell nods and takes her hand. He looks to Gunthirax once more, "Thank you again."
  72. [17:38] * Kahree smiles to Gunthirax, repeating Kjell's sentiment. "Thanks."
  73. [17:39] <Kjell> Gunthirax bows his head, "You are welcome."
  74. [17:40] * Kjell waits for Kahree to use her boots, since that seemed to be what she implied with three teleports
  75. [17:43] * Kahree clicks her heels and they're off!
  76. [17:43] <Kjell> ~pop~
  77. [17:44] <Kjell> The two of then arrive near the shore. The Flying Cloud has departed, all of their supplies unloaded. In the three days since they left, the workers have set up a tent city, organized the supplies, and erected a central pavillion from which to organize their efforts. Presently, that pavillion is where Smaritha is currently looking over some maps
  78. [17:47] * Kjell lends what strength he has to help support Kahree, while his own lack of dexterity makes for slow, clumsy walking
  79. [17:48] * Kahree tries to help Kjell not fall over as much as herself as they make their way to Samaritha.
  80. [17:49] <Kjell> Samaritha gasps as she looks up and sees them. "Goodness! What happened to you two?!"
  81. [17:50] <Kahree> "Giant scorpion," Kahree frowns. "We just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry... since we need to go to the Veil for a healer."
  82. [17:51] * Kjell chuckles weakly, "A rather large and nasty scorpion took its toll on us." He nods to Kahree. "We should be back before the end of the day, but other than that, we seemed to have covered the lion's share of the area around here."
  83. [17:52] <Kjell> Samaritha looks anxious, nodding, "Alright... just so long as you're safe. I had been expecting you to come back soon. I'm just glad you're well enough to have gotten away from such trouble."
  84. [17:52] * Kjell nods, "We managed to kill it first, so this trouble won't be repeated."
  85. [17:54] <Kjell> Samaritha gives Kjell a kiss on the cheek, "I'm glad then. We're just about finished what we can do here, so we were mainly waiting to hear back from you."
  86. [17:55] * Kjell nods, then looks to Kahree, "Let's minimize their waiting then, shall we?"
  87. [17:56] * Kahree nods, clicking her heels once more.
  88. [18:00] <Kjell> Kahree and Kjell end up back at the Silken Veil. There, they are able to meet Kahree and Aluthyra again, and she is indeed able to patch them up completely. They also get a chance to meet Imoto.
  89. [18:06] <Kahree> Once they are all healed, Kahree, once again, clicks her heels!
  90. [18:07] <Kjell> They arrive back at their new settlement once more.
  91. [18:07] <Kjell> Samaritha approaches them once they've returned, "We've more or less finished establishing ourselves here. All that's left to do is, if you want to be formal about it, a groundbreaking, and then we can begin working over the land you scouted in preparation for things like farming and irrigation."
  92. [18:09] * Kahree grins, back into her typical spirits due to Kilarra's healing. "Groundbreaking sounds good to me."
  93. [18:14] * Kjell nods, looking to Kahree, "This was your idea, so I think you should do the honours."
  94. [18:15] <Kahree> Kahree looks around for a shovel... or something, assuming that's how groundbreaking is done!
  95. [18:18] <Kjell> Samaritha brings up a shovel with a glided edge on the trowel. She then leads Kahree and Kjell to front of the pavillion and calls everyone together, her voice magically amplified. It takes a few minutes, but eventually everyone assembles in front of the three of them. Lavender Lil looks a bit bored, but watches the other three.
  96. [18:19] <Kjell> Samaritha whispers to Kahree, "If you had a name in mind for this place, now might be the time to give it."
  97. [18:21] <Kjell> Samaritha then steps back to join the others watching, leaving Kjell and Kahree as the center of attention
  98. [18:21] * Kjell smirks to Kahree, then joins Samaritha in the crowd, watching her with interest as well.
  99. [18:22] <Kahree> Kahree grins, raising up the shovel. "Thank you!" she calls. "For all of your work." She sets her eyes towards where Sedeq might be. "With your help, we can make a difference. All of those without their own lives; we'll give them new meaning. New meaning in Liri," She smiles, forcing down the shovel into the sand. "the city of the liberated!"
  100. [18:23] * Kahree smirks, taking out an item from her haversack-- the rod of splendor. "And of course, you deserve a break for all of your work." She points the rod to the earth in front of her, and a very large tent begins to form. One that contains a plethora of fine foods and drinks for all.
  101. [18:23] <Kjell> Kjell and Samaritha applaud the loudest, and Lil is fairly generous with her applause as well, but the other workers clap only lightly, looking a bit unsure. However, at the presentation of such a glorious treat, they all become uproarious and help themselves.
  102. [18:24] * Kjell looks to Samaritha, "Perhaps while they eat, we should clarify our intentions here. They sounded a bit confused."
  103. [18:24] <Kjell> Samaritha nods, looking a touch guilty, "Yes... I was focused on keeping things running smoothly, and didn't really think about how to explain tings properly.:
  104. [18:24] * Kahree raises an eyebrow. "How much did you explain?"
  105. [18:26] <Kjell> Samaritha fidgets a bit, "Well, I told them that you two would, once we had established our settlement, be bringing in others to join us. I simply did not say where they would be coming from. However, I am certain they will be cooperative. They come from a free port, and value their freedom as well."
  106. [18:26] <Kjell> Lil slips in with the trio, "I think you might wanna leave this one to me. I have a way with words." She smirks.
  107. [18:27] * Kjell smiles appreciatively at Lil, "We would be much obliged."
  108. [18:27] <Kjell> Lil nods, "I know. Just take me with you when you go to town and I'll call it even."
  109. [18:27] <Kjell> -End Session-
  110. [18:33] <Kjell> Rewards: 1 EL 15
  111. [18:33] <Kjell> 17,100 Experience Eac
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