

Nov 13th, 2013
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  1. [16:49] <Karsten> It's sometime during day 12, and Karsten has a little bit of spare time between his preparations. He decides to take a break and heads out to look for Elsa, in this case. He seems noticably restless.
  2. [16:50] * Elsa is heading back towards the base from town hall, writing in a small leatherbound book
  3. [16:52] * Elsa snaps it shut when she notices Karsten, putting it in the shirt pocket
  4. [16:53] * Karsten waves at her, speaking in German. "Elsa. Do you have a minute?"
  5. [16:53] <Elsa> "It should be fine. I don't have anywhere urgent to be."
  6. [16:56] <Karsten> He waves her over to his garden over by the side of the medical building, then, having a seat. "Mmm... I am just having a few thoughts I'd like to get off my chest, is all."
  7. [16:56] * Elsa floats over then drops herself down, avoiding resting on her bad leg
  8. [16:57] <Karsten> "It's... ending, isn't it? Tonight. One way or another, all of this is going to be over."
  9. [16:58] * Elsa considers for a split second, then nods, "Yes. Outside of any other parties interceding."
  10. [17:00] <Karsten> "It's... come surprisingly quickly given the magnitude of all of this... just two weeks... A war for the future of the entire world, over in just two weeks. Mm..." he leans back, thinking. "Have you given any thought to what you'll do when we get back?"
  11. [17:00] <Elsa> "Depending on the situation of our abilities and memories, there are several courses of action I have in mind."
  12. [17:01] <Elsa> "Of course, if we do not have any recollection of this occurring, then we most likely will lose any injuries and boons we gained here. This is unlikely, since it was stated that those Pokemon we bond with from here will accompany us back to our time."
  13. [17:02] <Elsa> "Assuming we keep our memories, most of my actions depend on what state my abilities are in when we return. Giratina was evasive when I asked if these artificial improvements would stay or not."
  14. [17:03] <Karsten> He seems a little thrown off by how... tactically Elsa's put everything. "Well, what did you have in mind if we return just like we are?"
  15. [17:06] <Elsa> "Depending on what the reactions are when we return, I will either stay with the war, or make my own path."
  16. [17:16] * Aeros ( has joined #OverthereGame
  17. [17:23] <Karsten> "Mm. That's a bit vague..." He considers. "I've given a lot of thoughts to what I'm going to do. I have no reason to think we won't remember all of this, given how pointless it'd be if so. The five of us are brought from across the world for this, and we've barely had any time to get to know each other... I don't think it's coincidence that the five of us were chosen, exactly... five different humans with different viewpoints on the matter at hand. All of us have not agreed on everything and I don't exactly think we will. I've been trying to think on what I can do when I get home. The Great War is still going to be in full swing, and it doesn't seem to be going well for . Will I even live through the rest of the war? Will I even be able to make a difference, or will people think of me as some crazy kid with ridiculous ideas? ...The world is dying, whether we like it or not, that's the reality we've been shown. But the future... I need to try and help change things. Spread education, reform, maybe some degree of idealism. I can't think in terms of 'will my life matter', but 'how much will it matter'."
  18. [17:26] <Karsten> "I'd like to become someone people will listen to."
  19. [17:26] <Elsa> "It might be best for you to leave the war proper, if you do want to change other things. The casualty rate for our soldiers is much too high to just pin a hope that a stray attack won't kill you."
  20. [17:26] <Elsa> "It would hinder your arguments though, after leaving the army like that."
  21. [17:30] <Karsten> "I doubt I could get away with it anyway. I was drafted, after all."
  22. [17:31] <Karsten> "...I'm not going to die, though. I do think things happen for a reason."
  23. [17:31] * Elsa shrugs, "It is your choice."
  24. [17:35] <Karsten> He shakes his head. "I'm aware. There are no physical bounds stopping me from leaving the army, after all. Anyway... I suppose this is a line of conversation that's been stretched a bit thin at this point. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"
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