
Anon's Rebirth (Chapter 6)

May 10th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And you just screwed up for real
  3. >Flutterquiet is standing in front of you, her eyes shining brighter than a kid's who got the present on Christmas he wished for
  4. >She asked you if being fed is your fetish
  5. >And you answered yes
  6. >Why the FUCK have you confirmed it as your fetish?!?!
  7. >She jumps at you but once again you smash the door into her face
  8. >It became the usual procedure long ago
  9. >Only this time she won't go away
  10. >God, she even brought a full cart of vegetables with her to keep feeding you the whole day...
  11. >What do now?
  12. >She keeps knocking and knocking
  13. >"Anoooon, I know you can hear me! Open the door and I can feed you all day, umm, I mean if you want it..."
  14. >No!
  15. Yes, I'd like that!!!
  16. >The fuck?
  17. >You better get away from her before she finds a way in or before you confess more of 'your' fetishes
  18. >The window. Brilliant idea!
  19. >You sneak to your window and open it as quietly as possible
  20. >Carefully you climb outside, frantically looking out for signs of yellow or pink
  21. >As soon as you're outside you start to run with the speed of light
  22. >You don't even care if she had seen you by now, you only need to outrun her and everything will be fine
  23. >Alright, the road splits up. Where should you head now?
  24. >You take a look around
  25. >The forest? Bad idea, the critters will disclose you
  26. >Ponyville? Yeah, right, and then?
  27. >A giant tree with a door in it? Twilight's place! She'll surely help you out! Or Spike will at least...
  28. >You dash to the door and knock the shit out of this thing
  29. Twi? Twilight?! Are you there? Please hurry!
  30. >The door opens and Twilight looks at a sweaty and huffing Anon
  31. >"A-anon? Are you alright? What happened?"
  32. No time to explain, just let me in!
  33. >She takes a step to the side and clears the doorway
  34. >You hastily slip in and slam the door behind you
  35. >Afterwards you lean against it and let yourself slide down to the ground
  36. >That was a close call...
  37. >Meanwhile Twilight got Spike ready to write a letter and packed her things up
  38. >"Okay, Anon, tell me what happened and where to go!"
  39. >She looks at you with a severe look and you look back at her just as seriously
  40. Fluttershy is chasing me.
  41. >Her jaw drops
  42. >Spike just groans and throws the paper and the quill into a basket
  43. >"Man, and that's what's all this is about? I should have stayed in bed..."
  44. >"This is why you got me all worked up? And I thought something of grave importance happened!"
  45. What do you mean? She doesn't leave me alone!
  46. >Twilight's expression eases as she unpacks her things
  47. >"Listen, Anon, I know you don't like to be pushed around but we already know Fluttershy has something like a ... crush on you. Why don't you try and be nice to her for a while? I bet everything will go better than you expect it."
  48. Never!
  49. >"May I ask you why?"
  50. B-because she doesn't want me to be nice to her the way you think...
  51. >"I'm all ears."
  52. She-she wants to... She wants to have sex with me, there I said it!
  53. >You look at her with a grim expression
  54. >A few seconds pass and Twilight bursts out laughing warmly
  55. >"Why would you think she wants to have, you know, intercourse with you? Just look at her! I don't want to sound mean but she can be really childish sometimes, I don't even think she knows how to do it properly! Besides, don't forget you're another species. This is crazy!"
  56. B-but I'm not lying!
  57. >Twilight keeps giggling
  58. >And it makes you really mad
  59. STOP LAUGHING! I don't need your help!
  60. >"Is that so? Well, you know where the door is."
  61. >Woah buddy, there's no need to jump the gun
  62. Err, sorry, I didn't mean it. Umm, can I still stay, please?
  63. >She looks at you with narrow eyes
  64. Pretty please~?
  65. >"Okay, but only because I wanted to try something out and I need you for my experiments. I still find your behavior immature."
  66. >*Phew*. Well, you don't give a hoot one way or the other as long as you may stay
  67. >"Come on, I got my things stashed downstairs and I don't think Spike is in the mood to carry everything up."
  68. >Wait. There's no reason for you to relax
  69. >Downstairs = basement
  70. >Where have you gotten yourself into
  71. >You follow her shakily
  72. >Arriving downstairs you see piles of papers and a few stacks of books and some old, dusty boxes
  73. >"So, where did I put it?"
  74. >She starts to rummage through some boxes
  75. >What is she searching for? Mind control devices to make you love her or Fluttershy? A whip to punish you for being cheeky? The embarrassing picture you took years ago on a party when you were drunk?
  76. >Wait, she can't have the picture, it's from the time before Equestria
  77. >In that case: Bring it on!
  78. >"Ah, there it is!"
  79. >She pulls something out of a box
  80. >It's even worse than you've thought! You're going to be her private pet-slave and live in her basement for all eternity!
  81. >A collar floats through the air and ties magically around your neck
  82. Please, Twi, everything but that, don't do this...
  83. >Her brows raise
  84. >"Oh, so you know this device? I know it can be itchy but it's not that bad! Everything will be over before you know it."
  85. W-what will be over?
  86. >"It's a device to gauge the magical potency of an individual. I only need a few seconds."
  87. >Oh.
  88. Okay, go on.
  89. >You made peace with yourself anyways, just in case
  90. >The few seconds grow to a few minutes
  91. >After a while she screams in delight
  92. >"That's just amazing! It even surpasses my expectations! I have to write this down somewhere..."
  93. >She hastily searches for some unwritten paper which is a real rareness in her basement
  94. Umm, what exactly surpasses your expectations? And what were your expectations if I may ask?
  95. >"See, it's commonly known that unicorns have more magical power than other beings, like pegasi or earth p0nies. But there are a few living beings with their own amount of magical power, for example changelings! Did you know-"
  96. >She just keeps talking and talking. Boooooring!
  97. >But eventually...
  98. >"-and this is why I wanted to test you for so long, Anon, but I unfortunately my studies always keep me busy!"
  99. Huh?
  100. >"Are you even listening?"
  101. >She snorts angrily
  102. >"Let's just say, I found some magical potency within your body, too!"
  103. Cool, does that mean I can let things fly and change things just with the power of my mind?
  104. >"Um, not exactly, I'm sorry. You see, we unicorns have horns which make us able to gather and focus magic in a process of-"
  105. >Another lecture full of boring stuff
  106. >"Anon? Anon!"
  107. Yes, I'm listening!
  108. >She gives you tht don't-shit-me glance
  109. >"Try to think back! Did you have wizards or something on Earth? What did they use to conjure? Or did they use something at all?"
  110. >Well, about all wizards you've seen were traveling performers with not a single bit of real magic
  111. >But
  112. Ah, yes! Most wizards I saw used a wand!
  113. >"That must be it! Wait a second, I'll get you one!"
  114. >She gallops upstairs
  115. >You hear a yell from above
  116. >"Just wait downstairs, Anon!"
  117. >Hmm, you wonder what she's up to
  118. >You wait another few minutes but she doesn't come back
  119. >Anyways, time to search through her stuff, heh
  120. >You know you shouldn't but you're just that curious
  121. >Opening the first box you see a bunch of magazines and an open letter on top
  122. >The letter doesn't look like Princess Celestia's
  123. >You should totally read her private stuff
  124. >Let's see
  126. >"Dear Ms. Sparkle,"
  127. >"We're officially thanking you for your membership and congratulate you on your first year!"
  128. >"As a small addition we sent you a limited copy of our newest series of "Kinky sorceresses and exotic 'wands'."
  129. >"We wish you the best and see forward to another year full of pleasure and tension!"
  130. >"Sincerely, Smart Beauties and co."
  131. >"P.S.: The attached package should contain your special delivery."
  133. >You take a look at the magazines
  134. >Oh god... and what's in the package?
  135. >You open up another small box
  136. >Are your eyes deceiving you? A purple, double-headed vibrator?!
  137. >Eeeew, you didn't know she was into this kinky stuff
  138. >You hear clopping upstairs
  139. >Damn, better get these things packed up the way they were before
  140. >You make it just in time and a few seconds later Twilight appears behind you
  141. >"Anon?"
  142. >Turning around quickly you start to sweat bullets
  143. >"Is everything fine?"
  144. Uuh, yeah, umm, I never felt better.
  145. >Quick, change the subject
  146. I-is that my wand?
  147. >She levitates a twig over to you and you take it
  148. >"Yes, isn't it a nice one?"
  149. >It's just another stupid twig but she's smiling insomuch that you can't say that straight to her
  150. Err, yes, it is perfect.
  151. >"Just as I hoped."
  152. >She smiles the cute way only p0nies are able to
  153. >"Try it."
  154. >You stand there and brandish the twig
  155. >And you feel stupid doing so
  156. Twi, I think it's no use.
  157. >"Didn't you listen? You have to focus! Here, point at this box and try to imagine how it get's easier until it floats!"
  158. >She points at the one containing her magazines
  159. A-are you sure? Maybe I should try another one?
  160. >"Don't be silly! I'm going to help you."
  161. >Her horn glows and the box gets surrounded by a purple sphere
  162. >"It should be much easier now! This is how they taught us at magic kindergarten."
  163. >Okay, focus Anon
  164. >This can't be too hard
  165. >You start to sweat again, pointing your twig at the box
  166. Easier said than done, don't you think?
  167. >"Focus!"
  168. >This goes on for a while but finally a white sphere appears at the tip of your wand
  169. >The white sphere also merges with Twilight's purple sphere, making it a tad brighter
  170. >And the box starts to float!
  171. >Instantly your focus breaks as you break into cheering and the box falls down
  172. Did you see that! I did it!
  173. >Twilight smirks at you
  174. >"Yes, good work for the first day! We should take a break."
  175. >You wipe your sweaty forehead
  176. Yup, totally.
  177. >A glass of orange juice floats to you
  178. >"Here, I brought you a fresh glass of juice. Hope you'll like it!"
  179. >She closes her eyes and smiles as you take it
  180. >It's ice-cold and fresh
  181. >You take a sip
  182. Wow.
  183. >It's really good so you drink it in gulp
  184. That was delicious!
  185. >It's one of the freshest juices you ever drank. It's sweet, but not too much and the taste of the fruit is incredibly intense
  186. >"So, you liked it?"
  187. Yes! Didn't know you learned how to make fresh juice taste even better. Or did you buy it somewhere?
  188. >"Actually..."
  189. >She smiles at you sheepishly
  190. >"I talked to Fluttershy when I was away."
  191. >Your stomach starts to growl sensing something foreboding
  192. And?
  193. >"You're way too stubborn, just listen to me! She just wants to be accepted by you."
  194. >You accept her but not the way she behaves, trying to seduce you and shit
  195. >"And as a sign of her good will she made you juice with her freshest ingredients! So what do you think? Anon?"
  196. >Your face turns pale
  197. >You just drank something Fluttershy made ESPECIALLY for you
  198. Are you crazy?!
  199. >You start to cough and gag
  200. >"Anon, what's wrong?"
  201. You can't give me something the yellow demon of doom made! She certainly put something in there!
  202. >"Anon you're talking nonsense, calm down."
  203. >No, you can't trust her either
  204. >Surely they planned on having their way with you together
  205. Why can't I trust anyp0ny? Just stay away with your kinky fantasies!
  206. >"What do you...?
  207. >She takes a look around
  208. >The box opened slightly when you let it fall
  209. >A moment of silence
  211. >Her horn starts to glow in a menacing way
  212. >Shit just hit the fan
  213. Uuh, I didn't, I just...
  214. >Nopenopenopenope
  215. >You nope your way upstairs and out of the door
  216. >Protip: Noping around obstacles makes it easier too maintain top speed
  217. >And again you're dashing through the streets, this time escaping a p0ny whose jimmies are rustled beyond belief
  218. >Keep calm, where should you try to hide next
  219. >You're an easy target running along the streets
  220. >But you got a brilliant idea
  222. >You're Fluttershy
  223. >Going down the stairs to the basement
  224. >Your Anon will surely love you now after Twilight gave him your special treat!
  225. >You worked on the juice the whole morning after you realized that Anon was gone
  226. >Maybe you should try to be nice to him and take things slow
  227. >It will work for sure!
  228. >Stepping into the basement you see Twilight being busy packing things up
  229. >Oh, why does she look upset?
  230. Umm, Twilight? Uuh, a-are you a-alright?
  231. >She doesn't respond
  232. I-I can come again later i-if you're busy, I mean...
  233. >"What? Oh, it's you."
  234. S-so, how did it went?
  235. >"Why do you bother with him so much? He's so unthankfull and nosy, I wouldn't be able to deal with him more than a day!"
  236. >So he just went? Just as you thought...
  237. >Anyways, you smile warmly at her
  238. You know, it's like taking care of one of my animals! He's just a tiny bit shy and maybe afraid. You just have to be patient with him and he'll play along eventually, I'm quite sure. Furthermore he can be a real sweetheart.
  239. >Your thoughts start to drift away
  240. >He's strong and kind and always there for his friends. Beneath his rough exterior beats a heart of pure gold. And you will win this golden heart, one way or another!
  241. >Nop0ny wanted to stick around with him at first and still there's no harm in taking care of each other. He just have to realize that
  242. >"Fluttershy? Hey, Fluttershy!"
  243. >Twilight interrupts your train of thoughts
  244. Oh, I'm sorry, could you repeat that?
  245. >"I said, you're probably right. I'm just a bit upset I think, I didn't mean what I said. But still I pity you. You're so kind to him and he doesn't seem to appreciate it. Are you really alright with that?"
  246. I'm not offended by his behavior.
  247. >That's not fully true...
  248. I just try to be as patient as I can so he feels comfortable when I'm around. Moreover, I still got something up my sleeves.
  249. >You giggle marelishly
  250. >"He should be glad to have somep0ny like you around him. You're really the kindest mare I know."
  251. Thank you, Twilight. Umm, what's that on the floor?
  253. >You're Anon once more
  254. >And your current location is at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie's room to be exact
  255. >You got the idea while you were barfing in the bushes
  256. >First you wanted to visit Rarity but she's always way too busy
  257. >If you told her you were playing a game she would never let you hide in Carousel Boutique because she 'needs to get things done until evening and doesn't have time for little games'
  258. >Huh, hoity-toity as ever
  259. >Dashie wasn't an option, either. You would've been outside the whole day and Fluttershy would've found you, guessing some freakish stuff for sure
  260. >Damn your inability to say no!
  261. >So the best option was to get to Pinkie
  262. >You just told her you'd play hide and seek with the others and she offered you her room in an instant
  263. >Easy as pie
  264. >Now you just have to dawdle away and relax
  265. >If you can avoid Fluttershy for the rest of your live then everything will be fine
  266. >Your stomach growls again
  267. >You didn't eat something since yesterday and puking didn't make it better
  268. >Relaaax, Pinkie promised to bring you some cupcakes later, the ones you like most
  269. >She even gave them to you for free even though you already wanted to pay for them
  270. >Sometimes, when she's not bouncing all over the place like a hyperactive bunny on coffee, she can be a really caring mare
  271. >Foalsitting the Cake-jrs. obviously did her good
  272. >You hear a clopping downstairs
  273. >Finally you get something to eat!
  274. >Wait, something feels wrong
  275. >You listen closely
  276. >Two p0nies are coming up not only Pinkie
  277. >Oh no, nonono
  278. >The door opens
  279. >You grab a pillow and a broom
  280. >The door opens
  281. >Pinkie walks in followed by
  282. >The yellow menace
  283. Get her away!
  284. >"Anon, I didn't know we were going to have a pillow fight!"
  285. >Pinkie giggles while Yellowshy hides behind her mane
  286. >You're standing in a defensive position using the pillow as shield and the broomstick as spear
  287. I mean it!
  288. >"Don't be silly, billy! I brought us some cupcakes!"
  289. >She smiles and raises a plate loaded with godly sweets
  290. >Your mouth starts watering
  291. A-are these the ones with that special icing?
  292. >"Yup, just the way you like it!"
  293. >She giggles again
  294. >That's a tough one... Cupcakes or your dignity?
  295. >This is a lost cause
  296. C-can I have one?
  297. >"Feel free to!"
  298. >She hands over the tablet
  299. >Instantly you let your guard down and grab one
  300. >As your teeth sink into fluffy dough you almost start to cry
  301. >Damn, these are good cupcakes
  302. >As you munch on one they sit next to you, Pinkie to your left and Fluttershy to your right
  303. >"Soooo, you didn't tell me you were playing hide and seek with Fluttershy! Next time count me in, okay?"
  304. >"W-we were playing?"
  305. >You glance at her
  306. >"Oh, yes, we-we were playing."
  307. >You only nod
  308. Sorry, next time I'll call you, too, Pinkie!
  309. >"No problemo, I was busy anyways! See, today we celebrated a birthday and, oh my, we had hundreds of balloons and there were cakes everywhere, really EVERYWHERE, and I had so much fun, and then this one-"
  310. >And she just keeps talking
  311. >You continue eating and nod every now and then
  312. >Her stories are always fun to hear
  313. >Meanwhile Fluttershy, who kept quiet as usual, starts to slide closer and closer
  314. >You try to ignore her but it becomes impossible at the point where she starts to fondle your legs
  315. Fluttershy? This is my leg, you know.
  316. >"*Meep* Oops, sorry *mumble*"
  317. >She blushes and slides back a bit
  318. >You can't help yourself but to smile
  319. >This is just like it used to be once
  320. >"Huh? What are you two doing?"
  321. N-nothing.
  322. >"Nothing..."
  323. >"I see."
  324. >Her giggles turn into laughter
  325. >"Anon, you didn't tell me you're that hungry! Just wait a second, I'll get some more!"
  326. >She grabs the tablet from your lap with her mouth and walks downstairs
  327. >Please, oh please, don't let me alone, I beg you, please, for Celestia's sake...
  328. >And there you are. In a room, left alone with Fluttershy
  329. >Could it be worse?
  330. >Oh yeah, you aren't able to say no to her anymore, almost forgot that tiny detail
  331. >Awkward silence floods the room
  332. >Hell, where's Pinkie, why does she take so long?
  333. >You eyes sway around aimlessly
  334. >"A-anon?"
  335. >Here we go...
  336. >"Anon?"
  337. Yes, Flutters.
  338. >"I-I missed you."
  339. >Well played, she tries to get your emotional side
  340. >Good thing it died long ago
  341. But you see me every day, don't you?
  342. >"Yes b-but we don't hang around very much lately..."
  343. Hmm.
  344. >Another awkward pause
  345. >"Why?"
  346. >Well, that's a fine question, my dear lady
  347. Why? Because you won't leave me alone, that's why! You're always asking me some kind of weird shi-, I mean stuff and it freaks me out. Why don't you just stop? Why are you so obsessed with me?
  348. >"B-because..."
  349. >She breathes in sharply
  350. >"Because you never acknowledged me the way I wanted you to acknowledge me! I mean, we were friends but I wanted to know you better than a friend. It's something else with you. When other p0nies are around I always get nervous and I can't get a single word out. But with you around I feel safe, can you understand me? I-I think I-I'm.. I'm in love with you and I wanted to show you my love. But every time I got closer you kept me even more distant...
  351. >She looks you straight in the eye
  352. >Tears are forming in the corner of her eyes
  353. >-"Captain, we feel like an asshole now."
  354. >Damn it...
  355. But I told you I didn't want it, at least not back then. Why do you have to guess my 'fetishes' every morning? You should stop that.
  356. >She smiles sadly and her eyes lower
  357. >"That's a funny thing... I'm not very social so most p0nies think I'm kinda childish. But I know how to win someone over! I thought if you won't like shy Fluttershy, you'd at least accept sexy Fluttershy. I admit I don't know what you'd like so I started to guess."
  358. I liked you the way you were.
  359. >She looks up
  360. >"Do y-you mean it?"
  361. Yup, you were my best, maybe my only friend. You shouldn't have changed.
  362. >She comes closer
  363. >"But I only did it for you... I thought y-you hated me."
  364. >The tears are getting bigger
  365. You don't have to cry, c'mere.
  366. >You pull her closer and hug her
  367. >Feeling your shoulder getting wet and her little body shaking you try to soothe her
  368. There, there...
  369. >"*sniff* I never wanted to harass you. That's why I always ask for your permission...
  370. I know.
  371. >Her wet and teal eyes look into yours
  372. >Her big and beautiful eyes
  373. >"You're so kind and cute. I don't care what everyp0ny else say, you're wonderful."
  374. >She comes even closer
  375. >Her muzzle is touching you nose
  376. >You can feel her sweet breath on your face
  377. >"C-can I kiss you?"
  378. >"Yes ... kiss me."
  379. >She closes her eyes and so do you
  380. >Your head tilts a bit and your lips clash with hers
  381. >Her tongue invades your mouth, amateurishly but very careful
  382. >She start to trace along your teeth and you do the same
  383. >As her tongue stops at your canines you bight it slightly
  384. >She starts to giggle
  385. >Must be interesting to explore a different set of teeth
  386. >You share a long and passionate kiss
  387. >Pinkie isn't coming now for a while but you don't care anymore
  388. >While you're kissing you start to caress her long and fragrant pink mane
  389. >She shifts her weight without breaking the kiss and moments later you lay flat on Pinkie's bed with a small, yellow pegasus on top
  390. >Your eyes are still closed and you enjoy every second of it
  391. >Eventually she starts to moan in your mouth
  392. >It gets you even more worked up and she certainly can feel your 'excitement'
  393. >Like on cue she breaks the kiss, leaving a trail of salive connecting your mouth with her cute snout
  394. What..?
  395. >"I-I just thought ... would you like, umm, would you like to take the next step?"
  396. >Actually, no, Pinkie will be here any minute by now and you also don't want to ruin the moment
  397. Yes, I'd love to, my beauty.
  398. >Bricks are being shat.
  399. >'Can I kiss you? Would you like to take the next step?' Fuck, you're still under some kind of curse!!!
  400. >Just as she starts to lean into another kiss you push her away and run to the door
  401. >You stop and turn around
  402. S-sorry, I can't explain it now, but I will, I promise.
  403. >She looks more confused than sad at least
  404. >Opening the door you run passed Pinkie and outside
  405. >You don't even want to know how long she's been standing there
  406. >Where should you go now?
  407. >You need to free your head and fresh air might help
  408. >Maybe you could visit Sweet Apple Acres once more?
  410. >You're Pinkie Pie
  411. >The last few minutes were pretty interesting
  412. >You knew what your friend was planning so you kept quiet and just watched the scene unfolding
  413. >Ooooh, it was so romantic!
  414. >At one point you started to feel strange
  415. >Your lower area started to twitch
  416. >Anon sure is a good kisser and probably lover, who knows?
  417. >You giggle as you enter the room
  418. >This romantic situation are always soooo funny!
  419. >Unfortunately he left, Celestia knows why
  420. >Fluttershy is still lying on your bed
  421. So, how was it?
  422. >She doesn't answer but instead tries to cover her lower region
  423. So,ItWasAbsolutelyFunWasn'tIt?DidEverythingWorkOutAsPlanned???
  424. >Nop0ny can talk faster than you
  425. >Also because nop0ny has as much to tell as you!
  426. >Your friend nods
  427. >"H-he said he liked me..."
  428. Then why did he left? Tellmenow!
  429. >"I don't know, he said he would explain it someday.."
  430. >Everything seems clear for you
  431. Oh, oh, I know! He's timid! Well, good thing ol' Pinkie knows how to handle this!
  432. >"Pinkie, listen, I don't thin-"
  433. You need to step up your game!
  434. >You giggle in anticipation as you open your secret shelf
  435. >It will be perfect, you know it! Seeing Anon's reaction to Fluttershy kissing him left you without a doubt!
  436. Here, take these!
  437. >You throw you favorite plushy cuffs to Fluttershy
  438. >"Wh-what should I do with them?"
  439. >That's Fluttershy all over
  440. You tie him up of course, you silly! It's like a game! Many couples play these kind of games! Trust me, I know what I'm talking about...
  441. >She throws a look at the shelf you took the handcuffs from
  442. >Several of your favorite toys stick out
  443. >"Oh."
  444. >Taking a heroic pose in front of her you take one of your toys and raise it
  445. This is why they call me 'Pinkie the Kinky'!
  446. >You break down on the floor laughing
  447. >"I-if you're r-really sure, I mean...-"
  448. Come one! We have to find Anon! I'll explain everything on the go!
  449. >This is going to be so much fun!
  450. >Your friends will find to each other and they will be happy! And you're happy when your friends are!
  452. END of CHAPTER 6
  455. __________________________________________________
  456. Feel free to message me!
  457. Skype: c0ld.system
  458. E-Mail:
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