
Bastiel is Killed... Finally (Ekheim)

Apr 8th, 2020
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  1. [15:12]
  2. Eventually, he decides to hop down.
  3. Cleated boots dig into the earth.
  5. Bastiel calls out, emerging from the treeline:
  7. he repeats a question asked not so long before, having expected deceit. His voice is loud, clear, and as aggressive as ever. In one hand, anyone who turned to look could see the wicked bow-spear he'd used to harm so many unfortunate souls before.
  9. "Where is she?"
  11. It's clear that he isn't interested in them.
  13. Is it even a question as to who he's talking about? Likely not, for anyone who knows a lick of his own history. Yellow eyes turn over the crowd, one by one. He seeks someone who knows something, but does not speak.
  15. And by complete accident, he finds Ekheim.
  17. (Bastiel Astaret)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [15:15] Faelyn would quirk a brow, What kind of rude motherfucker just walks into town and with a demanding tone just ask where someone was?,
  22. Turning to face the drakenite her arms crossed she would stare the man up and down briefly for the moment she sighs out and begins to speak. "Where is who?" She simply said.
  24. Seems the teraphim was quite tired. Due to politics, Due to a red wedding?. Due to having to figure out how they were to replace a mist seer?. Lots of things little time to figure them out,
  26. But alas she would entertain the rude drakenite whom she has never met.
  27. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [15:16] The ookami actualy started to smile a little bit, I guess conversations with the Townfolk isn't as bad as she always thought.
  32. "I myself prefer Katanas, Lightweight, easy to handle with one arm, Swift and graceful. And I can channel my Mana trough the Blade so that's a added plus."
  34. her ears pear up as she looks over her shoulder hearing Bastiel asking a question?
  36. "Hey, hey bigboy, calm down."
  38. She didn't really get a look at him.
  40. "Ah, before I forget, can I ask for you two's name. I think I can get along with you two."
  41. (Mala Encarnie)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [15:16] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Faelyn Inavyre,"
  45. [15:17] Jack is scared of strange tentacles
  46. (Jack Kelsey)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [15:17] The Teraphim turns to sense a blazing inferno behind him. As he lifts his visor to view whom it was he sees a being with wings, a Drakenite. He then looks toward the bench, to those he was talking to.
  51. Who was he here for? Likely a meeting right?
  53. Figuring it wasn't his business he turns back to face the north.
  54. (Izak)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [15:17] Cassandra says, "Don't be scared."
  58. [15:17] Jack Kelsey asks, "Hey! Are these occult tentacles?"
  59. [15:17] Cassandra exclaims, "No!"
  60. [15:17] Jack Kelsey says, "Ttake these away, please."
  61. [15:17] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  62. [15:18] Jack Kelsey says, "Much better now"
  63. [15:19] Jack calms down a little, inhales and exhales
  64. (Jack Kelsey)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [15:19] Jack Kelsey says, "Okay, so..."
  68. [15:19] Cassandra says, "So.."
  69. [15:20] While he was having a nice casual conversation. Meeting new people, a face he would've preferred to have never seen again appears. He didn't turn around immediately, he gently rubbed his throat. Where the man had crushed it. He let out a sigh, turning to face the man.
  71. His expression as plain as ever. Not showing any aggression towards the man who injured him. "I don't know whom you speak of, Bastiel. Buuut I would assume its the High Lady, right?" He asked.
  73. He nodded to Mala's statement. Before stating his name. "I'm Ekheim Theseus, nice to meet you." He speaks it but doesn't look towards her. His red hues are locked with the man before him. Unfazed by his actions.
  74. (Ekheim Theseus)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [15:20] Jack Kelsey says, "I have some rare herbs with me"
  78. [15:20] Jack Kelsey says, "I mean, really rare"
  79. [15:20] Cassandra says, "Wow."
  80. [15:20] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  81. [15:20] Cassandra says, "I would be interested in that."
  82. [15:20] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  83. [15:21] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  84. [15:21] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  85. [15:22] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  86. [15:22] Archon looks to everyone then notices bastiel standing there in the middle of the city.
  88. "Oh I hope I'm not interrupting something I'm just gonna sit down I already got stardust burned into my flesh today I'm not trying to get caught into anything I'm not involved in."
  89. (Archon)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [15:23] She just quickly chimes in with her name. "Mine is Mala, Mala Encarnie…"
  94. She turns around facing the man behind her.
  95. (Mala Encarnie)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [15:23] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  99. [15:23] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  100. [15:23] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  101. [15:24] Jack Kelsey says, "Well, okay"
  102. [15:24]
  103. "That would be the one. Asta."
  105. Gentle fingers pluck across the string of his bow, like he's a musician with a harp. Eyes wander the people around him, taking in the sights. So few of them he'd met before this downwards spiral began.
  107. "Is she home? I've been looking for her."
  109. He doesn't appear overtly violent, but as Ekheim knows...
  111. Bastiel's temper will change on a dime, swiveling from an outgoing calmness to a murderous rampage with only a few wrong words to spoil him. Faint pink lips press into a line, scowling with the number of non-answers.
  113. "I don't like being kept waiting.
  114. And I thought my message the other night was clear enough,"
  116. he looks down, glancing over bloodied talons.
  118. (Bastiel Astaret)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [15:24] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  122. [15:25] Jack Kelsey whispers something.
  123. [15:25] urlen's blood froze in place. It's him, isn't it? Bastiel. he stared at him for a few seconds, before lowering his gaze, no, best not to stare. here he thought to have to never see him again, why was he here of all places? he lfited his gaze, looking around. Was there some other act of aggression going on? He preferred to not imagine what Bastiel would do again if someone were to fight him. urlen was pale, he couldn't move. What happened In that arena was the reason he decided to leave immediately... and yet here he is, right here, In Myllenoris.
  124. What... was happening?
  125. (Urlen Krismenor)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [15:25] Jack Kelsey says, "I have seen there an empty room in tower"
  129. [15:25] Jack Kelsey says, "Let's go there"
  130. [15:26] Jack Kelsey says, "We can discuss there some details"
  131. [15:26] Cassandra says, "Sure."
  132. [15:30] Freya comes from the direction of the church, with a few fresh vegetables in a basket. She leans against the tower wall to count the number of carrots she harvested.
  133. (Freya Hargrave)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [15:31] Faelyn would raise a brow slightly...Hearing ekhiem this would say this is bastiel she would get up off of her seat and walk in-between him and ekhiem.
  138. Should this turn into bloody confrontation the shorter teraphim would stare into his eyes for a brief moment before she shrugs. "Asta?. Hmmm." She said placing a hand on her chin before she would grin slightly.
  140. "I am sure the mad prophet would know that asta is at ilburg purging the witches as we speak. Least thats where she is heading to today from what I heard. Or is the drunken brute lost too many braincells lost in his drunken state to figure out thats where she would be heading today?." She said taunting the drakenite before her,
  142. while she knew that bastiel would be a formidable foe from the rumours she heard, She did not give a fuck at the moment due to the recent events she has been through.
  144. She was playing with fire and it was up to the man before her to burn her or let her go.
  147. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  148. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. [15:32] Still listening he places his hands together thinking of what could possibly happen here. He figured that there was definitely a meeting, it seems like the bold drakenite behind him was likely someone of high standing seeing as he'd come to speak directly too her. A bit impatient, but here he was, right at her doorstep.
  152. There wasn't much Izak wanted to or could say, he was still trying to think about a Teraphims worth here in the village. The death of Weiss was something to truly get his mind turning.
  154. Now hearing she was going to move on Illburg for the first time, he wonders if their troops would be used or would it be those from that wretched kingdom.
  155. (Izak)
  156. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  158. [15:33] Archon looks down in defeat at the situation being truly done with all that has happened today.
  160. "Conflict of course more conflict everywhere I go there's conflict."
  161. (Archon)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [15:35] "Ah well nice to meet ya, Mala." He added on only taking his eyes off the man before him briefly giving her a nod.
  166. He wasn't sure where Asta was. That duty fell onto Faelyn to speak on behalf of the both of them. Placing his hand back into his robe once again covering his scarred chest. He didn't wish to start hostiles with the man before him.
  168. He chuckled at Faelyn's answer. He had only hoped that she didn't spark something in him. The man didn't add to the joke that she made. However he surely did want to.
  170. "Best of luck finding her. She moves much like the wind." Is all he ushers out.
  171. (Ekheim Theseus)
  172. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. [15:35] Freya walks over to the group, peering over a shoulder or two, still holding her basket.
  175. (Freya Hargrave)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [15:36]
  179. …
  181. and without a moment's hesitation, the Drakanite brings about the back of one hand to deliver Faelyn a heavy slap. Enough to send her facefirst into the mud and flowers, should it connect. Despite the peaceful arrival, he did not seem to stomach such disrespect.
  183. And, more likely than not, a fight would ensue: though he doesn't pursue further conflict once he has her face-first on the ground. Bastiel looks from side to side, glancing over the rest of the village. He's confident in himself, clearly: having fought in much worse odds than the ones present and accounted for.
  185. Whoever could step up was free to.
  186. He'd knock them all down, one by one.
  188. (Bastiel Astaret)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [15:39] Freya attempts to juxtapose this tension with a special plan. She enters her house, only to return with a platter of sandwiches, and several condiments, as well as a bottle of Clairet wine. She smiles, curtsies with tray in hand, and glances between Faelyn and Bastiel.
  193. "May I offer a moment of possible ceasefire, for a meal? It would be much appreciated."
  194. (Freya Hargrave)
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [15:41] Urlen Grith his teeth. Staring in silence.
  199. You can't speak up. Not this time. You can't. Just shut up. DO not. say. a thing.
  200. (Urlen Krismenor)
  201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. [15:42] Archon asks, "Hey floatsom do you happen to know a docter near here ?"
  204. [15:43] Flotsam says, "Not at all."
  205. [15:43] Archon says, "Welp im not the only one thats gonna need one at the moment"
  206. [15:44] Faelyn would not see the hand coming at her at all a loud smack of flesh on flesh could be heard in the entire city of myllenoris, and Faelyn would then be seen on the ground. Clutching her fists together,
  208. Faelyn would look angry and pissed off, Raising herself up from the ground she would slowly look bastiel in the eye and spit blood at his face coating his cheek but she would not say a single word more.
  210. She had already told him where asta would be heading and that would be enough for her. she did her job and she would cross her arms but just incase he would hit or slap her again,
  212. Crystals would form around the teraphim seeming to protect her from any outside harm should it come to that. She would nod engage any further then that.
  213. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  214. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  216. [15:45] Freya Hargrave exclaims, "L-Let's not be hasty here. L-Look! I have food!"
  217. [15:46] Freya beckons for peace with a good few sandwiches.
  218. (Freya Hargrave)
  219. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. [15:46] Archon says, "I will take some food.............."
  222. [15:46]
  223. "I could do with a snack."
  225. After battering the unfortunate woman, Bastiel takes a dainty step forward and goes to snatch one of the offered meals from Freya's plate. Altogether, he seems in a pretty good mood. So long as Faelyn doesn't speak up again, it seems really unlikely that he'll attack.
  227. So he's happy with his sandwich, to say the least.
  229. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"
  231. (Bastiel Astaret)
  232. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  234. [15:46] Archon says, "I mean i would also like some medical attention but that seems like its gonna have to wait"
  235. [15:46] Freya Hargrave says, "Yes. Beautiful day. Come with me, and we can chat."
  236. [15:46] The Ookami Stands up, heading closer to the events that unfold befor her eyes. Usualy she wouldn't help anyone given it might end in her being even more hurt than she already is, but one can only guess that she found a Likeing to her.
  237. (Mala Encarnie)
  238. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  240. [15:46] Archon says, "I mean it would be more beautiful if i didn't have stardust searing deeper and deeper into my flesh but yeah"
  241. [15:47] Turning to stand after hearing Archon saying someone would need a doctor. He turns to see Faelyn shielding herself from Bastiel, almost like lightning he's up, walking over with his arms open wide.
  243. "He strikes at you, and a meal is offered? What exactly is this?"
  245. He stares at Bastiel now, lifting his visor so that he may see his eyes.
  247. "Who are you?"
  248. (Izak)
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. [15:48] The man would raise from his chair and place a hand on Faelyn. "Back off, brute." He said calmly. One might even say that he didn't even sound hostile with his words. Regardless if his word choice may sound like that.
  253. Red hues looked over to Freya. "Yes, go and feast to your hearts content. Perhaps the lady will be back afterwards."
  254. (Ekheim Theseus)
  255. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257. [15:48] Archon says, "Oh dear god why are you all suicidal"
  258. [15:48] Freya Hargrave says, "He is Bastiel. Warlord of Theria. I suppose maintaining peace would be helpful for now."
  259. [15:49] Bastiel Astaret says, "Maintaining peace? We're already at war."
  260. [15:49] Freya Hargrave says, "I am sure eventually Lady Asta would be back, soon."
  261. [15:49] Faelyn Inavyre says, "*Would blink a bit and looking over to ekheim for a moment....Did he just assume faelyn can't handle herself?.""
  262. [15:49] Ekheim Theseus says, "This is true."
  263. [15:49] Bastiel Astaret says, "But nevertheless, I'll get more out of talking to you than deal with these people. Unwashed peasants-..."
  264. [15:49] Faelyn Would blink a bit and looking over to ekheim for a moment....Did he just assume faelyn can't handle herself?.
  265. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. [15:49] Ekheim Theseus says, "Have fun~"
  269. [15:49] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Only the men don't wash"
  270. [15:49] Ekheim Theseus says, "..."
  271. [15:49] Freya Hargrave says, "At least, let us delay the inevitable."
  272. [15:49] Archon exclaims, "I WASH MYSELF PLENTY !!!"
  273. [15:50] Izak asks, "Peasant..? Good sir do you know what a Teraphim is?"
  274. [15:50] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Not nobles?."
  275. [15:50] Bastiel Astaret says, "I killed your Mistseer last night, so I believe so."
  276. [15:50] Archon asks, "what does your race have to do with your economic standing ?"
  277. [15:50] Bastiel cackles.
  278. (Bastiel Astaret)
  279. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  281. [15:50] Ekheim Theseus says, "Likewise."
  282. [15:50] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Tsk..."
  283. [15:50] Izak asks, "We are no mere.. beings.. and you, killed a Mistseer?"
  284. [15:51] Freya takes a deep breath, giving a sigh.
  285. (Freya Hargrave)
  286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. [15:51] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Yes he did..."
  289. [15:51] Entering the situation at hand, after having gone through the Vale, a very long look was given to Bastiel and Faelyn. Something had happened, if only shown by the fact blood was spit at the face. Ever so slowly his fists gripped and a shake of the head was given, "From what it seems, he didn't come here for peace."
  291. Beady eyes turned to Faelyn, Weiss had just died, so did Savael...And now a Teraphim was being disrespected in front of them, a Greycloak at that.
  293. "Freya, stop pleading with someone that raises their hand against our own. It's disgusting." Loudly he spoke, harsh words sounding while various tendrils formed all across the back of their body.
  295. "Ki-..." Deeply he breathed in.
  296. (Flotsam)
  297. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  299. [15:51] Freya Hargrave says, "I'm sure there is more to this war, than fighting, if you came here alone."
  300. [15:51] Ekheim Theseus says, "Freya please escort this man, please. Have a nice chat."
  301. [15:51] Urlen Krismenor says, "You..."
  302. [15:52] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Uhm..."
  303. [15:52] Izak asks, "He stands here, asking for Asta.. and you meet him with a meal... he kills our own and you meet him with a meal.. more over, you knew and willingly told him what Asta is doing?"
  304. [15:52] Flotsam says, "Outsider, shut up."
  305. [15:52] Izak asks, "In time of war?"
  306. [15:52] Bastiel Astaret says, "Hm? I'm no longer part of Theria. Tired of being cooped up in my palace. Wanted to take the fight to the enemy myself."
  307. [15:52] Flotsam says, "Freya, back away from him."
  308. [15:52] Ekheim Theseus says, "Kid... back off."
  309. [15:52] Ekheim Theseus says, "You don't have a chance."
  310. [15:52] Flotsam asks, "And?"
  311. [15:52] Archon looks down at his sandwich and then back at the group before him.
  313. "At least I have a sandwich while I watch a unnecessary slaughter haven't seen bastiel kill or cripple anyone in a while."
  314. (Archon)
  315. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  317. [15:52] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Ekheim Quiet."
  318. [15:52] Freya meets Bastiel's eyes with a simple innocence. She doesn't see him as evil, not at all.
  319. (Freya Hargrave)
  320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. [15:52] Ekheim Theseus says, "Don't injure yourself over something petty."
  323. [15:52] Flotsam says, "Us Greycloaks are not cowards."
  324. [15:52] Faelyn Inavyre whispers: we aren't stupid either..
  325. [15:52] Freya Hargrave says, "Let's talk in my house. You can break down my door later."
  326. [15:52] Faelyn Inavyre whispers: The strongest among us are dead. and we have yet to recover from that.
  327. [15:53] Bastiel appears relatively relaxed, considering he's surrounded by people who reasonably wish to kill him. His hands rest on the back of his head, expression a faint smile.
  328. (Bastiel Astaret)
  329. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. [15:53] Flotsam whispers: Faelyn, he killed a mistseer, you are being stupid.
  332. [15:53] Bastiel Astaret says, "Lead on. I'll follow."
  333. [15:53] Freya Hargrave says, "I'll be talking with him, until Asta arrives."
  334. [15:53] Calais orn Octavius asks, "Whaaaat in the sam hell are you doing here?"
  335. [15:54] Bastiel Astaret says, "Stretching the legs."
  336. [15:54] Calais orn Octavius says, "HEheheehe."
  337. [15:54] Freya attempts to keep reducing the level of suicidality in this audience. Attempt Critical Fail.
  338. (Freya Hargrave)
  339. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  341. [15:54] Calais orn Octavius whispers something.
  342. [15:54] Bastiel Astaret says, "I think they're about to attack me. If you feel like joining in, feel free."
  343. [15:54] She Heads over to Faeyln, looking down, being a bit angry, doe sshe start to actualy care for some people in this town?
  345. "You Alright there, Gotta say it seems like you can take quie the beating."
  347. She clearly dosent know how to sleep to people.
  348. (Mala Encarnie)
  349. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  351. [15:54] HE stared at BAstiel as he walked next to him. His blood ran cold a few seconds as he walked next to him. Then boiled when his eyes landed upon Fae. But he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. CAlm down. Do not riposte, lest to endanger everyone here and get exiled in some way, with some major injuries... Calm down.
  353. Calm Down.
  354. (Urlen Krismenor)
  355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. [15:55] Calais orn Octavius says, "IIIIIIIIIII'm here for it."
  358. [15:55] Archon says, "I am just watching don't mind me"
  359. [15:55] Archon asks, "Anyway I haven't seen you in a long while bastiel how have you been ?"
  360. [15:56] Disgusting, they were humiliated in Osrona once before.
  362. The death of their own at the expense of marriage to a mere human man. He balled his fists and then glared at Bastiel.
  364. "What kind of shit is this, he comes in and admits to having killed one of you and you invite him in for a meal. This isn't what this village is.. this isn't what is going to happen here."
  366. He moves to charge at Bastiel, fists raised and swinging for the Drakenites crown.
  368. "If you lot are going to lay down while your enemy is here, take a look at who you are for once."
  369. (Izak)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. [15:56] Freya stares at Izak, calmly.
  373. (Freya Hargrave)
  374. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  376. [15:56] Freya Hargrave says, "I am only delaying for time."
  377. [15:58] Bastiel Astaret says, "I'm sorry about this, miss. Looks like I don't have too much of a choice."
  378. [15:58] Freya Hargrave says, "What reputation would we set, attacking people as they came into the village, without an army."
  379. [15:59] Turning to Ekheim, their eyes stared down on the redhead, "Calling murdering one of our Mistseers petty? You're pathetic." Their eyes then gazed to Faelyn, who was obviously holding back their own anger. It was sad to him, pathetic even...Especially for a Teraphim to be doing such a thing.
  381. Sights moved up to Izak, a nod given in his direction, "Good to see you have a spine at least, Izak...Now let's deal with this." Fists were clenched, sights already turning a bit red while he would start going towards whatever the situation was. It seemed he was swinging hard and strong.
  383. Already a long tendril of blood was sweeping from their back to Bastiel.
  384. (Flotsam)
  385. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. [16:00] Sighs trying to use her head she would have sent someone to get help from osorna but seeing as the two grey cloaks wish to go ahead and intervene. So she would have to step up now the crystals around her turning to dust.
  389. Just so she didn't expend too much mana incase the fight broke out, Unfortunately it was quite bad that freya had to offer the man a meal. But she wouldn't let her comrades fight alone so this would look to turn into bloody confrontation.
  391. Hopefully aschea would guide the greycloaks to victory today otherwise asta...would be coming home to quite the mess.
  392. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  393. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  395. [16:02] The man lets out a sigh. He didn't care at the sudden beckons of those around him. This wasn't worth all the trouble. Though the man will have to step in if this hits the fan. Such as it is now. --He wished to remain a neutral party in this. It seems that others don't seem to understand the mad prophets brutal ways.
  397. He steps up, a tad. "Not what I meant... However I do respect your decision. If you end up needing assistance I will help. Only if you lose. -- I would like to get back at Bastiel for crushing my Throat, if I really get the chance too." He shrugged.
  398. (Ekheim Theseus)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [16:04] Archon asks, "....... got any more sandwiches ?"
  402. [16:04] she sits down, Crssing her legs and watching this unfold.
  404. "This kid got Gut, you gotta give him that."
  405. (Mala Encarnie)
  406. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  408. [16:04] Freya shoves a sandwich to everyone. She seems livid.
  409. (Freya Hargrave)
  410. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  412. [16:04] Urlen Krismenor says, "No... thank you."
  413. [16:04] Freya Hargrave says, "First Weiss, then Bastiel."
  414. [16:04] Freya Hargrave says, "What's next."
  415. [16:05] Archon takes the sandwich gladly disappointed in this entire situation.
  417. "Whelp lets see how this goes I guess....."
  418. (Archon)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [16:05] As she has been handed a Sandwich she crack yet another smile, before quickly shaking her head and going back to a more Neutral face. Taking the Sandwich.
  423. "its been a while since I had something truly homemade."
  424. (Mala Encarnie)
  425. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  427. [16:06] Freya Hargrave says, "Why would he come here alone, is the big question."
  428. [16:06] Freya Hargrave says, "It just doesn't make sense."
  429. [16:06] Ekheim Theseus says, "He's cocky."
  430. [16:06] Ekheim Theseus says, "Thats why."
  431. [16:06] Freya Hargrave asks, "Do you really think they can take him down?"
  432. [16:06] Archon says, "I have seen bastiel fight many times"
  433. [16:07] Ekheim Theseus says, "I've fought him..."
  434. [16:07] Freya Hargrave says, "I have reason for little faith."
  435. [16:07] Ekheim Theseus says, "No... no they doesn't sadly."
  436. [16:07] Archon says, "I am not confident in everyone elses abilitys to win this........."
  437. [16:07] Mala Encarnie says, "Honestly, if i could i would have attacked him by now, but i dont think i got the slightest chance, what a punk..."
  438. [16:07] Urlen Krismenor says, "I have seen.. his brutality."
  439. [16:07] Freya Hargrave asks, "See, why I wished for time?"
  440. [16:08] Ekheim Theseus says, "I wasn't trying for this. The kid wanted it."
  441. [16:08] Archon says, "you did good freya sadly thats just not how things were meant to be a guess"
  442. [16:08] Freya Hargrave says, "Fae, I'm sorry this happened to you."
  443. [16:10] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Its fine..."
  444. [16:10] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Wish they let him walk though...."
  445. [16:11] Freya Hargrave says, "They're going to get hurt, and it won't be my fault."
  446. [16:11] Freya Hargrave says, "In fact, there's a part of me that wants them hurt."
  447. [16:11] Freya Hargrave says, "Can't even wait for reinforcements."
  448. [16:12] Archon says, "I mean in this situation i don't have faith in any of you right now"
  449. [16:12] Archon says, "especially not them"
  450. [16:12] Freya Hargrave says, "At least I have sandwiches to keep him busy."
  451. [16:12] Mala Encarnie says, "Ah, thanks buddy."
  452. [16:12] Ekheim Theseus says, "Yea this was stupid."
  453. [16:12] Archon says, "No problem pal"
  454. [16:12] Ekheim Theseus says, "Thanks for trying to help Freya."
  455. [16:12] Archon asks, "wait who are you again ?"
  456. [16:13] Archon says, "At least the two back here weren't trying to fight like this and i have seen them fight there not that bad"
  457. [16:13] Freya Hargrave says, "I'm Freya."
  458. [16:13] Freya Hargrave says, "Biological daughter of Asta Hargrave."
  459. [16:13] Archon says, "I know who you are miss"
  460. [16:13] Freya Hargrave says, "From before the rite of-"
  461. [16:13] Freya Hargrave says, "Ah."
  462. [16:13] Mala Encarnie says, "Mala, Mala Encarnie, apperantly in one way intertwined with the Botcher Family Tree."
  463. [16:15] Archon in a moment of silence has a realization.
  465. "Holy shit that was amazing I might actually now have faith in all of you after that does anyone wanna start making bets ?"
  466. (Archon)
  467. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  469. [16:15] Mala Encarnie says, "Never lose faith in someone, how does that sound Mister, haha."
  470. [16:15] Freya Hargrave says, "It isn't a matter of faith, but calculation."
  471. [16:16] Freya Hargrave says, "They've found it."
  472. [16:16] Archon says, "Fair the fuck enough i had faith in everyone that fought bastiel and they got destroyed i don't have any in them and they win"
  473. [16:16] Mala Encarnie says, "its a close one to say the least."
  474. [16:16] Ekheim Theseus says, "Indeed."
  475. [16:16] Mala Encarnie says, "Maybe this will open this Brutes eyes a bit"
  476. [16:16] Urlen Krismenor says, "I do hope it will."
  477. [16:17] She lowers her head a bit, her voice alos being rather quiet.
  479. "makes me wish I could have just as much of an Impact..."
  480. (Mala Encarnie)
  481. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  483. [16:17] Archon says, "Im sure you tried your best"
  484. [16:18] Urlen Krismenor exclaims, "Yes!"
  485. [16:18] Archon says, "........."
  486. [16:18] Izak says, "And thats on Aschea bitch."
  487. [16:18] Archon exclaims, "I HAVE FAITH IN PEOPLE AGAIN !!!"
  488. [16:18] Mala Encarnie says, "Good"
  489. [16:18] Izak kicks Bastiel in the ribs.
  490. (Izak)
  491. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  493. [16:18] Freya tears up her IOU. Flotsam's earned this.
  494. (Freya Hargrave)
  495. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  497. [16:20] Urlen Wallked up, smile on his face as he stared at the scene. Bastiel lost! Bastiel and his ally lost! Urlen couldn't help but have a gigantic grin on his face during the whole scene. It seemed no one was invincible... He had seen that multiple times.
  498. (Urlen Krismenor)
  499. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  501. [16:21] Archon tears up a bit after all the people Bastiels beaten all the people he has hurt or killed and ALL THE MONEY ARCHON HAS LOST IN BETS he has finally lost.
  502. (Archon)
  503. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. [16:41] An immovable mountain, a guardian of the village. A Teraphim, direct descendant of Aschea. If his crystals shattered, this village was done for. IF he lost his footing? Those behind him would burn.
  507. He could not falter.
  509. "BULWARK!" A reminder to him self as he defends himself and Sam against these two.
  511. He swings hard at the drakenite with everything he could muster in one punch, blue crystals giving him the extra mana he needed to deliver such a punch right in the Drak's stomach.
  513. Tough scales met harden crystals and the crystals give way. Cracks, chips and shards all of this debris coming from Izak's form. Bone blades and spears penetrate his back, he was nearing his breaking point.
  515. Blood and sharp fragments of various crystals coated the Teraphim in a matted mess, scorching hot flames hardened the blood and gave off a pungent copper smell. Yet, he would not go down, not yet. He had to give Flotsam all of his energy, all of his power. He had to fight until the very last moment.
  517. His legs would not move, his eyes glimmering a blinding blue, the entirety of his body was cloaked in this glow as he dove in through space and time to deliver an elbow to the back of Bastiel's head.
  521. As he roars his elbow comes down hard in the drakans back and he is met with flames, flames powerful enough to send him flying backward, knocked off of his feet. He could only attempt his trump card, it's all that came to him as he hit the dirt rolling into the earth.
  523. Quickly he touched the dirt, bringing crystals to the he surface, all of the blue crystals were his intent. He touched them quickly siphoning the energy they brought to the defender. Within his hands a great uncontrollable sphere of mana gathered, he grit his teeth and spread his legs prepared to fire off the last of his energy at them both. He'd have the energy, but he had no control, as it gathered there it vibrated and then a great explosion rang out sending him flying backwards into the dirt. Before he knew it Bastiel stood over him, flames seeping from his maw and in the next instant he was knocked out.
  525. He did his best.
  526. (Izak)
  527. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  529. [16:46] Tepa Kamauoha says, "....Why da' fuck is this place so fuckin' BIG."
  530. [16:46] Hadwin Hazaiah says, "It's as big as it deserves to be."
  531. [16:48] It all started like a blur, as the blood that rolled in his body began to boil. It was going out of control with anger. First Weiss died to his greed, then later he heard that Savael had died to...THIS MURDERER!? It caused him to nearly scream.
  533. Right as they clashed, the tendrils that surrounded his body, coloured crimson and deep blue both, wrapped across his fists, "You come here...To beat our Teraphim, then to...Brag about killing our Mistseer, our friend!?" Each word was spoken through gritted teeth, that cracked and bled.
  535. Every blow came with one in return, a fist was hit by a sword, blood splattering on impact. Yet, that blood was only used to his own works, fusing together with the tendrils on his back that then slammed forward like a monstrous tentacle.
  537. Fire singed his body, bones were stabbed into his armour in various locations. In the end however...Their way of fighting was the winner, as while he was on their final breaths, the blood that constantly flowed from Calais had brought him down.
  539. As they finished, he saw Bastiel, standing over Izak. By now, multiple tendrils of thick blood formed around Flotsams body. They couldn't let another Teraphim be hurt and die, "Get away from him!" Feet left the ground, as the tendrils jabbed into the ground and began speedily maneuvering him closer.
  541. Though the flames caused all the liquid to boil, nigh-evaporating, two of his tendrils slammed against the weakened Drakanite. Just like Flotsam, their opponents were on their last legs and it was only shown further when his tendrils grasped and wrapped around the scaled limbs.
  543. "Tell me." Anger flowed in his voice, as he lifted himself and Bastiel both into the air, "Why should I not send you the way of our Mistseer? Our friend? A Teraphim."
  546. (Flotsam)
  547. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  549. [16:54] How.
  551. Fucking.
  553. Annoying.
  555. This bunch hadn't changed his mind in the slightest. Only unfortunate that in their agreement they were able to take teams to Bastiel. All the while for some STRANGE reason, his techniques weren't even functioning. Fucking Kraus. He'll rue the day.
  557. There were too many of them..
  559. Blood leaked from his chest -- the boy clenched.. It wouldn't fucking stop.
  561. "IIIIII... --" he was too weakened to press forward, a hand reaching out to grasp as the worthless bunch took to facing Bastiel alone.
  563. "Fuck..."
  565. Helpless.. but a moment of realization. Never again.
  566. (Calais orn Octavius)
  567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  569. [16:56] As the fight broke out between the two of groups. He allowed them to fight it out. Not assisting in the battle at all. Just spectating. He didn't wish to get in the middle of everything at all.
  571. Once everything started, the two Myllenoris fighters went in hard. Clearly they understood the danger of Bastiel. Focusing on him more than anything. Explosions riddled the area around them. Causing small tremors. The water that Flotsam controlled allowed them to keep the battle in check. Knocking them about and rapidly dashing behind him. Attacking with quite a large amount of dexterity.
  573. The other man allow side him did make use of Flotsam's crowd control. He couldn't help but be impressed with it all. He defiantly didn't give them the credit they deserved.
  575. After they broke off and took a small breather, before rushing in for another bout. It seemed that Bastiel and his compatriot learned how to handle the two of them. Taking control over it and making them work for the win. With them having taken some injuries he didn't want to see another loss in the name of Bastiel. He stepped in.
  577. "I didn't expect you all to manage this so well. I'm impressed." he chuckled. A thin layer of mana covered his fists fading into a seemingly invisible glove. Acting as a harden glove of mana to make his fists that much harder. A shroud of raw mana erupted around his being releasing his full power.
  579. While not fully stepping into the fray to fight Bastiel he focused him too. To make the fight easier on them he applied an energy barrier around him. Slowing his movements making it harder for him to escape any blows headed his way.
  581. He would stay off to the side. Powering up... releasing more and more mana into his fists. They thickened around them in a spiraling manner. Until there was a break in the fight. After Bastiel was thrown aside from an attack. He rushed in. Doing a small part in the fight. Acting as a mere assistant to the fight over all.
  583. The two orbs of power in his hands placed against his back. Sending a jolt of energy through his body. Throwing him back into the battle. Wounded from his attack he didn't aim to get in the way. It seemed like the two of them held their own quite well. --He only balanced out the fight.
  585. He stood off to the side watching the rest of the brawl. As they ended up with the victory. Overcoming the power of the Mad Prophet and his friend.
  586. (Ekheim Theseus)
  587. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  589. [16:56] Freya kicks it into overdrive shortly after the first round, making small patches of ice underneath each enemy to slip them up. She's done her part.
  590. (Freya Hargrave)
  591. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  593. [17:00] She Taps her Chin. "I guess I have to give it a few Sparing sessions, so I can also stand up for myself like Flutesalad or whatever is name is did"
  594. (Mala Encarnie)
  595. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  597. [17:01] Tepa Kamauoha whispers something.
  598. [17:01] Hadwin Hazaiah whispers something.
  599. [17:02] Tepa Kamauoha whispers something.
  600. [17:02] Hadwin Hazaiah whispers something.
  601. [17:03] Tepa Kamauoha whispers something.
  602. [17:03] While the fight began faelyn's eyes begins to dart across the battlefield while she would have rather set up a ambush, She would waste time in joining her comrades,
  604. While hesitant at first she would be purely pissed off with the dragon lord that had slapped her and have been rude since stepping into the city. Faelyn would be pissed off having to deal with Weiss betraying her trust her love for him, And between savel and ilburg every fiber in her body would want to sever his head from atop his shoulders.
  606. She would come into contact with bastiel trying to punch him with her fists while the crystals formed and hardened his wing would have blocked it and sending her flying with a explosion she would grimace in pain, Still groggy from the slap to her face earlier she wouldn't be in the best fighting condition.
  608. But the real hero of the day?. Flotsam the man whom she had thought was weak and frail compared to the teraphim.... Won and by the time she noticed it she would look at flotsams feet...Bastiel laid there knocked out she would blink for a moment she would just clap her hands together.
  610. "W-Wow I...By aschea I never thought you would have done it." She said simply impressed by the man. Maybe she should put in the word to asta for...Later.
  611. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  612. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  614. [17:03] Hadwin Hazaiah whispers something.
  615. [17:04] Tepa Kamauoha whispers something.
  616. [17:06]
  617. This was it.
  619. Two years of constant warfare. He had seized a nation by force of will and brute strength, and molded it in his image. He took a free city, and he turned it into a temple to Ryujin. He bested five bands of assassins, fought the entire council of Warlords back to back to keep his title.
  621. And then he'd given it all away. Because he wanted to chase the thrill of the fight. To- with what remained of the kind-hearted, rational part of his mind- save the lives of many, even if it meant killing a few. Stopping this war in it's tracks by going straight to Asta and forcing her to reconsider.
  623. He remembers what it was like, the last time he'd seen her. How she huffed and sneered, feigning disgust; but how the Crystal Heart had managed to resonate with him, giving away the truth of her thoughts. He sputters, bloodied lips opening in a gasp of pain.
  625. "I wanted to stop this by forcing Asta to reconsider,"
  626. he wheezed.
  628. "War. Death. Something-- I never asked for."
  629. he's slumped on his knees, held up only by the restraints of the vines that had forced him upright. The thorns chafe under his skin, prickling and drawing blood.
  631. "I made my peace... with the Therians. With the Kalvores. Gave them what they wanted, so-... things wouldn't be quite so bad. But it's all for nothing, isn't it?" The Dragon weakly coughs, body heavily damaged under the back-to-back assaults. He could not count the sea of injuries and cuts that he had sustained.
  633. "Let me see her,"
  634. he grunts.
  636. "One last time..."
  638. "I've got nothing to offer you. No wealth. No kingdom. No soldiers. Just a Dragon," he wheezed, struggling to regain his breath. "But... know that you aren't... saving anyone…"
  640. "Osrona must be stopped... or they'll come for you next."
  642. (Bastiel Astaret)
  643. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  645. [17:06] Hadwin Hazaiah whispers something.
  646. [17:09] Tepa Kamauoha whispers something.
  647. [17:09] Faelyn Inavyre asks, "Shall i get asta?"
  648. [17:10] Izak says, "If Sam wishes it so."
  649. [17:17] It was all coming circle, to the war.
  651. For a while, Flotsam seemed hesitant as Bastiel spoke, as if he was afraid their mind would be changed by what was said. He loved peace, enjoyed it, but...This war, it must happen.
  653. Witches. It was all about ending the witches, "I understand...You want it all to return." WHile speaking, the tendrils began slowly crawling up the arms of Bastiel, spreading down and up his body.
  655. Every movement was being restrained, "I'll give you your wish, to see her one last time, to try and get her to try and stop it all." For just a moment he frowned, before a very brief small smile formed.
  657. "But, you know, Savael also wished to bask in Acheas light before you killed him." This was why he watched Weiss die to Asta, it was why he had readied himself to war...For this very moment.
  659. Quickly the a single tendril wrapped around the drakanites throat, "May the spirits guide you."
  661. Almost disturbingly quick, the tendril was on one side of his neck, was on the other side, like a knife through butter.
  663. No other actions were taken, as they simply watched Bastiel 'fall'.
  665. Yet already, a sickening feeling was rising in his guts.
  667. A life was taken.
  668. (Flotsam)
  669. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  671. [17:24] Freya feels her stomach knot up. This was too much for her. She feels a darkness creep into her heart. Her body shakes and she backs up to her house.
  673. Her breath quickens, and she paralyzes with fear. The last thing she wanted was for Flotsam to hurt her.
  675. She opens her mouth, and nothing comes out.
  676. (Freya Hargrave)
  677. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  679. [17:25] pretty fat legs, this is sad
  680. (Flotsam)
  681. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  683. [17:25] Upon seeing the that flotsam had his tendrils were extending to bastiels neck she would quickly step inbetween using her fist and reinforcing it so it wouldn't cut her hand as she shakes her head.
  684. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  685. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  687. [17:27] She hold her breath for a moment, for someone as angry and Aggressive she can get, this is to much for her. But she tries to keep her outside calm and collect.
  688. (Mala Encarnie)
  689. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  691. [17:29] Finley had slept for almost a full day in Osrona after his ordeals. When he had woken up, Asta was gone, along with the others who had been around him when he passed out. The young Teraphim hurried home, his gut finally twisting with the worry for what might be coming his way for all he had done and said.
  693. It wasn't until he was returned to Myllenoris' central area that he saw a scene that only brought about a surprising degree of relief; Bastiel captured, held at Flostam's mercies.
  695. Movement in the crowd signaled more might follow, but Fin knew that one way or another, this enemy was now in their grasp. Savael would receive some form of justice.
  696. (Finley)
  697. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  699. [17:29] She would sigh and looking at him as the tendril slices into her slightly drawing a bit of blood as it cuts into the crystal she would look up at Briefly she takes a deep breath as she had stopped him from slicing the drakenites head.
  701. "No he should receive judgment from aschea and asta themselves..." She said before she looked down at the man behind her who had begged for his life shaking her head she would spit at him.
  703. "As much as I want to kill him...This will let asta go from her mistakes. To let her move on from everything that happened so please sam...Let asta be the judge for the murder infront of the spirits and asta herself." She said slowly turning her head and staring down at flotsam...
  705. She didn't want to fight the man before her nor would. But sam knew if it came down to it she would do so.
  706. (Faelyn Inavyre)
  707. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  709. [17:29] Urlen watchied n silence and in awe as he saw the one he was so scared of fall. Some idea appeared in The Young magi's mind. No one was invincible. He was the one, among another one, he was scared of. Genuienely scared of. Yet he was looking, straight at the Drakenaide as he watched the tendrils crawl around bastiel's neck... Just before Faelyn stopped Flotsam from killing him.
  711. Urlen frowned, but imemdiatelly after let out a sigh. A life was about to be lost here, And Urlen was anticipating this... Dmeon lord he was so fantazising about to get killed. But it was still a life like any other... He took a step back, staring at Faelyn and Flotsam.
  712. (Urlen Krismenor)
  713. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  715. [17:30] Kneeling, collecting himself. Izak calls to the ground below, green crystals move to his body to replenish himself. He could no longer fight, but his job was done. He focused on his recovery.
  717. As Sam took time to talk to Bastiel, he listened carefully. Where was this humans mind? He was ready to dispose of Bastiel here and now, and Izak couldn't find a reason for him not too. Suddenly Faelyn intervenes to stop him from doing so..
  719. Izak slowly stands, staring at her for a moment, and then down to Bastiel.
  721. "What is this..? Do you have history with this... Dragon?" Respect for the fight he put up. Truthfully he could have set this whole place ablaze had certain individuals not been around.
  723. Blood flowed freely from his cheek and from his arms. The shield could still move, he could still fight. If need be.
  725. But why, why would he get involved with this any further? He'd done what needed to be done already, now he looks to Calais.
  727. "You.. why do you side with him?" His arms fold as his crystal heart glows slowly replenishing his vitals. Small scraps and burns slowly began to fade.
  728. (Izak)
  729. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  731. [17:33] Mala Encarnie says, "I dont think she is necesseraly siding whit him, but i dont think doing needless Bloodshed, like the Brute did is helping our Situation."
  732. [17:39] And so it was done..
  734. Those worthless glorified elves had taken the life of a true warrior. Teeth clenched, blood still leaked from his chest. There was nothing left to be done.. The bunny took the moment of shock to make a hasty exit.
  736. But again.
  738. This was not the last that would be seen of..
  740. Calais orn Octavius!
  742. He'd avenge Bastiel. That was certain.
  743. (Calais orn Octavius)
  744. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  746. [17:41] Faelyn Inavyre says, "...."
  747. [17:41] Faelyn Inavyre says, "I shall go see if asta is home i guess...."
  748. [17:41] Faelyn Inavyre says, "Do what you want with the body."
  749. [17:41] Yani cos Queen says, "..."
  750. [17:41] Mala Encarnie says, "Fuck..."
  751. [17:41] Yani cos Queen says, "I'll return the body and the flower crown to Osrona, if that's fine..."
  752. [17:42] Flotsam says, "...No."
  753. [17:42] Mala Encarnie says, "Now we look just as bad as the Brute himself..."
  754. [17:42] Yani cos Queen says, "Keep the body; I want the crown. It has value."
  755. [17:43] Barthalamew had left and this dude was alive, but now... There was another corpse on the streets... Great.
  756. (Barthalamew Otho)
  757. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  759. [17:43] After having just travelled around, Hadwin decides to head on home... Little does he realize what is taking place.
  761. He enters on the scene of Sam, taking the life of none other than some drakenite that he's never truly met, but has heard tales of.
  763. He approaches the scene... He needs answers now.
  765. "Sam! What in Aschea's name is going on?!"
  767. A simple request, he believed.
  768. (Hadwin Hazaiah)
  769. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  771. [17:43] "Great another person dead." Simply he grumbled and shrugged. As he didn't care at all. He just walked and sat down on a bench. "Whatever you do, just make sure it doesn't stink the place up"
  774. He grumbled as he would go back to drinking from the bottle that Freya had given him earlier.
  775. (Kros Veilmourn)
  776. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  778. [17:44] Archon thinks to himself its over Bastils finally dead his reign of chaos is finally over whelp its to late to get my bet money back sadly but hey its progress for the world as a tyrant is dead now.
  779. (Archon)
  780. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  782. [17:44] Still with the body held up in the air, they'd slowly just start bringing it with him. Beady eyes filled with disgust were noticeable, "Hes going to do exactly what he came here for...To see the High Lady." Ever so slowly, they'd just start walking away from the entire situation at hand.
  784. No other words were stated, but a look was given to Izak, hoping he would follow.
  785. (Flotsam)
  786. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  788. [17:45] "You can keep the body, that crown is the only thing that matters to me, because it's to someone I care for," he said as he took a single step forward.
  790. "I can't leave without it."
  791. (Yani cos Queen)
  792. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  794. [17:45] Flotsam says, "...You can have it, 'after'."
  795. [17:45] Yani cos Queen says, "Now."
  796. [17:45] Tepa Kamauoha whispers something.
  797. [17:45] Hadwin Hazaiah whispers something.
  798. [17:45] Flotsam says, "..."
  799. [17:46] He watched as Bastiel was set on the ground. Tendrils around his neck. Much like when he attempted to kill Ekheim. It was quite ironic. While he wasn't okay with the death of the man. It was done. He hadn't opposed it.
  801. The man didn't say anything when he attacked Faelyn, either. He just sighed. This all was just a peaceful conversation on a bench. Which turned into a blood bath.
  802. (Ekheim Theseus)
  803. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  805. [17:46] Flotsam just kind of shakes their head.
  806. (Flotsam)
  807. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  809. [17:47] Stares at Yani and then looks at Flotsam.
  811. "You come here after the wedding, to make demands for something you could have retrieved yourself... who knows ho long ago?"
  813. His arms are folded now. The Teraphim stares at the male and then back to Flotsam.
  815. "It's yours, what will you do?"
  816. (Izak)
  817. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  819. [17:49] Urlen would watch in awe as the life was taken out of Bastiel's body. He then shook his head, giving a frown. A life had been lost- the life of someone he wouldn't exactly call someone he trusted, but a life was lost. He watched Flotsmam walk away. He stared at the body being dragged, taking a deep breath. Well. That was an impressive display, He shook his head. Bastiel was dead. He was confused at his feelings. He was feeling good about it, but... not. A life had been lost.
  821. His eyes darken as he looks at Bastiel's body. "Well... No one is invincible, huh." He started rubbing hthe back of his neck, lost in thought. Allies. Friends. Power. he needed those to survive. In a world where magic and death wlalk hand in hand, He needed power. Someday he might be the one laying down on the ground bloodied... He needed to get at least... a little bit stronger.
  822. (Urlen Krismenor)
  823. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  825. [17:49] For a long moment he stared at Yani, thinking the man a fool. Yet. At the moment he didn't wish for a fight and reached with one of their tendrils up to the now blood-stained flower crown. It was pulled, then roughly tossed towards Yani.
  827. Probably would hit the dirt if they weren't fast enough.
  829. "Take it, I don't want to bother with this, he needs to meet the High Lady." And with that said, he'd just begin leaving, if nobody stopped him, body in tow.
  830. (Flotsam)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [17:49] Yani took it with ease around his katana, only leaving soon afterwards.
  835. "To the Alliance."
  836. (Yani cos Queen)
  837. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  839. [17:50] Hadwin grit his teeth... and followed.
  840. (Hadwin Hazaiah)
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