

Jul 8th, 2014
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  1. Appearance:
  2. a black leather long coat
  3. Dropped:
  4. A sleek black coat has been left behind here.
  5. Examined:
  6. Made from black leather with a satin finish, this long coat is a garment of exceptional quality.
  7. Heavy double stitching ensures the garment is durable and long lasting, ready to withstand the
  8. rigors of whatever work the wearer would choose to indulge in. A mantle grants the wearer an extra
  9. layer of protection from the elements, and is draped over the shoulders of the coat- a split halfway
  10. up the center allows a better range of movement for the wearer. A line of glossy black buttons has
  11. been sewn along the front edge of the jacket, each with an elaborate 'Z' etched into their surface.
  12. A generous arrangement of pockets lines the inside of the garment- each is completely filled with a
  13. mass of perfectly al dente spaghetti noodles.
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