
potential slime perimeters

Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. #block-position chunk-position blockSize chunkSize extrema
  2. 1760,-2976 110:0,-186:0 35.777/183.961 40/204 maxB,maxC
  3. 1776,-2976 111:0,-186:0 37.887/183.961 40/204 maxB
  4. 1792,-2976 112:0,-186:0 35.793/183.961 40/204
  5. 1776,-2992 111:0,-187:0 35.914/183.961 40/204
  6. 1792,-2992 112:0,-187:0 37.93/183.961 40/204 maxB
  7. 3008,2992 188:0,187:0 35.766/183.961 40/204
  8. 3008,3008 188:0,188:0 36.313/183.961 40/204
  9. 3024,2992 189:0,187:0 35.422/183.961 40/204
  10. -3216,2080 -201:0,130:0 36.488/183.961 40/204
  11. -3232,2080 -202:0,130:0 38.168/183.961 41/204 maxB,maxC
  12. -3232,2064 -202:0,129:0 38.324/183.961 40/204 maxB
  13. -3232,2048 -202:0,128:0 37.691/183.961 40/204
  14. -3232,2032 -202:0,127:0 34.371/183.961 40/204
  15. -3248,2048 -203:0,128:0 37.449/183.961 40/204
  16. -4240,2816 -265:0,176:0 35.727/183.961 40/204
  17. -4240,2800 -265:0,175:0 37.332/183.961 42/204 maxC
  18. -4256,2816 -266:0,176:0 35.691/183.961 41/204
  19. -4256,2800 -266:0,175:0 35.582/183.961 43/204 maxC
  20. -4272,2816 -267:0,176:0 34.512/183.961 40/204
  21. -288,6352 -18:0,397:0 36.492/183.961 40/204
  22. -7968,-4864 -498:0,-304:0 37.094/183.961 40/204
  23. -7968,-4880 -498:0,-305:0 35.047/183.961 41/204
  24. 9360,-2400 585:0,-150:0 37.113/183.961 40/204
  25. 9360,-2384 585:0,-149:0 35.234/183.961 40/204
  26. 9392,-2336 587:0,-146:0 34.91/183.961 42/204
  27. 9888,9616 618:0,601:0 35.574/183.961 40/204
  28. 9904,9584 619:0,599:0 37.102/183.961 40/204
  29. -10432,-4464 -652:0,-279:0 35.906/183.961 40/204
  30. -11520,-4944 -720:0,-309:0 35.445/183.961 41/204
  31. -11520,-4960 -720:0,-310:0 35.223/183.961 41/204
  32. -1040,-11856 -65:0,-741:0 35.988/183.961 40/204
  33. 12816,-2816 801:0,-176:0 32.852/183.961 40/204
  34. -10752,13024 -672:0,814:0 35.352/183.961 40/204
  35. 7952,-13664 497:0,-854:0 35.777/183.961 40/204
  36. -13712,12960 -857:0,810:0 36.453/183.961 41/204
  37. -6304,-14144 -394:0,-884:0 35.012/183.961 40/204
  38. -6272,-14160 -392:0,-885:0 37.066/183.961 40/204
  39. -6272,-14176 -392:0,-886:0 37.508/183.961 42/204
  40. -6272,-14192 -392:0,-887:0 37.93/183.961 42/204
  41. -6320,-14208 -395:0,-888:0 36.035/183.961 40/204
  42. -6272,-14208 -392:0,-888:0 39.734/183.961 42/204 maxB
  43. -6256,-14208 -391:0,-888:0 37.797/183.961 40/204
  44. -6320,-14224 -395:0,-889:0 36.07/183.961 42/204
  45. -6304,-14224 -394:0,-889:0 35.797/183.961 40/204
  46. -6288,-14224 -393:0,-889:0 37.285/183.961 40/204
  47. -6272,-14224 -392:0,-889:0 39.668/183.961 41/204
  48. -6256,-14224 -391:0,-889:0 38.121/183.961 40/204
  49. -6320,-14240 -395:0,-890:0 34.977/183.961 40/204
  50. -6304,-14240 -394:0,-890:0 36.012/183.961 40/204
  51. -6288,-14240 -393:0,-890:0 37.688/183.961 41/204
  52. -6272,-14240 -392:0,-890:0 39.68/183.961 42/204
  53. -6256,-14240 -391:0,-890:0 38.207/183.961 41/204
  54. -6320,-14256 -395:0,-891:0 34.977/183.961 40/204
  55. -6288,-14256 -393:0,-891:0 36.254/183.961 41/204
  56. -6272,-14256 -392:0,-891:0 36.16/183.961 41/204
  57. -6320,-14272 -395:0,-892:0 33.82/183.961 40/204
  58. 11104,-14336 694:0,-896:0 36.941/183.961 41/204
  59. 11120,-14336 695:0,-896:0 38.457/183.961 41/204
  60. 11152,-14336 697:0,-896:0 38.09/183.961 41/204
  61. 11168,-14336 698:0,-896:0 38.391/183.961 42/204
  62. 11104,-14352 694:0,-897:0 37.156/183.961 41/204
  63. 11120,-14352 695:0,-897:0 38.254/183.961 41/204
  64. 11136,-14352 696:0,-897:0 37.609/183.961 41/204
  65. 11152,-14352 697:0,-897:0 38.898/183.961 40/204
  66. 11168,-14352 698:0,-897:0 39.672/183.961 42/204
  67. 11136,-14368 696:0,-898:0 36.738/183.961 40/204
  68. 11168,-14368 698:0,-898:0 37.484/183.961 40/204
  69. 11136,-14384 696:0,-899:0 36.23/183.961 40/204
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