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a guest
Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. TASK [repo_build : Create OpenStack-Ansible requirement wheels] **********************************************************************************************
  2. Tuesday 17 October 2017 10:44:07 +0300 (0:00:00.015) 0:01:45.897 *******
  3. fatal: [aio1_repo_container-89a79dbb]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": ["pip", "wheel", "--timeout", "120", "--wheel-dir", "/tmp/openstack-wheel-output", "--find-links", "/var/www/repo/links", "--find-links", "/tmp/openstack-wheel-output", "--constraint", "/var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt", "--no-binary", "libvirt-python", "--no-binary", "cryptography", "--extra-index-url", "", "--trusted-host", "", "--build", "/tmp/openstack-builder", "--log", "/var/log/repo/repo_builder.log", "--requirement", "/var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements.txt"], "delta": "0:00:25.946144", "end": "2017-10-17 10:44:33.693109", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2017-10-17 10:44:07.746965", "stderr": "Ignoring jsbeautifier: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring jsbeautifier: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring hyperframe: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring hyperframe: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring cssutils: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring cssutils: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring kaitaistruct: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring kaitaistruct: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring tornado: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring tornado: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring ruamel.yaml: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring ruamel.yaml: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring html2text: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring html2text: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring hpack: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring hpack: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring brotlipy: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring brotlipy: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring mypy: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring mypy: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring urwid: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring urwid: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring argh: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring argh: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring blinker: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring blinker: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring h2: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring h2: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring mitmproxy: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring mitmproxy: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring editorconfig: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring editorconfig: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring watchdog: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring watchdog: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring pathtools: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring pathtools: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring sortedcontainers: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment\nIgnoring sortedcontainers: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment\n Could not find a tag or branch '0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9', assuming commit.\n Could not find a tag or branch '1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253', assuming commit.\n Could not find a tag or branch 'e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138', assuming commit.\n Could not find a tag or branch 'dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce', assuming commit.\n Could not find a tag or branch '982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b', assuming commit.\n Could not find a tag or branch '0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df', assuming commit.\nCommand \"git clone -q file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon /tmp/openstack-builder/horizon\" failed with error code 128 in None", "stderr_lines": ["Ignoring jsbeautifier: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring jsbeautifier: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring hyperframe: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring hyperframe: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring cssutils: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring cssutils: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring kaitaistruct: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring kaitaistruct: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring tornado: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring ruamel.yaml: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring ruamel.yaml: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring html2text: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring html2text: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring dnspython3: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring hpack: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring hpack: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring brotlipy: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring brotlipy: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring mypy: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring mypy: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring urwid: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring urwid: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring argh: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring argh: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring blinker: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring blinker: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring h2: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring h2: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring mitmproxy: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring mitmproxy: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring editorconfig: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring editorconfig: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring watchdog: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring watchdog: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring backports-abc: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring pathtools: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring pathtools: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring sortedcontainers: markers 'python_version == \"3.4\"' don't match your environment", "Ignoring sortedcontainers: markers 'python_version == \"3.5\"' don't match your environment", " Could not find a tag or branch '0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9', assuming commit.", " Could not find a tag or branch '1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253', assuming commit.", " Could not find a tag or branch 'e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138', assuming commit.", " Could not find a tag or branch 'dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce', assuming commit.", " Could not find a tag or branch '982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b', assuming commit.", " Could not find a tag or branch '0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df', assuming commit.", "Command \"git clone -q file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon /tmp/openstack-builder/horizon\" failed with error code 128 in None"], "stdout": "Collecting cinder from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/cinder@0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9#egg=cinder&gitname=cinder&projectgroup=cinder_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 7))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/cinder (to 0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9) to /tmp/openstack-builder/cinder\nNote: checking out '0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9'.\n\nYou are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nCollecting designate from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate@1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253#egg=designate&gitname=designate&projectgroup=designate_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 8))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate (to 1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253) to /tmp/openstack-builder/designate\nNote: checking out '1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253'.\n\nYou are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nCollecting designate_dashboard from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate-dashboard@e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138#egg=designate_dashboard&gitname=designate-dashboard&projectgroup=horizon_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 9))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate-dashboard (to e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138) to /tmp/openstack-builder/designate-dashboard\nNote: checking out 'e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138'.\n\nYou are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nCollecting dragonflow from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/dragonflow@dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce#egg=dragonflow&gitname=dragonflow&projectgroup=neutron_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 10))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/dragonflow (to dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce) to /tmp/openstack-builder/dragonflow\nNote: checking out 'dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce'.\n\nYou are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nCollecting glance from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/glance@982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b#egg=glance&gitname=glance&projectgroup=glance_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 11))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/glance (to 982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b) to /tmp/openstack-builder/glance\nNote: checking out '982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b'.\n\nYou are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nCollecting heat from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/heat@0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df#egg=heat&gitname=heat&projectgroup=heat_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 13))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/heat (to 0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df) to /tmp/openstack-builder/heat\nNote: checking out '0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df'.\n\nYou are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\nchanges and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\nstate without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n\nIf you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\ndo so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n\n git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n\nCollecting horizon from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon@5b106eda7acb190a3b50cca93bcee06f8f6dbecc#egg=horizon&gitname=horizon&projectgroup=horizon_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 14))\n Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon (to 5b106eda7acb190a3b50cca93bcee06f8f6dbecc) to /tmp/openstack-builder/horizon\nfatal: '/var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon' does not appear to be a git repository\nfatal: Could not read from remote repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights\nand the repository exists.", "stdout_lines": ["Collecting cinder from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/cinder@0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9#egg=cinder&gitname=cinder&projectgroup=cinder_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 7))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/cinder (to 0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9) to /tmp/openstack-builder/cinder", "Note: checking out '0c06b179e774c9406c2adcadbaed77ad6d918ac9'.", "", "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental", "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this", "state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.", "", "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may", "do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:", "", " git checkout -b <new-branch-name>", "", "Collecting designate from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate@1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253#egg=designate&gitname=designate&projectgroup=designate_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 8))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate (to 1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253) to /tmp/openstack-builder/designate", "Note: checking out '1729918ae848e2af2d9876def07f0f64854e7253'.", "", "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental", "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this", "state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.", "", "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may", "do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:", "", " git checkout -b <new-branch-name>", "", "Collecting designate_dashboard from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate-dashboard@e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138#egg=designate_dashboard&gitname=designate-dashboard&projectgroup=horizon_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 9))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/designate-dashboard (to e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138) to /tmp/openstack-builder/designate-dashboard", "Note: checking out 'e027eca834c127746ce289809013bbafab799138'.", "", "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental", "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this", "state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.", "", "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may", "do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:", "", " git checkout -b <new-branch-name>", "", "Collecting dragonflow from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/dragonflow@dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce#egg=dragonflow&gitname=dragonflow&projectgroup=neutron_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 10))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/dragonflow (to dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce) to /tmp/openstack-builder/dragonflow", "Note: checking out 'dbc8af36bc5970cc804fb711e79f18c01d0a71ce'.", "", "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental", "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this", "state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.", "", "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may", "do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:", "", " git checkout -b <new-branch-name>", "", "Collecting glance from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/glance@982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b#egg=glance&gitname=glance&projectgroup=glance_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 11))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/glance (to 982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b) to /tmp/openstack-builder/glance", "Note: checking out '982016670fe908e5d7026714b115e63b7c31b46b'.", "", "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental", "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this", "state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.", "", "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may", "do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:", "", " git checkout -b <new-branch-name>", "", "Collecting heat from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/heat@0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df#egg=heat&gitname=heat&projectgroup=heat_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 13))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/heat (to 0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df) to /tmp/openstack-builder/heat", "Note: checking out '0c64134d76d9567525399bdc5f0f82b51f8120df'.", "", "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental", "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this", "state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.", "", "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may", "do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:", "", " git checkout -b <new-branch-name>", "", "Collecting horizon from git+file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon@5b106eda7acb190a3b50cca93bcee06f8f6dbecc#egg=horizon&gitname=horizon&projectgroup=horizon_all (from -c /var/www/repo/os-releases/16.0.1/ubuntu-16.04-x86_64/requirements_constraints.txt (line 14))", " Cloning file:///var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon (to 5b106eda7acb190a3b50cca93bcee06f8f6dbecc) to /tmp/openstack-builder/horizon", "fatal: '/var/www/repo/openstackgit/horizon' does not appear to be a git repository", "fatal: Could not read from remote repository.", "", "Please make sure you have the correct access rights", "and the repository exists."]}
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