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Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. ~$ echo "Yu cän yuse aspell" | aspell -a
  2. & Yu 28 0: You, Yuk, Yum, Yup, Tu, Y, U, Ya, Ye, Yo, Au, Cu, Du, EU, Eu, GU, Lu, Pu, Ru, Wu, YT, Yb, Bu, Mu, Nu, Yd, Yr, Y's
  3. & cän 51 3: Can, can, Cain, cane, cans, cant, clan, CAM, Chan, Van, cab, cam, van, CA, Ca, ca, an, cyan, CNN, Jan, Kan, con, Scan, scan, CAI, car, caw, cay, ctn, CAD, CAP, Cal, Dan, Han, Ian, LAN, Man, Nan, Pan, San, ban, cad, cal, cap, cat, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, wan
  4. & yuse 9 7: use, Duse, Muse, SUSE, Yule, fuse, muse, ruse, yule
  5. & aspell 9 12: Aspell, asp ell, asp-ell, Ispell, spell, Aspell's, Ascella, spill, Ispell's
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