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Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. I believe I deserve Trial Mod as I have a lot of experience to be able to complete the staffing position to the best extent. I know what to do in most situations and believe I can truly deal with the situation correctly. A staff member means to me is trying to improve a community. Trying to make the players experience something better for them and making sure that everyone enjoys their stay, making them want to come back. Also, being a staff member means basically helping people and trying to make sure that the community is at its finest, making it a non-toxic place where people enjoy and love to come and play on or just hang out in. Another thought of what being a staff member means to me is just making a better place than it already is, as sometimes it can get a bit messy as staff may not be on all the time but I will make sure that I am on every day and informing whomever is needed to be informed if needed so.
  2. I can bring a variety of skills to the Staff team. As I have had many staff experiences and gathered the knowledge to become and to act in such a role that is excellent. Everyone has something that they need to improve on as a staff member no matter what their knowledge is and what their experience level is. By getting this role as a staff member I would find that it will be best for improving yourself (me) as a staff member and the other staff members that are in your team.
  3. I can bring the following set of skills and aspects:
  4. Fairness: Being fair as a staff member can bring you a long way. If you are fair as a staff member you will not get that much hate as you are giving everyone the same amount of attention (Depending if a certain person is needed to be watched) and the same amount of punishment depending on what they did. For example; if someone has been very toxic towards another player in chat and they just keep on being toxic to them after certain times of being told to stop and being warned then obviously the toxic player would get muted. But in a certain case where both people are being toxic to each other, and are both after warns and times where they have been told to stop then you would encounter some different situations. Firstly, you would 'go into both players' shoes' and depending on how much has been said and what has been said you would think how they feel. Additionally, you would then punish according to what has been said/the amount of it and lastly you would deal with any 'disagreement' that one or both of the players have said by firstly saying that they have been told to stop and kept being toxic. (And if that does not work threaten (if needed) to extend their mute for a much longer amount of time :P ;))
  6. Respect: As a staff member you have to be respectful not just too all players but to your fellow staff mates too. If you are not being respectful it will mean that you do not have the right set of skills, as I do, to become an excellent staff member. Being toxic can also lead to being disliked as a staff member and just someone that is not wanted to act as such as the role that they are supposed to show.
  8. Responsibility: Being responsible as a staff member is something that must be kept in mind at all times. Remembering your duties and what you have to do is very critical. Making sure that you do and act the role that you have like you are acting the part. At always making 100% sure that you will always be organized and 'tidy' in a way that you know what is going on and a way that you know what to do to help out the server and make a community a better place.
  10. Maturity: As a staff member maturity, is something to keep in mind. When joking around having a limit and now going over the limit as sometimes, in certain situations, that limit may be reached and the joke or whatever is been said has gone too far to hurt someone or create riot. Yes, it is essential to have a sense of humor and to be someone that is enjoyable to be with but also someone that has limits and will not go too far in certain situations.
  12. Activity: Being active as a staff member is a must. All staff member should be active and should at least always be in TS waiting for people that need assistance with any questions or situations. If not active as a staff member some problems may start to pop up as someone that may 'not care' having this role. In previous times, I was always on when I was last a staff member and always make sure that I am on if given this role again. Yes, IRL things do start to pop up and yes they are first priority but always making sure that you inform whomever is needed to be informed about you not be active (Wand) and giving a reason why if needed.
  14. Trust: Being trustworthy is something crucial to have as a staff member. Making sure that ALWAYS, the other staff members and players know and trust that you will do your role and make sure that the community is a non-toxic and place where everyone enjoys and wants to come back to.
  16. Honesty: Being honest as a staff member can make things a lot better. For example; if someone was muted or banned for a reason and you are that staff member that muted/banned that person then it is the best way to confess to make the situation for the other staff members, for you and for the player that got muted/banned an easier time if that punishment was not meant to be given. As a staff member you don't just have to be honest and confess but also be honest with who you are as a staff member and try to be the best staff member you can be.
  18. Experience/Knowledge: As I was staff on before I have the perfect knowledge and experience to become staff again and given another chance as I was demoted for certain reasons. I had also been staff before I was staff on, which gave me a massive idea on how to be staff and the knowledge on what to do in certain situations/problems that are occurring that are needed to be dealt with.
  20. Helpful: If as a staff member you are not helpful then there is no point in being a staff member as one helps around and makes sure that everyone feels welcomed and enjoys their stay making them want to come back. Helping people in TS and in-game is basically the whole job as a staff member (T-Mod) Making the community a place that is a peaceful place and somewhere that is fun to hang out and just to help make at its 110% mark.
  22. Fun: Being a staff member, I would take it seriously as I always do. But you can never forget to have fun while you are partaking in this role and make sure that you enjoy yourself to make others enjoy their time on the server too.
  24. Kind/Caring: As staff member I will always be kind and caring to whomever. Helping people when they are in need without frustration and anger, making it more delightful to help them and them getting help. Sometimes staff member can be strict when the time is needed but when that is not needed I will respect, care and be kind to my fellow staff members and players.
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