
Ch 5: Part 1: City of Illusion: Session 80

Nov 12th, 2013
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  1. [16:02] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:02] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [16:02] <Kilarra> -Session 80-
  4. [16:05] <Kilarra> At Kahree's announcement, the party's attention was draw to movement outside their alloted elven accomodations. Quite a bit of it. However, their consumption of potions allowed the party enough time to make their own preparations in kind.
  5. [16:06] * Aluthyra stands, drawing her bow before concentrating her power into a spell of barkskin.
  6. [16:07] <Kilarra> Kjell keeps his spell arm ready and draws Tyrant's Bane
  7. [16:08] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Alright... stay in the bedroom, then we've got a choke-point." She turns, dropping low as she heads through the door and out. "I'll ambush."
  8. [16:12] * Kilarra doesn't like the idea of Kahree going out alone, but knows the woman is capable of keeping herself out of harm when unseen.
  9. [16:14] <Kilarra> Kjell notes, "There is the entrance to the Sitting room, but don't forget about the one in the other large bedroom. And the windows are pretty big."
  10. [16:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods as she heads out the door, then places her hand to her chest. With a quiet muttering, she's invisible once again. She takes a step to the wall opposite to the room, pressing herself close to it.
  11. [16:19] * Aluthyra raises her bow, nocking a single arrow, and aims towards the entrance to the room.
  12. [16:26] * Kilarra raises her mace for backup, waiting to see who was coming before casting any spells.
  13. [16:26] <Kilarra> Kjell does the same, sword and spell ready to respond accordingly to whatever threat
  14. [16:27] <Kilarra> The party can hear something from their assailants to be outside, apparently making no further attempts to conceal themselves. "Death to all who doubt the Winter Council!"
  15. [16:29] <Kilarra> Immediately after, a flurry of arrows comes in through the three large windows of the bedroom; two aimed at each Party Member.
  16. [16:35] <Kilarra> Aluthyra is untouched, but two Arrows strike Kilarra, bursting into magical energy rather than piercing her, and another does the same to Kjell
  17. [16:37] * Kilarra blinks at the magical, but not painful... stuff. "The hell was that?"
  18. [16:41] <Kilarra> Kjell takes a moment to sniff at the magical residue. "Sleep arrows. Looks like they want us alive. Whoever they are."
  19. [16:49] <Kilarra> After the initial Volley, both doors to the residence are pushed open and a trio of elves enters through each, scouting out the rest of the building
  20. [16:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. Idea! She moves towards the first trio, then... her finger clicks over the stopper of her eversmoking bottle. Removed, the smoke begins to pour out, restricting all vision within 50 feet, enough for the entire room.
  21. [16:54] * Aluthyra frowns, moving to the closest window. Her bow still raised, she looks for the arches that fired.
  22. [16:54] <Kilarra> The elves cough a bit, wondering where all the smoke came from. They mutter to each other in Elvish and try to find out where the limits of the concealing smoke is coming from
  23. [16:54] <Aluthyra> archers*
  24. [16:55] <Kilarra> The Archers from outside are partly covered by the folliage, but visible
  25. [16:57] * Aluthyra fires her single nocked arrow at the closest archer.
  26. [16:58] <Kilarra> Aluthyra manages a clean hit on the archer in spite of the folliage. She had hawk-like eyes in addition to her feathered wings it seemed
  27. [17:01] * Kilarra doesn't have much in the way of useful ranged offenses, so she decides to let Kjell and Aluthyra handle the ones outside. She moves to the doorway and readiers herself to inflict serious harm on the first elf to slip into their room out of the smoke that she could only assume was Kahree's doing.
  28. [17:03] <Kilarra> Kjell decides to forgo subtlety and tosses a Fireball out the window. Whether or not it killed their enemies, it would definitely attract the local guards, and perhaps afford the Queen a chance to apprehend one of her enemies in the act.
  29. [17:05] <Kilarra> The Elf that Aluthyra struck is incinerated, but the two who were unarmed manage to nible avoid... some of the hurt
  30. [17:07] <Kilarra> The two remaining Elves both fire at Kjell, hoping to avoid something like that coming their way again
  31. [17:11] <Kilarra> Kjell takes a few hits, but is mostly unharmed and does no fall asleep
  32. [17:12] <Kilarra> The elves stumble around in the darkness. Half of them end up back where they started, and one unlucky bastard does reach the room where Kilarra is waiting
  33. [17:13] * Kilarra grabs the elf and casts 'Harm'
  34. [17:14] * Kilarra follows it up be quickly inflicting jsut a touch more negative energy, dropping the elf to the floor
  35. [17:20] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks through the smoke, seeing perfectly, for any targets!
  36. [17:21] <Kilarra> There are two targets Kahree can reach with ease
  37. [17:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. This'll work. She raises her maces up high, dropping them down on the closest target. She chains the dropping blows with a flurry, maces then moving to smack against the elf's chest.
  38. [17:31] <Kilarra> The elf would be rendered to a pulp if Kahree wasn't deliberately inflicting non-lethal damage. Then again, the elves weren't aiming to kill either
  39. [17:37] * Aluthyra raises her bow and sends a volley of arrows towards the last two archers.
  40. [17:44] <Kilarra> Aluthyra manages to kill one more archer and badly injure another
  41. [17:46] <Kilarra> Throughout the smokey inside of the house, there's a lot of elvish chatter and calling out amongst the confusion. The injured archer outside calls out in Elven
  42. [17:46] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks, "They're going to try and retreat. We're more than they anticipated."
  43. [17:47] <Kilarra> Kjell keeps his sword up; "Not to mention we got another clue. This 'Winter COuncil' they mentioned."
  44. [17:48] * Kilarra looks at the smouldering Elf Corpse. "That'll show them."
  45. [17:48] * Kilarra stays close to her companions, "Either of you hurt?"
  46. [17:49] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I am fine."
  47. [17:50] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "The arrows they used were magically designed to inflict non-lethala harm, and induce sleep."
  48. [17:52] <Kilarra> The elves stumble about in Kahree's smoke, but the Ifrit's firesight lets her see that they are trying to get away from her.
  49. [17:56] <Kilarra> The elves attempt to flee, however, Kjell's Fireball display served it's purpose. A dozen elves in the armour of the Iadara guard surround the house as the anarchists attempt to flee.
  50. [18:00] * Kilarra spots the Elves through the window. "Great, now they show up. Still, let's find Kahree and then go have a chat with out hosts."
  51. [18:01] * Aluthyra nods, slinging her bow over her shoulder.
  52. [18:01] <Aluthyra> As the fun dies down and the elves begin to retreat, Kahree places the stopper back in her eversmoking bottle. Slowly, the smoke begins to dissipate.
  53. [18:02] <Aluthyra> Kahree stands guard by her one knocked out elf.
  54. [18:02] * Kilarra slips over the corpse as the smoke begins to thin, looking for Kahree. "Hey there. Nice work."
  55. [18:03] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Thanks." She kicks the side of the unconscious elf. "Got one to question."
  56. [18:03] <Kilarra> Kjell sheathes his sword and steps over to Kahree, "Are you alright?"
  57. [18:04] * Aluthyra exits after Kilarra, looking approvingly at Kahree's work.
  58. [18:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yeah, I'm fine."
  59. [18:04] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Dead, or unconscious?"
  60. [18:06] <Aluthyra> Kahree raises an eyebrow. "Can you question the dead?"
  61. [18:10] * Kilarra nods, "Good point. Although the guards showed up thanks to Kjell's fireball, so we might have more folks to 'speak with' than just this guy. Still, good thinking."
  62. [18:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Right, well, should we go talk to the guards?"
  63. [18:13] * Kilarra nods, "Might get us some real answers finally. Even I get tired of the subterfuge after a while."
  64. [18:17] * Aluthyra nods, stepping towards the exit. "Then let us speak with them. Kahree, if you could watch the elf?"
  65. [18:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, standing over the captive.
  66. [18:17] * Kilarra goes and gets her armour first, then rejoins ALuthyra and Kjell in going to visit the elven guards.
  67. [18:20] <Kilarra> The eleven guards have rounded up the insurgents, and look to the party as they come out. "Are you alright?" One of them asks as the party emerges.
  68. [18:23] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  69. [18:38] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 11; 3200 Exp Each
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