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  3. Eric Aboadwe
  4. November 14, 2017 ·
  8. We are looking at our Scripture reading once again from the previous readings but under a different topic. It says:
  9. “Listen CAREFULLY to Me, .... and let your SOUL delight in abundance” (Isaiah 55:2b).
  11. So far we have studied in detail what God mean He says, “Listen CAREFULLY to Me.” So now we are going to take a look at where He says, “let your SOUL delight in abundance.”
  13. But before we do that, I just want to add that those who do not “Listen CAREFULLY” to God in order to understand His “WORD” will become the seed that fell by the way side. They are the ones of whom JESUS said, “When anyone hears the WORD of the Kingdom, and does not UNDERSTAND it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was SOWN in his heart. This is he who received SEED by the way side” (Matthew 13:19).
  15. The “SEED” which JESUS is talking about refers to the “WORD” of God. Therefore our LORD is telling us that if people do not “Listen CAREFULLY” to the “WORD” in order to “UNDERSTAND” it as God is telling us in Isaiah, the “WORD” cannot be grounded and rooted in their heart. And when it happens like that, the “wicked one” (Satan) comes and snatch away what was sown in his “heart.”
  17. This is how the devil has been doing to prevent many people including Christians from becoming TRULY born again. Therefore to “Listen CAREFULLY” to God is so much important that those who fail to do so will miss the purpose for which God has sent His WORD to work in their “hearts,” and to accomplish what He pleases, and to prosper in the things for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11).
  19. Now when God says, “let your SOUL delight in abundance,” it means our “SOUL” must enjoy and take pleasure in the abundance which comes from His “WORD” (JESUS) who delivered our “SOUL” from SIN. As the Bible defines, SALVATION is the “saving of the SOUL” (Hebrews 10:39). Therefore our “SOUL” must “delight” in the “abundance” of this saving work of the Lord JESUS CHRIST.
  21. Right from Genesis to Revelation, the reason why God wrote His “WORD” and gave us this unadulterated “WORD” is for the purpose of SAVING our “SOUL” from SIN through the righteous deeds of the SAVIOUR who came to REDEEM us with His water and blood.
  23. Therefore when you read the Book of Genesis, the “abundance” of God’s SALVATION is revealed. In Exodus it is there, and in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy it is indeed revealed there. In the Prophets too it is unveiled, and so is the New Testament which seals the fulfillment of the “abundance” of God’s provision of SALVATION and His BLESSING of giving us the Millennium Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth to inherit.
  25. When we read the verse 3 of the same chapter of Isaiah, God said, “Incline your EAR, an come to Me. HEAR, and your SOUL shall live; and I will make an everlasting COVENANT with you – The sure mercies of David (Isaiah 55:3). When God says here “Incline your EAR,” He is repeating the same thing that we must “Listen” to Him “CAREFULLY” and allow our “SOUL” to delight in abundance that comes from JESUS CHRIST.
  27. When we do that, God says, “your SOUL shall live.” What does this mean? It means that JESUS will save us from SIN whose wages is death (Romans 3:23), and our “SOUL” will then “live” when we feed on the “abundance” of His “WORD” who came to give us His FLESH (bread) to eat and His BLOOD to drink. JESUS has fulfilled all things, and that’s why JESUS told us that, “...he who feeds on Me will live because of Me” (John 6:57).
  29. In addition, God said that He will make “an everlasting COVENANT” with those whose “SOUL” delight in abundance. This is the “COVENANT” of which God said that, “I will put My LAWS into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,” then He add, “Their SINS and their LAWLESS deeds I will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:16-17). Our “SOUL” must truly delight in this covenant of promise because it is the only way we can “live.”
  31. We must not “delight” in what we see in the physical, but we must “delight” in the “abundance” of what JESUS CHRIST has done for us spiritually by our FAITH in His water, blood and the Spirit. For we walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  33. Our “SOUL” is BLESSED when we “delight in abundance.”
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