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- //#########################################################################//
- // //
- // Subtitle Tuning 0.3B (L) 2013 Ricardo Erick RebĂȘlo (jacknpoe) //
- // //
- // (.avis with .srt subtitle use: program <sourcefile> <targetfile> 0.9975 //
- // //
- //#########################################################################//
- #include <iostream>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <cctype>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <locale.h>
- using namespace std;
- #define SPACER1 ":"
- #define SPACER2 ","
- #define AHUNDREDHOURS 360000000
- #define MAXFILENAME 256
- #define MAXLINESIZE 65536
- #define EXTENSION ".srt"
- // *** time, value and convertion
- class cTimeConverter {
- long mili_seconds;
- char ample[ 13], ampleinsecure[ 13];
- protected:
- void assemble_ample( void);
- long ample_to_long( char *);
- public:
- cTimeConverter( void) { mili_seconds = 0; assemble_ample(); };
- cTimeConverter( char * p_value) { mili_seconds = ample_to_long( p_value); assemble_ample(); };
- cTimeConverter( long p_value) { mili_seconds = p_value; assemble_ample(); };
- char * as_char( void) { return ampleinsecure; };
- long as_long( void) { return mili_seconds; };
- void set_value( long p_value) { mili_seconds = p_value; assemble_ample(); };
- void set_value( char * p_value) { mili_seconds = ample_to_long( p_value); assemble_ample(); };
- cTimeConverter operator=( cTimeConverter p_value) { mili_seconds = p_value.mili_seconds; assemble_ample(); return *this; }
- cTimeConverter operator*=( double p_value) { mili_seconds *= p_value; assemble_ample(); return *this; };
- cTimeConverter operator/=( double p_value) { mili_seconds /= p_value; assemble_ample(); return *this; };
- } oTimeConverter;
- // *** assemble ample from miliseconds (error reduction with AHUNDREDHOURS)
- void cTimeConverter::assemble_ample( void) {
- char hours[3], minutes[3], seconds[3], miliseconds[4]; int temp;
- temp = mili_seconds % AHUNDREDHOURS;
- snprintf( miliseconds, 4, "%03d", temp % 1000); temp /= 1000;
- snprintf( seconds, 3, "%02d", temp % 60); temp /= 60;
- snprintf( minutes, 3, "%02d", temp % 60); temp /= 60;
- snprintf( hours, 3, "%02d", temp);
- strcpy( ample, hours); strcat( ample, SPACER1);
- strcat( ample, minutes); strcat( ample, SPACER1);
- strcat( ample, seconds); strcat( ample, SPACER2);
- strcat( ample, miliseconds); strcpy( ampleinsecure, ample);
- }
- // *** return miliseconds from ample (format error ignored)
- long cTimeConverter::ample_to_long( char * p_value) {
- char hours[3], minutes[3], seconds[3], miliseconds[4];
- hours[0] = p_value[0]; hours[1] = p_value[1]; hours[2] = 0;
- minutes[0] = p_value[3]; minutes[1] = p_value[4]; minutes[2] = 0;
- seconds[0] = p_value[6]; seconds[1] = p_value[7]; seconds[2] = 0;
- miliseconds[0] = p_value[9]; miliseconds[1] = p_value[10]; miliseconds[2] = p_value[11]; miliseconds[3] = 0;
- return ( ( atoi( hours) * 60 + atoi( minutes) ) * 60 + atoi( seconds) ) * 1000 + atoi( miliseconds) ;
- }
- // *** open files, read data, call converstor, keep multiplier, save file
- class cSubtitleTuning {
- ifstream oReadFile; ofstream oSaveFile; double multiplier;
- char sReadFile[ MAXFILENAME], sSaveFile[ MAXFILENAME];
- char sReadFilei[ MAXFILENAME], sSaveFilei[ MAXFILENAME];
- private:
- // tolower in a string
- void str_tolower( char * p_value, int maximum){
- int iindex = 0;
- while( p_value[ iindex] != 0 and iindex < maximum ){
- p_value[ iindex] = tolower( p_value[ iindex]);
- iindex++;
- };
- }
- // normalize file names
- void normalizename( char * cName){
- int isize; char final[5];
- isize = strlen( cName);
- if( isize > 4)
- {
- strcpy( final, &cName[ isize-4]);
- str_tolower( final, 4);
- if( strcmp( final, EXTENSION) == 0) return;
- }
- strcat( cName, EXTENSION);
- }
- public:
- cSubtitleTuning() { multiplier = 1; }
- // get single multiplier parameter
- bool set_multiplier( char * p_value ) {
- return ( ( istringstream ( p_value) >> multiplier) and multiplier > 0);
- }
- // get compound multiplier parameters
- bool set_multiplier( char * diference, char * base_time) {
- long i_diference, i_base_time, isize;
- char temp_ample[] = "0000000000000";
- if( ( ! ( istringstream ( diference) >> i_diference)) or i_diference == 0) return false;
- isize = strlen( base_time);
- if( isize < 12) temp_ample[ 12 - isize] = 0; else temp_ample[ 0] = 0;
- strcat( temp_ample, base_time);
- oTimeConverter.set_value( temp_ample);
- i_base_time = oTimeConverter.as_long();
- if( ( i_base_time == 0) or ( i_base_time <= abs( i_diference) ) ) return false;
- multiplier = ( double ( i_base_time) + double ( i_diference) ) / ( double ( i_base_time));
- return true;
- }
- // open the read file
- bool openreadfile( char * cName){
- strcpy( sReadFile, cName);
- normalizename( sReadFile);
- strcpy( sReadFilei, sReadFile);
- sReadFile, ios::in);
- return oReadFile.is_open();
- }
- // open the write file
- bool openwritefile( char * cName){
- strcpy( sSaveFile, cName);
- normalizename( sSaveFile);
- strcpy( sSaveFilei, sSaveFile);
- sSaveFile, ios::out); //, ios::nocreate
- return oSaveFile.is_open();
- }
- // changes the time of te lines with -->
- void recalculate( char * charLine){
- char * cTimeConverter1, * cTimeConverter2, * cBetween;
- cTimeConverter1 = strtok( charLine, " \t" );
- cBetween = strtok( NULL, " \t" );
- cTimeConverter2 = strtok( NULL, " \t" );
- oTimeConverter.set_value( cTimeConverter1); oTimeConverter *= multiplier; cTimeConverter1 = oTimeConverter.as_char();
- strcpy( charLine, cTimeConverter1); strcat( charLine, " --> ");
- oTimeConverter.set_value( cTimeConverter2); oTimeConverter *= multiplier; cTimeConverter2 = oTimeConverter.as_char();
- strcat( charLine, cTimeConverter2);
- }
- char * get_sReadFile( void) { return sReadFilei; };
- char * get_sSaveFile( void) { return sSaveFilei; };
- // read from a file and write in other (selecting lines with --> to changes
- bool process( void){
- char sTeste[ MAXLINESIZE];
- while( ! oReadFile.eof() ) {
- oReadFile.getline( sTeste, MAXLINESIZE-1);
- if( strstr( sTeste, " --> ") != NULL) recalculate( sTeste);
- oSaveFile << sTeste << "\n";
- if( oSaveFile.bad() or return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- ~cSubtitleTuning() {
- if( oReadFile.is_open() ) oReadFile.close();
- if( oSaveFile.is_open() ) oSaveFile.close();
- }
- } oSubtitleTuning;
- // *** centralize all messagens and dialogs
- class cMessage {
- char programname[ MAXFILENAME];
- public:
- // help (insufficient parameters)
- void help( void) {
- cout << "\nSubtitle Tuning 0.3B (L) 2013 Ricardo Erick RebĂȘlo (jacknpoe)";
- cout << "\n\nSyntaxes: 1. " << programname << " <source> <target> <variation> <base time>";
- cout << "\n 2. " << programname << " <source> <target> <multiplier>";
- cout << "\n\nsource: the file must exist, in the " << EXTENSION << " format, free from errors.";
- cout << "\ntarget: " << EXTENSION << " file, can't be the source file. It will be overwritten.";
- cout << "\nvariaton: milisseconds to apply to base time (to calculate the rate of change).";
- cout << "\n (if negative will advance, if positive delay the subtitles)";
- cout << "\nbase time: time (HH:MM:SS,mmm) to apply 100% of the variation.";
- cout << "\nmultiplier: positive non-integer number to multiply the subtitles time.";
- cout << "\n\nExamples:";
- cout << "\n\n1. " << programname << " test1 test2 -9750 00:50:30,000";
- cout << "\n adjusts the time gradually until, in fifty minutes of video, the subtitle";
- cout << "\n is advanced 9,75 seconds (approximately 99,6782% of the time)";
- cout << "\n\n2. " << programname << " test1 test2 0.9975 (standard to some .avi files)";
- cout << "\n adjust the subtitles in test1" << EXTENSION << " in 99,75% of time and write in test2" << EXTENSION << ".\n";
- }
- // find the program name, without extension and path
- void set_programname( char * executable){
- int iBegin = 0, iEnd = 0, iindex;
- for( iindex = strlen( executable)-1; iindex >= 0 and iBegin == 0; iindex-- ) {
- if( executable[iindex] == '.' and iEnd == 0) iEnd = iindex - 1;
- if( iEnd != 0 and iBegin == 0 and
- ( executable[iindex] == '\\' or executable[iindex] == '/' or executable[iindex] == '>' ) )
- iBegin = iindex + 1;
- }
- if( iEnd != 0 and iBegin <= iEnd ) {
- strcpy( programname, &executable[ iBegin]);
- programname[iEnd-iBegin+1] = 0;
- } else if ( iEnd == 0 and iBegin == 0 ) strcpy( programname, executable);
- else strcpy( programname, "undetermined");
- }
- // some errors and messages (self explanatory)
- void error_multiplier( char * p_value) {
- cout << "\nInvalid '" << p_value << "' parameter (must be numeric greater than zero).\n";
- }
- void error_multiplier( char * diference, char * base_time) {
- cout << "\nInvalid parameters: '" << diference << "' and/or '"<< base_time << "'.\n";
- }
- void error_opening( void){
- cout << "\nFile " << oSubtitleTuning.get_sReadFile() << " cannot be opened.\n";
- }
- void error_openwrite( void){
- cout << "\nFile " << oSubtitleTuning.get_sSaveFile() << " cannot be opened or created.\n";
- }
- void error_process( void){
- cout << "\nAn error occurred in the process of creating of file " << oSubtitleTuning.get_sSaveFile() << ".\n";
- }
- void processing( void){
- cout << "\nProcessing file " << oSubtitleTuning.get_sSaveFile() << "...\n";
- }
- void sucess( void){
- cout << "\nFile " << oSubtitleTuning.get_sSaveFile() << " was successfully generated.\n";
- }
- } oMessage;
- // *** M A I N () *******************************************************************
- int main( int argc, char* argv[]) {
- setlocale( LC_ALL, ""); // equal caracters in prompt
- oMessage.set_programname( argv[ 0]);
- if( argc < 4) {; exit( 1); };
- if( argc == 4) if( ! oSubtitleTuning.set_multiplier( argv[ 3]) )
- { oMessage.error_multiplier( argv[ 3]); exit( 2); }
- if( argc == 5) if( ! oSubtitleTuning.set_multiplier( argv[ 3], argv[ 4]) )
- { oMessage.error_multiplier( argv[ 3], argv[ 4]); exit( 3); }
- if( ! oSubtitleTuning.openreadfile( argv[ 1]) ) { oMessage.error_opening(); exit( 4); }
- if( ! oSubtitleTuning.openwritefile( argv[ 2]) ) { oMessage.error_openwrite(); exit( 5); }
- oMessage.processing(); if( ! oSubtitleTuning.process() ) { oMessage.error_process(); exit( 6); }
- oMessage.sucess(); return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
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