
Залупа времени

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. ==Классификация кораблей==
  2. Флот состоит из множества разнообразных кораблей, начиная от мелких шаттлов, заканчивая огромными линейными крейсерами.
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  5. |'''Классы кораблей'''
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  8. *Флагманский корабль класса Амазон
  9. Новейшее пополнения коллекции кораблей Флота ЦПСС, этот корабль-носитель оборудован новейшими технологиями и вооружением, а также служит вместилищем для богатого набора кораблей поменьше. Что самое главное в нём, так это продвинутые системы управления, информирования и коммуникации. Только два таких корабля на данный момент бороздят просторы космоса: БСПСС Амазон и БСПСС Победоносец.
  11. *Флагманский корабль класса Резолюция
  12. Самый часто встречаемый тип флагманский кораблей, по сути представители этого класса являются немногим больше, чем линейными крейсерами большего размера с трудом втиснутым ангаром. Хоть подобные корабли и медленно летают, но они способны огрызаться так, что мало не покажется, благодаря чему корабли класса Резолюция всё еще является силой, о которой не стоит забывать, даже если кроме него на поле боя никого нет.
  14. *Суперноситель класса Терра
  15. Древний класс суперносителей, который уже полностью списан, за исключением одного единственного корабля, БСПСС Терра, который был переделан в музей.
  17. *Суперноситель класса Алдрин
  18. Корабли этого класса являются основой флота ЦПСС. Они могут нести на себе множество различных войс, припасов, кораблей, перевозя вместе с собой армию, куда бы то ни было надо. Обладает крайне легким вооружением, корабли класса Алдрин опираются на защиту от других кораблей. Корабли данного класса способны переносить до десяти эскадронов штурмовых кораблей, более дюжины кораблей поддержки, а также несколько пристыкованных фрегатов, единственное что ограничивает корабли этого класса, так это их медленная скорость и частая необходимость в пополнении запасов.
  20. *Scorpio-class Battlecarrier
  21. More self-sufficient than both carriers and battlecarriers, the Scorpio-class is often found at the heart of smaller "wolfpack" fleets, pursuing independent objectives during larger engagements. Equipped with two large flight pods, point defense cannons, heavy armor, and a host of other weapons, these Battlecarriers are practically fleets unto themselves. However, the expense of these vessels, especially compared to the older Capricorn-class, means that they are fairly rare.
  23. *Nefertari-class Carrier
  24. This class is often found linked with its larger counterparts to "share the load" of maintaining a fighter wing. These classes often carry support equipment that supercarriers cannot, along with utility spacecraft. Operating independently, Nefertari-class ships tend to be too generalized for anything more than patrol missions.
  26. *Midway-class Battlecruiser
  27. The main combat vessel of the Fleet, this ship has big guns and tons of armor, made to take enemy ships head-on. A preponderance of forward-facing armor and weaponry necessitates that Midway-class vessels travel with escorts.
  29. *Charles De Gaulle-class Battlecruiser
  30. An older battlecruiser, the De Gaulle-class has some advantages over the Midway in armor and support capabilities, most importantly: a large storage bay containing dropships, landing craft, and vehicles for leading landing operations.
  32. *Waterloo-class Cruiser
  33. A counterpart to the Midway, the Waterloois also built for direct combat, but has less armor and forward-facing weaponry. Instead, it is equipped with support weaponry, a larger complement of missiles and torpedoes, as well as electromagnetic jamming equipment. Some Waterloo cruisers eschew most space-to-space weaponry entirely, and carry weapons designed for planetary bombardment.
  35. *Orca-class Escort Carrier
  36. Only capable of carrying two squadrons of strike craft, the Orca makes up for its small complement with a longer range than its larger counterparts, as well as more conventional weaponry. The Orca can often be found protecting stationary installations and supply fleets. The Orca gained a reputation during the Gaia Conflict for an ability to operate behind enemy lines autonomously for weeks at a time.
  38. *Antietam-class Destroyer
  39. The combat support vessel of the Fleet, this class has an average amount of both weaponry and armor, designed to screen larger craft and swarm larger enemies. Mediocre in open combat, most Antietam-class vessels remain part of larger fleets.
  41. *Yari-class Destroyer
  42. Specifically designed as a capital ship killer, the Yari class is built around an enormous mass driver, designed to fire both conventional and nuclear projectiles. Lacking in armor and other armament, the Yari has only speed and the defenses of other vessels to protect it as it closes to accurate firing range.
  44. *Somme-class Frigate
  45. A nimble vessel, Somme-class ships provide valuable support platforms for the fleet, filling roles from minelaying to drone control. Standard equipmentincludes an array of point defense cannons for taking down guided projectiles and strike craft.
  47. *Nuum-class Missile Frigate
  48. A more specialized vessel than the Somme, Nuum-class frigates are equipped with thousands of missiles of varying payloads, designed to screen against fighters, drones, and other smaller craft. With such a focused specialization, missile frigates are almost never seen operating alone.
  50. *Lexington-class Corvette
  51. More an anti-fighter and hunter-killer vessel than anything, this class is often sent out to flank formations, and catch enemies that have strayed from their escorts. In more unstable sectors, Lexington-class vessels are sometimes used as up-armored patrol craft.
  53. *Cartwheel-class Assault Corvette
  54. A dedicated ground support class, these ships are filled to the brim with troops, aircraft, and supplies to act as the link between carriers and the ground. These ships often forego anti-ship weaponry for increased armor and carrying capacity, as well as keel-facing cannons for use planetside.
  56. *Rockfish-class Stealth Craft
  57. Only known to the public because of high-profile links in the Committee of Defense and Security, Rockfish are used for sensitive missions and covert operations. Estimated to be between a Corvette and a Patrol Craft in size, the actual capabilities of the Rockfish-class are classified.
  59. *Dromedary-class Support Craft
  60. A highly modular vessel, the Dromedary-class is reconfigured for a variety of support roles, including tender, rescue and salvage, and replenishment. Lightly armored and armed, a Dromedary-class without escorts is a juicy target.
  62. *Lubna-class Medical Craft
  63. An older vessel, Lubna-class hospital ships remain in service providing medical care and transportation to wounded members of the Fleet and Marine Corps, often ferrying the injured back to planetside or orbital medical centers.
  65. *Cobra-class Patrol Craft
  66. Little more than a pair of engines, crew compartment, and pulse cannon, the Cobra is often used to board and search craft during interdictions.
  68. *BF-28 "Albatross" Landing Craft
  69. A ponderous ship, Albatrosses are oversized drop pods, packed with enough armor to make it through planetary defenses and deploy their pissed off cargo: an entire Marine Battalion. Sometimes called the "One-Way A" Albatrosses have a reputation for being able to make it to the surface, but in the process take so much damage they are unable to return to orbit.
  71. *PM-24 "Flare" Modular Transport
  72. A multi-role spacecraft, the Flare can be configured as a transport, dropship, gunship, or patrol craft, among other options. It is a fairly common utility craft aboard larger SolGov spacecraft. Popular among PMCs and mercenary groups, refitted Flares can be found in many hands throughout human space.
  74. *PM-55 "Shikra" Interceptor
  75. An advanced superiority fighter, the Shikra is one of the most commonly used strike craft in the fleet. While primarily designed for fighter-on-fighter combat, the Shikra can also be used for recon, and is equipped with above-average stealth technology.
  77. *PM-07 "Comet" Tactical Bomber
  78. Equipped with heavy torpedo and missile mounts, the Comet is designed to take down capital ships and stations. Rarely used by the Fleet, Comet pilots have a reputation for being somewhat lazy.
  80. *HG-101 "Manta" Electronic Warfare Craft
  81. Designed to jam communications and disrupt missile targeting, Mantas are also equipped with strong sensor equipment, and are often used as forward recon craft.
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