

Feb 2nd, 2020
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  1. function builingsProgress(player: player,time: number,name: text,loc: location,schematic: text):
  2. if {BuildingCount.%player%} is greater than 0:
  3. remove 1 from {BuildingCount.%player%}
  4. set block at {_loc} to beacon
  5. set {_time.%{_player}} to convert date now to unix date
  6. set {_time.%{_player}%.start} to convert date now to unix date
  7. while difference between {_time.%{_player}%.start} and {_time.%{_player}} is less than {_time}:
  8. wait 5 ticks
  9. set {_time.%{_player}} to convert date now to unix date
  10. set {_%{_player}%.czasowaZmienna} to difference between {_time.%{_player}%.start} and {_time.%{_player}}
  11. set {_czas} to {_time} - {_%{_player}%.czasowaZmienna}
  12. set {_czas} to rounded down ({_czas}/60)
  13. set {_czas} to {_czas}+1
  14. set block at {_loc} to air
  15. paste schematic "%{_schematic}%" at {_loc}
  16. wait 2 ticks
  17. send "&7[&6IslePvPbuildings&7] &7&l%{_name}% &7has been built!" to {_player}
  18. broadcast "&7[&6IslePvPbuildings&7] &a%{_player}% &7has just built &7&l%{_name}%"
  19. if player has permission "ipb.elite":
  20. if {BuildingCount.%player%} is less than 2:
  21. add 1 to {BuildingCount.%player%}
  22. else:
  23. if {BuildingCount.%player%} is less than 1:
  24. add 1 to {BuildingCount.%player%}
  25. function buildingsWoolCoast(player: player,block: location):
  26. drawDot count 2, particle "smoke", material wool, XYZ 0.5, 0.4, 0.5, center location of {_block}, visibleRange 10, pulseDelay 1, keepFor 1 seconds
  27. play raw sound "note.bassattack" at {_player} with pitch 1 volume 1
  28. send "&7[&6IslePvPbuildings&7] &6>> &cYou dont have enough items yet!" to {_player}
  29. exit
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