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Feb 2nd, 2013
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  1. John Hamlett
  2. Steven Price
  3. MWF 11:00 AM
  5. Java
  7. Computers are the way of the future, there is no getting around that simple fact. Schools as of now have a very limited curriculum for students, until they get to college. I however was lucky enough to go to a school that offered a programming class, they taught Java.
  8. The class basically gave me a nice framework to build Java off of. If I had only taken that class I would only be able to create simple programs that did nothing more than print text to the screen, maybe after doing a simple algorithm. However, without that class I would not have been able to expand my Java knowledge to what it is today.
  9. A great example of my expansion of “Java Know How” is when a popular Java program, that would automate repetitive tasks that user wanted it to, however it was usually used to play a popular online game, became outdated and would not longer function properly. I took it upon myself, with a small team of other programmers, to fix it. In order to fix it we had to rewrite a massive number of class files, the files that actually contain the code, and figure out how to make the classes communicate with one another. This was a very long yet rewarding experience, it went well above what the class had originally taught me, but without the class planting that “Java seed” it could not have grown.
  10. Another example of Java helping me out, this time in the classroom, is when I was having trouble doing a factoring in math. I was bored one day so I was determined to figure out a way to remember how to factor, the solution I came up with was to create a Java program to factor numbers for me. My thinking was if I could create a program to do it for me then I should be able to remember it for an upcoming test. It took me many trial and error attempts, to finally figure out an algorithm that actually was successful in factoring a polynomial function. After coding the program in Java my suspicions about my ability to remember the method was true. I was able to remember it because Java made me think of factoring in a different context.
  11. I thought Java would only be useful in my career choice. I, thankfully, was wrong, Java has become a tremendous advantage to my computer “life”. I am able to actually create applications that could run and solve problems. With all the capabilities of Java I do not see it becoming obsolete, for me or others, in the near future. Programming languages come and go, but JAva has stood the test of time and has changed my life, and hopefully will change other peoples lives as well.
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