
.conkyrc - 2015.07.31.

Jul 31st, 2015
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  2. # conky configuration
  3. #
  4. # The list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
  5. # of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
  6. # Check for an up-to-date-list.
  7. #
  8. # For ideas about how to modify conky, please see:
  9. #
  10. #
  11. # For help with conky, please see:
  12. #
  13. #
  14. # Default .conkyrc - CrunchBang
  15. #
  16. #
  17. # Enjoy! :)
  18. ##############################################
  19. # Settings
  20. ##############################################
  21. background no
  22. use_xft yes
  23. xftfont PPETRIAL:size=10
  24. xftalpha 0.8
  25. update_interval 1.0
  26. total_run_times 0
  27. own_window yes
  28. #own_window_class conky
  29. own_window_transparent yes
  30. ##############################################
  31. # Compositing tips:
  32. # Conky can play strangely when used with
  33. # different compositors. I have found the
  34. # following to work well, but your mileage
  35. # may vary. Comment/uncomment to suit.
  36. ##############################################
  37. ## no compositor
  38. own_window_type conky
  39. own_window_argb_visual no
  40. #own_window_argb_value 99
  42. ## xcompmgr
  43. #own_window_type override
  44. #own_window_argb_visual yes
  46. # cairo-compmgr
  47. #own_window_type desktop
  48. #own_window_argb_visual yes
  49. ##############################################
  50. own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
  51. double_buffer yes
  52. minimum_size 620 320
  53. maximum_width 620
  54. draw_shades no
  55. draw_outline no
  56. draw_borders no
  57. draw_graph_borders no
  58. default_color White
  59. default_shade_color black
  60. default_outline_color white
  61. alignment top_right
  62. gap_x 16
  63. gap_y 36
  64. no_buffers yes
  65. uppercase no
  66. cpu_avg_samples 2
  67. override_utf8_locale yes
  68. use_spacer yes
  69. ##############################################
  70. # Output
  71. ##############################################
  72. TEXT
  73. ${voffset -14}
  74. #${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}${execp ~/}
  75. ${voffset -26}
  76. ${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=60}${alignr}${time %H:%M:%S}
  77. ${voffset -60}${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=18}${alignr}${time %Y. %b. %d.}
  78. ${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=18}${alignr}${time %A}
  79. ${goto 74}${voffset -5}${font Liberation Mono:Bold:size=16}${execpi 60 naptar=`date +%_d`; ncal -NCH -d| sed '1d' | sed '/./!d' | sed 's/$/ /' | fold -w 21 | sed -n '/^.\{21\}/p' | sed 's/^/${goto 74} /' | sed /" $naptar "/s/" $naptar "/" "'${color green}'"$naptar"'${color}'" "/}$font
  80. ${voffset -14}
  81. #${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}Rendszer${font}
  82. #${hr}
  83. ${goto 260}${pre_exec cat /etc/issue | cut --delimiter=" " -f 1,2,3 } ${goto 285}${pre_exec lsb_release -d | cut -f 2}
  84. #$alignc Openbox
  85. ${goto 310}Openbox / $kernel / $machine
  86. ${color 0fc4e3}${cpugraph 20,610 0fc4e3 0fc4e3}${color}
  87. #$alignr $updates
  88. #${pre_exec vmstat}
  89. #${pre_exec egrep 'Mem|Cache|Swap' /proc/meminfo}
  90. #${pre_exec free -h}
  91. Uptime:$alignr $uptime
  92. Users logon:$alignr $user_number
  93. RAM:$alignr $memperc% | $mem | $cached | $buffers | $memmax
  94. $alignr ${membar 2,50}
  95. Swap:$alignr $swapperc% | $swap | $swapmax
  96. $alignr ${swapbar 2,100}
  97. ${goto 90}Load:$alignr $loadavg
  98. ${goto 90}CPU: (${cpu}%)$alignr ${cpubar 2,100}
  99. ${goto 90}${freq}MHz ${alignr} ${color 0fc4e3}${cpugauge 30,60}${color}
  100. Processes:$alignr $processes
  101. Running:$alignr $running_processes
  102. Root:$alignr${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
  103. ${fs_bar 2,596 /}
  104. Home:$alignr${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
  105. ${fs_bar 2,596 /home}
  106. ${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=10}$alignr M/B: ${hwmon 1 temp 1}° | CPU: ${hwmon 1 temp 2}° | fan: ${hwmon 1 fan 2} | sda ${hddtemp /dev/sda}° | sdb ${hddtemp /dev/sdb}°
  107. ${goto 320}${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=10}Read / write data:${alignr}$diskio_read| $diskio_write
  108. ${voffset +1}
  109. #${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}Hálózat${font}
  110. #${hr}
  111. ${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=10}Le: ${downspeed ppp0}| ${totaldown ppp0}${alignr}Fel: ${upspeed ppp0}| ${totalup ppp0}
  112. ${color 0fc4e3}${downspeedgraph ppp0 25,80 0fc4e3 0fc4e3 580} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph ppp0
  113. 25,80 0fc4e3 0fc4e3 90}${color}
  114. #${totaldown ppp0}${alignr}${totalup ppp0}
  115. ${voffset -+1}
  116. #${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}Folyamat${font}
  117. #${hr}
  118. ${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=10} ${goto 420}CPU ${goto 478}MEM% ${goto 550}MEM/MiB
  119. ${voffset -12}
  120. #${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}
  121. ${goto 200}${top name 1} ${goto 410}${top cpu 1} ${goto 474}${top mem 1} ${goto 554}${top mem_res 1}
  122. ${goto 200}${top name 2} ${goto 410}${top cpu 2} ${goto 474}${top mem 2} ${goto 554}${top mem_res 2}
  123. ${goto 200}${top name 3} ${goto 410}${top cpu 3} ${goto 474}${top mem 3} ${goto 554}${top mem_res 3}
  124. ${goto 200}${top name 4} ${goto 410}${top cpu 4} ${goto 474}${top mem 4} ${goto 554}${top mem_res 4}
  125. #${top name 5} $alignr${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5} ${top mem_res 5} $alignr
  126. #${top name 6} $alignr${top cpu 6} ${top mem 6} ${top mem_res 6} $alignr
  127. #${top name 7} $alignr${top cpu 7} ${top mem 7} ${top mem_res 7} $alignr
  128. #${top name 8} $alignr${top cpu 8} ${top mem 8} ${top mem_res 8} $alignr
  129. #${font Sans:bold:size=10}Időjárás${font}$
  130. #${hr}
  131. #${execi 120 ~/scripts/}
  132. ${voffset -4}
  133. #$alignc${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}-- Születésnapok -- / -- Névnapok --${font}
  134. #${hr}
  135. ${goto 100}Tegnapelőtt: $alignr${execi 3600 cat ~/.nevnap.txt | grep "^`date +%m%d --date '-2 days'`" | cut -c 6-}
  136. ${goto 100}Tegnap: $alignr${execi 3600 cat ~/.nevnap.txt | grep "^`date +%m%d --date '-1 days'`" | cut -c 6-}
  137. ${goto 100}Ma: $alignr${color green}${execi 3600 cat ~/.nevnap.txt | grep "^`date +%m%d`" | cut -c 6-}${color}
  138. ${goto 100}Holnap: $alignr${execi 3600 cat ~/.nevnap.txt | grep "^`date +%m%d --date '1 days'`" | cut -c 6-}
  139. ${voffset -4}
  140. ${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10} ${pre_exec free -hl}
  141. ${font PPETRIAL:bold:size=9}
  142. # ${voffset -35}
  143. # $alignr${color green}${exec mocp -Q %song/%artist//%state/%ct/%tl --sync}${color}
  145. #${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=10}Névnapok${font}
  146. #${hr}${font Liberation Mono:bold:size=11}
  147. #${voffset -1}${rss 3 item_title 3}
  148. #${rss 3 item_title 2}
  149. #${rss 3 item_title 1}
  150. #${rss 3 item_title 0}
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