
Quest Aid

May 4th, 2024
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  2. <cmud>
  3. <class name="QuestAid" copy="yes">
  4. <class name="qitem" enabled="false" copy="yes">
  5. <trigger priority="2460" copy="yes">
  6. <pattern>A crown made of the finest gold sparkle before you, exuding evil.</pattern>
  7. <value>#IF (@varqitem = "the Crown of Takhisis") {
  8. get crown
  9. #T- qitem
  10. varqitem = %null
  11. }</value>
  12. </trigger>
  13. <trigger priority="2470" copy="yes">
  14. <pattern>A set of platinum disks lies before you.</pattern>
  15. <value>#IF (@varqitem = "the Disks of Mishakal") {
  16. get disks
  17. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  18. #BEEP
  19. }
  20. #T- qitem
  21. varqitem = %null
  22. }</value>
  23. </trigger>
  24. <trigger priority="2480" copy="yes">
  25. <pattern>A heavy steel hammer lies here.</pattern>
  26. <value>#IF (@varqitem = "the Hammer of Reorx") {
  27. get hammer
  28. #T- qitem
  29. varqitem = %null
  30. }</value>
  31. </trigger>
  32. <trigger priority="2490" copy="yes">
  33. <pattern>A powerful lance is jammed into the ground before you.</pattern>
  34. <value>#IF (@varqitem = "the True Dragonlance of Paladine") {
  35. get lance
  36. #BEEP
  37. #T- qitem
  38. varqitem = %null
  39. }</value>
  40. </trigger>
  41. <trigger priority="2500" copy="yes">
  42. <pattern>A large book lies here, detailing the history of Krynn, as witnessed by Astinus.</pattern>
  43. <value>#IF (@varqitem = "the Tobril of Krynn") {
  44. get tobril
  45. #BEEP
  46. #T- qitem
  47. varqitem = %null
  48. }</value>
  49. </trigger>
  50. <trigger priority="2520" copy="yes">
  51. <pattern>A cage of souls stands before you, hideous screams coming from it.</pattern>
  52. <value>#IF (@varqitem = "a Cage of Souls belonging to Chemosh") {
  53. get cage
  54. #T- qitem
  55. varqitem = %null
  56. }</value>
  57. </trigger>
  58. </class>
  59. <trigger priority="2620" copy="yes">
  60. <pattern>the Royal Advisor tells you 'Bastard thieves have stolen a Cage of Souls belonging to Chemosh!'</pattern>
  61. <value>varqitem = "a Cage of Souls belonging to Chemosh"
  62. #T+ qitem</value>
  63. </trigger>
  64. <trigger priority="2580" copy="yes">
  65. <pattern>the Royal Advisor tells you 'Bastard thieves have stolen the Crown of Takhisis!'</pattern>
  66. <value>varqitem = "the Crown of Takhisis"
  67. #T+ qitem</value>
  68. </trigger>
  69. <trigger priority="2630" copy="yes">
  70. <pattern>the Royal Advisor tells you 'Bastard thieves have stolen the Disks of Mishakal!'</pattern>
  71. <value>varqitem = "the Disks of Mishakal"
  72. #T+ qitem</value>
  73. </trigger>
  74. <trigger priority="2590" copy="yes">
  75. <pattern>the Royal Advisor tells you 'Bastard thieves have stolen the Hammer of Reorx!'</pattern>
  76. <value>varqitem = "the Hammer of Reorx"
  77. #T+ qitem</value>
  78. </trigger>
  79. <trigger priority="2570" copy="yes">
  80. <pattern>the Royal Advisor tells you 'Bastard thieves have stolen the Tobril of Krynn!'</pattern>
  81. <value>varqitem = "the Tobril of Krynn"
  82. #T+ qitem</value>
  83. </trigger>
  84. <trigger priority="2610" copy="yes">
  85. <pattern>the Royal Advisor tells you 'Bastard thieves have stolen the True Dragonlance of Paladine!'</pattern>
  86. <value>varqitem = "the True Dragonlance of Paladine"
  87. #T+ qitem</value>
  88. </trigger>
  89. <var name="varqitem" type="Literal" usedef="true" copy="yes">
  90. <value>%null</value>
  91. <default>%null</default>
  92. </var>
  93. <trigger priority="3960" copy="yes">
  94. <pattern>{the Royal Advisor tells you}</pattern>
  95. <value>:Tracking:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  96. #CAP Tracking</value>
  97. </trigger>
  98. </class>
  99. </cmud>
Tags: mud cmud ANSALON
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