
A Bomb

Jan 16th, 2016
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  1. DrGodzilla120
  2. (Trahir) No need to introduce yourself. I know who you are, or rather, what you are.
  3. (Trahir) You're Dead Meat.
  4. (Trahir) KAME...
  5. (Trahir) HAME...
  6. 4:05
  7. Gallibon the Destroyer
  8. *The larger Viledrode Spaceship opens up and drops off a large heap of space garbage down below*
  9. *The rest of the Viledrode Spaceships do the same*
  10. 4:06
  11. DrGodzilla120
  12. (Trahir) HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *unleashes a Kamehameha toward U-Killersaurus*
  13. 4:06
  14. Gallibon the Destroyer
  15. *After dropping off all the space garbage, the Viledrode spaceships take off.*
  16. *The large pile of space garbage starts glowing*
  17. 4:08
  18. Krazar77
  19. (U-killersaurus)<(a bold statement *boosters activate, flying upwards*
  20. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  21. 4:08
  22. Fr0stfur
  23. hi o/
  24. 4:08
  25. GarudaGoji
  26. Hi
  27. 4:08
  28. Krazar77
  29. hey dr
  30. 4:08
  31. DrGodzilla120
  32. ?
  33. 4:08
  34. Krazar77
  35. can you add the U-killersaurus emote please
  36. 4:09
  37. Fr0stfur
  38. I'm not dr
  39. 4:09
  40. Gallibon the Destroyer
  41. *All of the space garbage forms into one sentinent creature.*
  42. 4:09
  43. Krazar77
  44. oh hi ickabrod3
  45. (wave)
  46. 4:09
  47. Gallibon the Destroyer
  48. (Garbage Monster) <(I'AM ALIVE!!!)
  49. 4:09
  50. DrGodzilla120
  51. *a dozen tentacles erupt from the ground, following U-Killersaurus*
  52. *They all stab at him*
  53. 4:10
  54. Gallibon the Destroyer
  55. (Garbage Monster) <(Now, just to plant these babies on the ground and let her rip!)
  56. (Garbage Monster) *plants bombs on the ground*
  57. (Garbage Monster) <(Hehehe.)
  58. 4:10
  59. Krazar77
  60. (U-killersaurus)* fires 4 fireballs at the dozen tendrils8
  61. 4:10
  62. DrGodzilla120
  63. *the tendrils pass through the fireballs*
  64. *they stab him*
  65. *energy is transferred to the tentacles*
  66. *though U-Killersaurus feels nothing happen to him*
  67. 4:11
  68. Gallibon the Destroyer
  69. (Garbage Monster) *sees Trahir's tentacles* <(Man I get to me one of those.)
  70. (Garbage Monster) *continues his mission*
  71. 4:12
  72. Krazar77
  73. (U-killersaurus)* takes the tendrils out*
  74. 4:13
  75. DrGodzilla120
  76. *the tentacles disappear*
  77. (Trahir) *teleports behind U-Killersaurus*
  78. (Trahir) *unleashes a volley of purple fireballs at him*
  79. 4:13
  80. Gallibon the Destroyer
  81. (Garbage Monster) *destroys a few buildings*
  82. 4:14
  83. Krazar77
  84. (U-killersaurus)*turns around and blasts through the fireballs, his armor taking the brunt of it and slams into trahir, punching him in the stomach*
  85. 4:15
  86. DrGodzilla120
  87. (Trahir) *grabs his fist, before spitting corrosive saliva at U-Killersaurus*
  88. 4:15
  89. Gallibon the Destroyer
  90. (Garbage Monster) <(This city is a little clean for my taste. I think it's time for renovating.)
  91. 4:15
  92. DrGodzilla120
  93. (Trahir) *generates a freezing orb with his other hand and fires it at U-Killersaurus*
  94. 4:16
  95. Gallibon the Destroyer
  96. (Garbage Monster) *destroys some more buildings*
  97. 4:16
  98. Krazar77
  99. (U-killersaurus)* dodges the orb and slams into Trahir*
  100. 4:16
  101. DrGodzilla120
  102. (Trahir) *lets go of the fist, using the Force to hold up U-Killersaurus by the throat*
  103. 4:16
  104. Gallibon the Destroyer
  105. (Garbage Monster) <(I'm surprised there's no military right now coming in to stop me.)
  106. 4:16
  107. DrGodzilla120
  108. (Trahir) *remains in place*
  109. 4:16
  110. Krazar77
  111. wat
  112. wat
  113. wat
  114. wat
  115. wata
  116. wat
  117. wat
  118. wat
  119. wat
  120. wat
  121. how
  122. did he get the force
  123. 4:17
  124. DrGodzilla120
  125. How what?
  126. He's had the Force for some time.
  127. He has a variety of abilities that he's stolen from others.
  128. 4:17
  129. Krazar77
  130. ....
  131. 4:17
  132. DrGodzilla120
  133. The Force, Zanpakuto, Kamehameha, Sub-Zero freezing orb, Scorpion Kunai, Scorpion Hellfire, Reptile Saliva, and a lot more.
  134. 4:17
  135. Krazar77
  136. k
  137. lag
  138. (U-killersaurus)*snarls as he fires hsi organic missiles, they slamming into trahirs body*
  139. 4:18
  140. DrGodzilla120
  141. (Trahir) *uses his other hand to use the Force to hold the missiles in the air, before turning them back on U-Killersaurus, focusing on a single spot*
  142. 4:18
  143. Gallibon the Destroyer
  144. (Garbage Monster) *stops and thinks* <(Wait a minute I have a detonater! I don't need to destroy the city, the bombs will do it for me! Yesiree.)
  145. 4:19
  146. DrGodzilla120
  147. (Trahir) *generates a portal with that other hand, taking out a metal handle of some sort*
  148. *a red, glowing blade slides out of the handle*
  149. 4:19
  150. Gallibon the Destroyer
  151. (Garbage Monster) <(Now to go over to the next city and do the same.)
  152. (Garbage Monster) <(At least once i'm done here.)
  153. 4:19
  154. DrGodzilla120
  155. (Trahir) *releases U-Killersaurus*
  156. (Trahir) *slashes at him with the lightsaber*
  157. *the portal closes*
  158. 4:20
  159. Gallibon the Destroyer
  160. (Garbage Monster) *watches the fight* <(Well this looks interesting...)
  161. 4:21
  162. Krazar77
  163. (U-killersaurus)*tanks the missiles and the lightsabar*
  164. 4:21
  165. DrGodzilla120
  166. (Trahir) *stabs the weakened spot with the lightsaber*
  167. *it pierces through his armor*
  168. 4:22
  169. Krazar77
  170. (U-killersaurus)*roars in pain*
  171. 4:22
  172. Gallibon the Destroyer
  173. (Garbage Monster) *intervenes* <(Alright everybody! You might wanna clear now!)
  174. 4:22
  175. Krazar77
  176. (U-killersaurus)<(question, do you now who belial is?
  177. 4:22
  178. DrGodzilla120
  179. (Trahir) *removes the lightsaber, opening the portal again and sending it back in, before it closes*
  180. (Trahir) Yes, I do...
  181. 4:22
  182. Gallibon the Destroyer
  183. (Garbage Monster) *gets closer* <(I suggest you two ought to leave now...)
  184. 4:23
  185. DrGodzilla120
  186. (Trahir) *uses the Force to hold U-Killersaurus's mouth open*
  187. 4:23
  188. Krazar77
  189. (U-killersaurus)<(im one of his agents. i came here to destroy the city *motions to bloodvolk and cyber-drakon * they got in the way and the others thought i was a foe
  190. (U-killersaurus)<(i ddint knwo they were your mean and i apologize for that.
  191. 4:24
  192. DrGodzilla120
  193. (Trahir) Let me put it this way.
  194. 4:24
  195. Gallibon the Destroyer
  196. (Garbage Monster) <(...because I'm gonna blow this city into pieces!) *holds up the detonater in his left hand*
  197. 4:24
  198. DrGodzilla120
  199. (Trahir) Starting from now, this is MY city.
  200. 4:24
  201. Krazar77
  202. (U-killersaurus)<(even i know when im defeated.
  203. 4:24
  204. DrGodzilla120
  205. (Trahir) This is MY planet.
  206. (Trahir) And this is MY. Fucking. Universe.
  207. 4:25
  208. Krazar77
  209. (U-killersaurus)<( wat
  210. 4:25
  211. Gallibon the Destroyer
  212. (Garbage Monster) <(Uh...)
  213. 4:25
  214. DrGodzilla120
  215. (Trahir) And those are MY empire's men.
  216. (Trahir) You don't FUCKING FUCK with my empire's men.
  217. 4:25
  218. Gallibon the Destroyer
  219. (Garbage Monster) <(Hello?)
  220. 4:25
  221. Krazar77
  222. thats
  223. just
  224. wat
  225. 4:25
  226. Gallibon the Destroyer
  227. (Garbage Monster) <(Duh....)
  228. (Garbage Monster) *stands there looking stupid*
  229. 4:26
  230. Krazar77
  231. (wave)
  232. Krazar77 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  233. 4:26
  234. Gallibon the Destroyer
  235. (Garbage Monster) <(Duh.....)
  236. Um...guys?
  237. Hello?
  238. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  239. 4:28
  240. Gallibon the Destroyer
  241. test
  242. 4:30
  243. DrGodzilla120
  244. Eh.
  245. 4:30
  246. Gallibon the Destroyer
  247. What?
  248. Did something go wrong?
  249. 4:30
  250. DrGodzilla120
  251. No.
  252. Krazar just left really suddenly, so I'm not really sure what to do.
  253. 4:31
  254. Gallibon the Destroyer
  255. Well that Garbage Monster has planted a few bombs in the city...
  256. 4:32
  257. DrGodzilla120
  258. Oh.
  259. 4:32
  260. Fr0stfur
  261. Where did he get bombs? xd
  262. 4:32
  263. DrGodzilla120
  264. *the soldiers fire at the Garbage Monster*
  265. 4:32
  266. Gallibon the Destroyer
  267. He's a Garbage Monster from outer space.
  268. He's a pretty resourceful guy. XD
  269. (Garbage Monster) *fires out balls of garbage out from his mouth at the soldiers*
  270. (Garbage Monster) <(Oh you like my Debris Spit, soldier boys!)
  271. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  272. 4:35
  273. Gallibon the Destroyer
  274. test
  275. 4:38
  276. Fr0stfur
  277. vik pls
  278. 4:40
  279. Gallibon the Destroyer
  280. test again
  281. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  282. 4:42
  283. Gallibon the Destroyer
  284. Well I guess I have to go back to waiting...
  285. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  286. 4:43
  287. Fr0stfur
  288. yep
  289. 4:44
  290. Gallibon the Destroyer
  291. By the way I should point that Garbage Monster's real name is...Garbage Monster.
  292. :3
  293. 4:45
  294. Fr0stfur
  295. Nice
  296. Gallibon
  297. 4:46
  298. Gallibon the Destroyer
  299. By the way he is not an OC but he's actually real:
  300. 4:46
  301. Fr0stfur
  302. This character is utter, complete, absolute trash
  303. 4:46
  304. Gallibon the Destroyer
  305. Yep. Every meaning o it. :3
  306. *of
  307. I'd like to see him and Trahir and Makia duke it out. XD
  308. 4:47
  309. DrGodzilla120
  310. I see what you did there.
  311. "This character is utter, complete, absolute trash"
  312. 4:48
  313. Fr0stfur
  314. Yep
  315. 4:49
  316. Gallibon the Destroyer
  317. Hehe
  318. 4:49
  319. Fr0stfur
  320. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot. He's just garbage.
  321. 4:50
  322. Gallibon the Destroyer
  323. Well that was junk.
  324. 4:50
  325. DrGodzilla120
  326. Does he like to stare at girls' junk?
  327. 4:50
  328. Fr0stfur
  329. Into the scrappy pile he goes!
  330. 4:51
  331. Gallibon the Destroyer
  332. Lol, we're having a field day with this guy.
  333. But he has BOMBS!
  334. 4:51
  335. GarudaGoji
  336. He'll be going to the junk yard if he continues
  337. 4:51
  338. Fr0stfur
  339. So?
  340. 4:52
  341. Gallibon the Destroyer
  342. So?
  343. 4:52
  344. Fr0stfur
  345. Nobody's having a blast while he's in an RP.
  346. His debut was a bomb.
  347. 4:52
  348. Gallibon the Destroyer
  349. Well if you say so...
  350. :3
  351. 4:54
  352. Fr0stfur
  353. Well, it was.
  354. 4:54
  355. Gallibon the Destroyer
  356. Are you still joking or are you being serious?
  357. 4:55
  358. DrGodzilla120
  359. The amount of people that were bored when he came in just instantly exploded.
  360. We're still joking.
  361. 4:55
  362. Gallibon the Destroyer
  363. Oh. Just checking.
  364. 4:55
  365. Fr0stfur
  366. He's the last thing I'd want to bang
  367. 4:56
  368. Gallibon the Destroyer
  369. XD
  370. Anyways, I hope Vehk shows up soon. Lansing needs to be resolved.
  371. 4:59
  372. Fr0stfur
  373. Ye
  374. Wait
  375. You were in the Lansing RP????
  376. 5:00
  377. Gallibon the Destroyer
  378. Yes...remember?
  379. Makia, M and Taokaka?
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