
Bijuu Bijuu Nine

Feb 14th, 2023
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  1. B̳Y̳O̳N̳D̳ ̳K̳e̳y̳:
  2. King Destroyer
  4. ̳D̳i̳s̳c̳o̳r̳d̳ ̳K̳e̳y̳:
  5. @ℝ𝕖|𝕧|𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖#9990
  7. ̳I̳C̳ ̳N̳a̳m̳e̳:
  8. Don’t Know At the moment
  10. ̳R̳a̳n̳k̳ ̳a̳n̳d̳ ̳L̳e̳v̳e̳l̳:
  11. Genin/Beginner [Going for 9}
  13. ̳P̳v̳P̳ ̳E̳x̳p̳e̳r̳i̳e̳n̳c̳e̳:
  14. Between Beginner and Intermediate [I am willing to train hard to become advanced, this is my second/third wipe]
  16. ̳H̳a̳v̳e̳ ̳y̳o̳u̳ ̳p̳l̳a̳y̳e̳d̳ ̳a̳ ̳r̳a̳n̳k̳ ̳o̳n̳ ̳t̳h̳i̳s̳ ̳g̳a̳m̳e̳ ̳b̳e̳f̳o̳r̳e̳?:
  17. No, I never had the chance.
  19. ̳H̳a̳v̳e̳ ̳y̳o̳u̳ ̳e̳v̳e̳r̳ ̳q̳u̳i̳t̳ ̳a̳ ̳r̳a̳n̳k̳ ̳o̳n̳ ̳t̳h̳i̳s̳ ̳g̳a̳m̳e̳ ̳b̳e̳f̳o̳r̳e̳?̳ ̳I̳f̳ ̳s̳o̳,̳ ̳w̳h̳y̳?:
  20. N/A
  22. ̳A̳v̳a̳i̳l̳a̳b̳i̳l̳i̳t̳y̳:
  23. I am available every day after 9:30 AM CST [After Work}; I might sleep or stay up. I am available after this time until 1 or 2 AM for my job! This is Monday - Saturday until it changes to Friday, but I will let you know if this changes.
  25. ̳W̳h̳y̳ ̳d̳i̳d̳ ̳y̳o̳u̳ ̳p̳i̳c̳k̳ ̳t̳h̳i̳s̳ ̳r̳a̳n̳k̳?:
  26. I am willing to step up and figure out this game to make it fun for the RPers around me. I want to make this a fun experience for those who engage with my character. Partially because I believe in myself and want to do my best to show off how much better I can be.
  28. C̳h̳a̳r̳a̳c̳t̳e̳r̳ ̳D̳e̳t̳a̳i̳l̳s̳:
  29. {???} is far from innocent, he can be lewd, rude, and vulgar. He is a bit of a trickster, but behind that {???} is amiable. He is pure-hearted and gives respect to great warriors no matter where they come from. He does not feel like people are disgraced by abandoning the ninja world, but he tries his best to respect those rules. A true Shinobi who believes the way of the ninja is not the only way people should battle. War is not won by respecting rules but by having a strong warrior's passion to show loyalty to whoever they align with. {???} is not quick to get into fights, he is rather laid back compared to most fighters. He is looking to prove himself, though, when needed he will do what he needs to do while smiling. Happy to be in the position he is, despite how little he had and how hard he had to come up with.
  31. ̳W̳i̳p̳e̳ ̳G̳o̳a̳l̳s̳:
  32. To aid the village in whatever they need, protect those with the strongest conviction, whether good or evil. I want my character to achieve the goals of those who have the best plan. This does not mean being on the winning side; it is more of where their personal beliefs are. This means supporting the new Kage, a separate entity, or someone outside the village. A journey will be taken to complete his beliefs before finding himself and either becoming someone or something different by the end of it. Opposing these thoughts or fully finding himself lost in them.
  34. How will giving you the rank be beneficial? What do you plan to do?:
  35. The RP I will do will provide something a bit different with my ability being lesser than others. I can try my best to write a character who overcomes support good or bad. It will be a bit bland in the beginning while watching the character change to provide some good RP.
  37. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. ̳R̳P̳ ̳S̳a̳m̳p̳l̳e̳:
  40. A tragedy born to the powerless warlords of the slums with no clan or powers. They were nobody, nothing important, a name barely remembered. They were thrown to the scraps of the town, by parents who were trying their best to care. Demons of the town would consume the mother and the father tried their best. Two children stayed hungry, forcing them to learn how to escape the slums. Stealing and removing any challenge to grow stronger through their tragedy. A glorious uprising from the bottom moving through the dirt to find themselves at the top.
  42. This was no fairy tale. Their father was not someone who could take care of them. His failing health was the reality that Nishimura had to face. The dreams of making it out of the slums were just that, a dream. He was not a part of some prestigious family that gave him special abilities. Nishimura was a normal boy with learned skills that did not make him any more worthy of being a ninja, A worthless slum ninja with some quality skills. A rough lesson for a six-year-old that was barely living their own life. Even worse when they had to go through the academy at an early age. This skill caught the eye of older ninjas which forced Nishimura into school.
  44. The Academy would bring out a new challenge in Nishimura which just led him to get prepared for ninja training. This was how he was going to hone himself as a person. His little brother would be left behind for his training in the world. A small inkling of his being enjoying the wonderous ninja world, that was until he was thrust back to the streets. Nishimura's time was spent working hard while the people around him. This was normality for his youth and continued throughout his years in the academy.
  46. It was strange, this entire situation was strange. Never once did he believe that he would be here, at a ninja academy. Nishimura didn’t know this existed until being shot a push by jonin, which even now was awkward. He had just his brother to rely upon and that was just a younger kid than himself. If he were to look around they would see a small kid in rags compared to the somewhat respectable clothes of the other clans. The KKGs walked around the room like nobility and those of the big three were even more worshipped than that. Nishimura noticed that many of them were given unfair treatment by even the teacher and this started a bit of hate for the group. It only left him to assume the other kids had to work that much harder to meet the requirements that they were already failing to be like by being born the way they were. It was rage-inducing, this was the spark needed to prove people wrong. Nishimura took the academy seriously during his time there. This meant that he worked harder than most in his class to be noticed. His understanding of ninjutsu would push the kid into heights some did not fully think some no names were capable of this. Nishimura didn’t ever think at the moment, he never cared what they had to say.
  48. As he continued growth in the academy, students began to dislike him just as much. Kids in the big three clans thought he was nothing. They felt their training was better than his own, they felt like he was inexperienced. Honestly, the hate was nothing too overwhelming as Nishimura ignored most of it, they were mostly petty threats or attacks while he worked. Walking through the halls could be dangerous if he took the wrong direction. He shifted this noticeable negative and turned it into training to better move around the enemies. This worked well, noticing the array of people who would discriminate against those born lesser. Discrimination amongst the chatter of the peers pushes a group together away from the clans. Walking into the academy was always filled with snide remarks towards the clanless group. Those thoughts began to clamor around his head, setting the boy off into a hard passion for proving them wrong. Nishimura never dragged his feet when it came to assignments under his teacher only moving mountains that no one thought possible.
  50. Nishimura was surprised a little by his skills within the ninja world, they were honed and refined by his lifestyle. Nishimura had thought he was the only one who came to prove themselves in this village. Others shared these desires and they were the only ones who he felt had met the standards to be a ninja. Albeit the requirements to become a ninja weren’t necessarily hard if you were in a clan. Just most of the others outside already had lost their lives in their eyes and their joyous youth was spent becoming nothing more than a slave for those who sat at the top. It was disgusting and Nishimura did nothing to show this from their expressions, but deep down every victory was for those who were born lesser. They had seen the worst and lost the most in their lives, but they had to continue to be better to make a name. For those who came after him, others who had also experienced the same while in these crooked academies.
  52. It was strange, this entire situation was strange. Never once did he believe that he would be here, at a ninja academy. Nishimura didn’t know this existed until he moved to the main city, which even now was awkward. He had no family to rely upon and all the other orphans were closed off. If he were to look around, Nishimura noticed that many of them were not there. It only left him to assume the others didn’t meet the same requirements to be a ninja-like him. Surely this was thanks to him… No, Nishimura didn’t want to think of that moment. He was here now, it was time to deal with this new place.
  54. As he entered the academy it was nothing like he ever experienced before, honestly, it was a tad overwhelming in some cases even. Walking through the halls his gaze shifted around noticing the array of people, the indiscriminate chatter of those walking some made snide remarks towards the boy underneath their breaths. They commented on his clothes and his somewhat unkempt appearance. Suddenly the boy began to feel the stares of everyone around him even if they weren’t, he was an orphan and they knew that he was an orphan. Those thoughts began to clamor around his head, setting the boy off into autopilot mode. Not even processing his movements, Nishimura dragged his feet across the ground until he arrived at his assigned classroom.
  56. Though those thoughts about his newly found orphaned state were soon quelled as Nishimura looked into the classroom to see someone else from the orphanage, it surprised him a little. Nishimura had thought he was the only one from the orphanage who had met the standards to be a ninja, albeit the requirements to become a ninja weren’t necessarily hard. Just most of the others in the orphanage already had lost their life from their eyes and their joyous youth from their expressions. They had seen the worst and lost the most in their lives, so continuing was pointless. He had comrades in the academy and others who had also experienced the loss of their families.
  58. The two people Nishimura had started to grow close to were living in this same new experience he was. The three seem fated to stay together no matter what happens at this point. The three bounced off of each other and protected one another in the school, not letting themselves falter. Had they made it this far right? The group would work throughout the academy moving back and forth and growing tighter. They even commit to a blood pact and promise to stick by each other and protect each other like they already have. It was a true family thing they were doing and it only gave Nishimura a reason to work harder.
  60. The ninja world was not going to be ready for these soon-to-be genins. The training was not as hard as they thought, they excelled once more in the academy and passed the test easier than most people should have. Transformation and basic clone jutsu were what they needed to pass, the group was easy to pass over these techniques graduating. They had to move in to get a new Jonin, but the pre-teens were thrown together and the work was going to grow easier.
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