
The Mysterious Case of Miki Miura's Missing Hand

Sep 2nd, 2012
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  1. Hello, as many of you know, I am Banda.
  3. I come to you tonight to weave a magnificent tale, of things unspoken of by Yamaku’s residents. This tale is one that has been referred to as a myth, something that is whispered by gossipy underclassmen in between periods, and it’s something that seems so absurd that it can’t possibly be true.
  5. I assure you though, this story is completely accurate, and I issue a warning to those weak of heart or stomach to stop reading here, lest you find yourself swimming in an ocean of regret.
  7. I shall relay you the truth behind Miki Miura’s lost hand.
  9. It was a fine day, with many of the adolescents attending Yamaku were out and about in the crisp spring air, engaging in the commonplace activities of their age groups. Most of the staff were out and about as well, some (like Sir Mutou) smoking outside the building, whilst other engaged in idle chit-chat in the break rooms.
  11. Overall it was a great day.
  13. Though… it wouldn’t be that way for some, nay, for some it’d quickly turn horrid.
  15. Out near the school track, is a simple shed. One made to shelter equipment from the elements, but as of recently it has become the center for lewd activities.
  17. Specifically, the lewd acts of a Miss Emi Ibarazaki, and her compatriot Miki Miura.
  19. Now neither of these girls were lesbians, even though high school girls can become so at the drop of a hat, but they did enjoy playing with each other’s bodies a bit. Generally this all boiled down to the duo attempting several things they’d read about online before just rubbing their respective genitals against the others until they climaxed.
  21. Today however, Emi decided she wanted to try something that’d been a topic of conversation with a close friend.
  23. “Anal?” Miki asked, cocking an eyebrow at the twin-tailed minx.
  25. Emi nodded enthusiastically, hand clenched around the bottle of lemon scented lubricant she’d taken from the anonymous friend.
  27. “I hear it’s supposed to feel really good,”
  29. Miki didn’t know how to feel about this, they didn’t have anything truly “safe” for penetration in the shed, and she sure didn’t have the required equipment on her body for it either.
  31. “So how do we do it? We don’t really have anything to stick in… there,”
  33. Emi grinned deviously, the sure sign that she’d already figured out a way to jump that particular hurdle.
  34. “We use our hands of course!”
  36. Miki’s eyes went wide, that was kinda gross to her honestly, and she wasn’t sure if she was okay with the plan presented.
  38. “Emi… I don’t think I want to do that…”
  40. Emi’s grin dropped slightly at the rejection of her plan, but she knew Miki would fold quickly if pressured a little.
  42. “But why not? I promise it’ll be fun~!”
  44. “It’s just… it’s not exactly the cleanest place to put a hand…” Miki’s voice dropped to a whisper.
  46. “I don’t know about you, but I’m clean. I took precautions this morning~!”
  48. Of course Emi was referring to an enema, administered by the school’s nurse at her request.
  50. “And if you don’t like it, you can stop. I won’t be mad as long as you try,”
  52. Miki shifted side to side, weighing the options set before her.
  54. On one hand she could participate in this taboo act, and possibly discover an anal preference.
  56. On the other hand she could refuse, and go back to doing nothing in her room all day while Suzu used her as a body pillow.
  58. Deciding on the former, Miki therein sealed her own fate without her knowledge.
  60. The duo started quick, Emi bending over a stack of mats whilst Miki generously applied the lube onto her puckered star, and onto her left hand in preparation for entry. Once she’d gotten the hand nice and slick, she pressed two fingers against Emi’s hole, marveling at how easy the digits slid in and out with the lubricant’s help.
  62. From there things progressed quickly, Miki rapidly adding more fingers as she pistoned in and out of Emi’s ass, spurred on by the girl’s moans at the feeling of being finger-banged. Eventually she’d reached the point where all four fingers fit in easily, the noise of her lubed up hand thrusting in and out reverberating off the walls.
  64. “M-Miki~, Put it ALL in~!!!” Emi lustfully moaned, pushing her butt into Miki’s hand.
  66. This is where things spiraled downhill.
  68. Miki immediately pushed forward, fitting the entirety of her hand into the shorter girl, and Emi’s sphincter suddenly clamped around her.
  70. It was tight… far too tight, and Miki’s circulation started to cut off.
  72. The sphincter continued to tighten even further, sending throbs of pain up Miki’s arm as she began to scream in pain. Emi was screaming too, for Miki to pull it out of her, and Miki complied by tugging at the wrist with her free hand.
  74. The sphincter continued to tighten, as if having a mind of its own, and the pain increased to an almost unbearable point as the tight passage attempted to suck Miki’s arm in.
  76. Then there was a sudden pop, and Miki’s arm was free…
  78. Sans hand.
  80. Emi passed out, the sight of Miki staring at her new stump was too much, and the poor girl’s brain just gave up.
  82. Miki didn’t notice any of that; her gaze was drawn to the sight of the tendons of her arm flopping about as the muscles tried to contract fingers that weren’t attached anymore. To Miki it looked like thick spaghetti, drenched in crimson sauce, and it took her several second to realize just what had happened.
  84. There isn’t much more to this tale fair readers, Miss Miura was forced to run across campus alone, bleeding stump wrapped up in her shirt as she beat feet to the nurse’s office.
  86. Both the girls spent time in the hospital, Miki for physical therapy regarding her new disability, and Emi for a near surgery to extract the hand from her anus.
  88. If you take anything from this tale gentlemen, I should hope that you realize that sometimes the worst decisions can be taken in the heat of the moment, and those decisions can haunt you for the rest of your life.
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