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a guest
Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
  2. OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-8u212-b01-1~deb9u1-b01)
  3. OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.212-b01, mixed mode)
  4. :/home/container$ java -Xms128M -Xmx1024M -jar BungeeCord.jar
  5. 20:02:07 [INFO] Using mbed TLS based native cipher.
  6. 20:02:07 [INFO] Using zlib based native compressor.
  7. 20:02:07 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421
  8. 20:02:07 [INFO] Not on Windows, attempting to use enhanced EpollEventLoop
  9. 20:02:07 [INFO] Epoll is working, utilising it!
  10. 20:02:07 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_alert, file=modules/cmd_alert.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  11. 20:02:07 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_find, file=modules/cmd_find.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  12. 20:02:07 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_list, file=modules/cmd_list.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  13. 20:02:07 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_send, file=modules/cmd_send.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  14. 20:02:07 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_server, file=modules/cmd_server.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  15. 20:02:07 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=reconnect_yaml, file=modules/reconnect_yaml.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  16. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  17. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  18. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  19. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin DynamicBungeeAuth version 10.10B by UraharaNZ
  20. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  21. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_send version git:cmd_send:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  22. 20:02:07 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  23. 20:02:07 [INFO] Enabled plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  24. 20:02:07 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  25. 20:02:07 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.14-SNAPSHOT:9e76966:1421 by SpigotMC
  26. 20:02:07 [INFO] DBA | Thanks for your purchase null, if you have some issues contact me on Discord UraharaNZ#1240
  27. 20:02:07 [INFO] DBA | Generating and loading Config Files.
  28. 20:02:07 [INFO] DBA | Config Files Loaded.
  29. 20:02:07 [INFO] DBA | Connecting to the DB Server.
  30. 20:02:08 [SEVERE] [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
  31. 20:02:08 [SEVERE] [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
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