
Heroes of The Cave

Mar 7th, 2016
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  1. This all happened in a cave just south of Desert Town..
  3. Huge Creature yells: . . . . ?
  4. Bordon Necrogroph whispers...
  5. Ryusei thinks: I don't think Sam is in here..
  6. *Creature without any sort of prior warning, charges directly at the intruders of the cave, screaming and yelling all the while.*
  7. Bordon Necrogroph thinks: ITS SO....GREEN.....
  8. *Huge Creature was standing amidst the rocks and dust inside the cave before a group of four people walked inside. The hulking monster lifted up and began to run at charge at the intruders. Huge quakes being set off as it took each step.*
  9. *Jackson Stewert was supposed to be afraid? Jackson had immediately threw off his jacket and prepared himself for combat against this Huge Creature. He's dealt with people that was much stronger than him and was able to bruise him up, which wasn't usual because he didn't lose to anybody that was even highly above average and if you were able to deal a large amount of damage against him then you were surely a great individual indeed, the cave was rather dark.
  11. He focused on their enemy and then launched himself foward, a blutz of energy had formed around him and he attempted to leap through the air and send a straight jab toward the creature's face, hopefully causing their advesary to become stunned for a brief second. And then he would continue with a sudden and rapid succession of heavily and well-placed attacks.*
  12. *Kano didn't even have time to swear before they were being bumrushed. Yellow orbs peered through the umbrage towards the strange pair they'd mistakenly stumbled upon. One was a giant green humanoid with broad shoulders, massive arms, and pink pads of flesh visible on his shoulders, wrists, and his stomach. Two antennae sat atop his brow.
  14. The other was equally strange, with blue skin and an inhumanly large frame. They had to be well over eight feet tall, and probably weighed somewhere around a thousand pounds. They both bellowed so loudly the walls around them began to shake, the ground rumbling beneath the force of their combined footsteps.
  16. "Geez, this is gonna be rough. Where do I even start?" he wondered, eying both targets as they approached. "I've got be a long night ahead of me." Hurling his coat aside, his muscles swelled as he tried to push his power to its limits. Something told him he'd need every bit of it. *
  17. Kano grins as he removes his coat, cracking his knuckles loudly.
  18. Kano switches to Wolf Stance!
  19. *Ryusei || "OH MY GOD!"
  21. He knew he made a mistake following the others in the moment he caught sight of the two giant creatures standing amongst the rocks and dust, sweat immediately forming upon his face and his body shaking soon afterwards. Slowly, he backed toward the exit, hoping to get out of there before the two creatures made a move.
  23. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
  25. The two creatures charged and with them doing so, the ground began to shake, throwing Ryusei off of his feet and to the ground, struggling to stand amongst the constant shaking.
  29. His face was wild - his eyes constantly darting left and right, searching for a weapon to defend himself should he need to and more than that, a means to steady himself so he can escape.
  32. *Bordon Necrogroph would have sighed, hands clenched in his pocket as his sunglasses shined brightly while looking towards the two seemingly mutated huge creatures that looked ready to rip the three of them to shreds, tilting his shades downward to look at them both with cold artic blue eyes.
  34. "Big ol' stinky dumb animals." The cyan-haired man would mumble, slowly getting into a defensive stance.*
  36. What followed was an intense verb between an Alien, two Humans, a Titan form Heran EC, and a Titan form Namekian EC. Though fighting with all the had, the three challengers lost..
  38. *Huge Creature was seething with rage and a determined blood lust. The creatures knuckles were bruised and bloodied from the massive out pour of raw strength being beaten into the trespassers.
  40. He looked around as they had all been dropped...
  42. Except Ryusei.
  44. Posing a bloody grin, he ran at the new target.*
  45. *Bordon Necrogroph would have attempted to crawl towards the huge blue creature in a attempt to stop him, gritting his teeth tightly as he tried so hard to defend the little kid that unfortunately came along with him.
  47. Bordon didn't like this.*
  49. Having defeated the three challengers, the two monstrosities turned their sights on a child no older than twelve. It was up to him to fight and win if the other three were to live, but instead..
  51. *Ryusei || He had warned them, but they didn't listen. He had told them to run - not doing so ensured their deaths, but despite that, they fought. They ignored him like everybody else and they paid the price for it, and now, it fell to Ryusei to save their lives.
  53. It fell to..-
  55. "I told you.."
  57. Backed against the wall with tears in his eyes and looking toward the two huge creatures before him, Ryusei felt nothing but fear. Fear that because of him going with the group, he'd be force into a fight that he didn't seek in the first place. Fear that because he didn't know how to fight, he couldn't save. Fear that if he tried to save them.. he'd die too.
  59. "I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you-"
  61. He was hyperventilating - chest heaving and the tears streaming down his face, spilling to the dirt below him. He had to save them, but he had to save himself. He couldn't dare hope to save them if he couldn't even save himself, right?
  63. Right?
  65. "I'm sorry.."
  67. Bile rose in the child's throat, but somehow, none spilled from his lip. Maybe it was the fear getting to him or maybe, it was the weight of his decision and the guilt that immediately spawned because of it.
  69. "I'm so sorry.."
  71. He didn't have any other choice.
  73. With tears streaming down his face and with his legs barely able to support himself, Ryusei turned and ran, sprinting toward the exit and hopefully sparring himself the fate he was almost sure awaited the others.*
  74. *Creature draws out a hand towards a nearby stalagmite, ripping it free from its earthen bounds. The monster throws the mass towards Ryusei as he intends to make his escape from the cavern, looking to knock the boy unconscious seeing as how the creature could no longer reach him given the distance and speed.*
  75. *Huge Creature would be running at the tiny kid who had stood in the midst of it all. How would he feel when he learned that his cowardice alone would cause the deaths of all these people? Instead of following, the large, teal monster smiled with the razor sharp fangs pointing through his open mouth.
  77. "Hraaaaaaahh...." He expelled a massive breath and turned to the West to give the fallen their release of life. At least they'd have a better afterlife once they were expunged from the cruel living world. Each step would leave a huge imprint into the sand. Every second, literally ticking down their life expectancy. Two huge hands would be brought up, as Jackson was his first target.*
  79. They were doomed for death, but despite that, the three never gave up, nor did they look toward their fleeing would-be savior with disdain. Instead, they did all they could to make sure he survived the encounter, ensuring that he did.
  81. *Kano was lying in a heap beneath a boulder, blood pooling around him. His breaths were pained and ragged, as he struggled to keep himself conscious. Wincing painfully, he tried to move when he saw that Ryusei was to be their next target. Thankfully, the boy had sense enough to try and escape rather than play hero.
  83. Kano would have done well to heed that lesson himself, but he was already in too deep to try and back out now. Beside him, Bordon and Jackson shared a similar fate, waiting to be mauled by the ferocious twosome. Their gang wouldn't have to wait long, however, as the blue creature's hands began to crackle with a strange energy.
  85. That wasn't important, however. Ensuring Ryusei escaped was the only thing Kano cared about at the moment. He was too young to die in a shithole like this. So, without him really wanting to the battered man somehow found the will to rise. His body racing forward, as he threw himself in the path of the hurled stalagmite.
  87. He cracked his signature grin, arms stretched out beside him as if to bar the creature's passage. Coughing painfully as he finally mustered the nerve to look down at the thrown spear which had punched clean through him. He couldn't even muster up a laugh before doubling over, landing face first in the dirt. Unmoving. *
  88. Bordon Necrogroph says: K-Kano!
  89. Kano thinks: So where it all ends...
  90. Kano thinks: At least I did something the...end.
  91. Bordon Necrogroph thinks: D-damn it....
  92. Bordon Necrogroph yells: GET OUT OF HERE, KID!
  93. *Bordon Necrogroph would have been bloody and bruised, coughing up blood as he felt every part of himself broken, eyes closed tightly as he couldn't even muster enough strength to help the boy survive, and it probably costed Kano his only chance of survival, however, Bordon could only.....
  95. Inspire.
  97. Bordon would narrow his eyes in a determined gaze, if he couldn't move, he had the strength to atleast throw something to try and help inspire the young Ryusei and determine him, to atleast attempt to avenge the gang's inevitable deaths.
  99. He'd take off his shades, gazing at them for a moment before reaching his arm backwards, yelling out in agony as he felt his whole body wrack with pain, his hand trembling from the pain alone as he grit his teeth, sparks suddenly emitting from the friction alone as he clenched his fist tightly.
  101. With another yell, one that was filled with determination, he would send the shades flying forth, hoping that Ryusei would atleast catch them.*
  102. *Ryusei || If not for the actions of Kano, he'd be dead.
  104. The stalagmite came close to impaling the child and ending his life instantly, but because of the large red alien jumping in the way, it didn't. If he was looking to make Ryusei feel crappier about his decision, he had done so with flying colors, because the sight of him taking the attack in his place would forever be engraved in his mind.
  106. I'm sorry..
  108. Bordon through a pair of shades at the child and by some miracle, though he didn't aim to catch them, they got caught on the straps of the goggles he wore. And as Ryusei disappeared out the cave, the last thing the trio would see of him would be him bawling, thankful for the chance they had given him and unable to live with himself despite his body fighting so hard to live.*
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