

Dec 1st, 2020
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  1. options:
  2. EssenceItem: cyan stained glass pane named "&aEssence Generator"
  3. AngelEssenceItem: white stained glass pane named "&bAngel &aEssence Generator"
  4. TeslaItem: oak wood fence named "&bTesla Tower"
  5. ShopItem: crafting table named "&c&lBuy Items"
  6. SelectTool: stick named "&aSelect Towers/Generators"
  7. UpgradeItem: arrow named "&bUpgrade selected tower"
  8. UnselectTool: Barrier named "&aUnselect tower"
  9. DeleteItem: red stained glass pane named "&C&LDelete tower (You will get the tower back)"
  10. SellItem: sunflower named "&c&lSell tower (WARNING: You will lose all coins inside of the tower)"
  11. Item::Archer: Skeleton Spawn Egg # Change archer to another other troop if you want, Use any SPAWN EGG
  12. Troop::Skeleton: "Archer" # Change Skeleton to whatever the archer item is.
  13. Item::Barbarian: Blaze Spawn Egg
  14. Troop::Blaze: "Barbarian"
  16. command getitems:
  17. trigger:
  18. give player 1 of {@EssenceItem}
  19. give player 1 of {@AngelEssenceItem}
  20. give player 1 of {@TeslaItem}
  21. give player 1 of {@ShopItem}
  22. give player 1 of {@SelectTool}
  25. on chat:
  26. if {basedeletechat::%player's uuid%} is set:
  27. if {basedeletechat::%player's uuid%} was less than 2 minutes ago:
  28. delete {basedeletechat::%player's uuid%}
  29. if message contains "Yes" or "yes":
  30. cancel event
  31. delete {base::%player's uuid%}
  32. else:
  35. on join:
  36. if {maxstructures::EssenceGen::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  37. set {maxstructures::EssenceGen::%player's uuid%} to 2
  38. if {maxstructures::AngelEssenceGen::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  39. set {maxstructures::AngelEssenceGen::%player's uuid%} to 2
  40. if {maxstructures::TeslaTower::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  41. set {maxstructures::TeslaTower::%player's uuid%} to 1
  42. set metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a chest inventory with 4 rows named "%player%'s Clan Menu"
  43. set slots (all integers from 0 to 9, 17, 18, and all integers from 26 to 35) of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to gray stained glass pane named ""
  44. set slot 13 of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a ender pearl named "<Yellow>Teleport to your base!" if {base::%player's uuid%} is set
  45. set slot 13 of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a clock named "<Green>Make a base." if {base::%player's uuid%} is set
  46. set slot 21 of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a sign named "<Cyan>Join teams for wars!" if {team::%player's uuid%} is not set
  47. set slot 21 of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a sign named "<Cyan>View your team." if {team::%player's uuid%} is set
  48. set slot 22 of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a redstone block named "<red><bold>Delete your base"
  49. set slot 23 of metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to a diamond block named "<lime>View leaderboards"
  52. on right click:
  53. if player's tool is {@ShopItem}:
  54. open metadata tag "Shop" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player)
  55. else if player's tool is {@SelectTool}:
  56. set {_loc} to player's location
  57. subtract 50 from the y coordinate of {_loc}
  58. loop {placed::structures::%player's uuid%::*}:
  59. loop ({placed::structures::%player's uuid%::%loop-index%} times:
  60. loop all blocks within {%loop-index-1%::%loop-number%::%player's uuid%::corner::1} and {%loop-index-1%::%loop-number%::%player's uuid%::corner::2}:
  61. if loop-value-3 is {_loc}:
  62. set {_d} to {EssenceGen::%loop-number%::%player's uuid%::center}
  63. if {_d} is true:
  64. clear player's inventory
  65. set slot 1 of player's inventory to 1 of {@UpgradeItem}
  66. kill {currentlyselected::%player's uuid%}
  67. summon a zombie at {_loc}
  68. make last spawned zombie invisible
  69. add "noGravity:1b" to nbt of last spawned zombie
  70. apply potion of glowing to the last spanwed zombie for 999 days
  71. set {currentlyselected::%player's uuid%} to last spawned zombie
  72. set {selectedbuilding::%player's uuid%} to last spawned zombie
  73. else:
  74. send "<red>You are not standing over something to select!"
  75. else if player's tool is {@EssenceItem}:
  76. if {placed::structures::%player's uuid%::EssenceGen} < {maxstructures::EssenceGen::%player's uuid%} ? 2:
  77. set {_loc} to player's location
  78. subtract 50 from the y coordinate of {_loc}
  79. loop {placed::structures::%player's uuid%::*}:
  80. loop all blocks within {%loop-index%::%player's uuid%::corner::1} and {%loop-index%::%player's uuid%::corner::2}:
  81. if loop-value-2 is {_loc}:
  82. set {_d} to true
  83. if {_d} is not set:
  84. remove 1 of player's tool from player's tool
  85. cancel event
  86. if player is not op:
  87. op player
  88. execute player command "setblock ~ ~-50 ~ structure_block[mode=load]{name:""Essence"",author:""BeanyDoesStuff_"",rotation:""NONE"",mirror:""NONE"",mode:""LOAD"",ignoreEntities:0b} replace"
  89. execute player command "setblock ~ ~-50 ~1 redstone_torch replace"
  90. deop player
  91. else:
  92. execute player command "setblock ~ ~-50 ~ structure_block[mode=load]{name:""Essence"",author:""BeanyDoesStuff_"",rotation:""NONE"",mirror:""NONE"",mode:""LOAD"",ignoreEntities:0b} replace"
  93. execute player command "setblock ~ ~-50 ~1 redstone_torch replace"
  94. set {_corner1} to {_loc}
  95. add 6 to the x coordinate of {_corner1}
  96. add 6 to the z coordinate of {_corner1}
  97. set {_corner2} to {_loc}
  98. subtract 6 from the x coordinate of {_corner2}
  99. subtract 6 from the z coordinate of {_corner2}
  100. add 1 to {placed::structures::%player's uuid%::EssenceGen}
  101. set {EssenceGen::%{placed::structures::%player's uuid%::EssenceGen}%::%player's uuid%::center} to {_loc}
  102. set {EssenceGen::%{placed::structures::%player's uuid%::EssenceGen}%::%player's uuid%::corner::1} to {_corner1}
  103. set {EssenceGen::%{placed::structures::%player's uuid%::EssenceGen}%::%player's uuid%::corner::2} to {_corner2}
  104. else:
  105. send "There is already a building at this location!"
  106. else:
  107. send "<red>You have the maximum amount of Essence buildings placed! <gray>(<green>%{maxstructures::EssenceGen::%player's uuid%}%<gray>)"
  110. command /raid <text = start>:
  111. trigger:
  112. if arg is "start":
  113. if {raiding::%Player's uuid%} is not set:
  114. if {troops::%player's uuid%::*} is set:
  115. if {coins::%player's uuid%} >= 250:
  116. remove 250 from player's balance
  117. send formatted "Your explorer has found a raid! You have been automatically teleported to the raid. <command:/raid accept><cyan>Click here to raid this base<reset> or <command:/raid><blue>Click here to search again"
  118. set {atraid::%player's uuid%} to (random value from all offline players)
  119. teleport player to {base::%({atraid::%player's uuid%} parsed as a offline player)'s uuid%}
  120. else:
  121. send "<red>You have to pay your explorers to search for a raid."
  122. else:
  123. send "<red>Are you going to win the raid with your fists? Train some troops and try again."
  124. else:
  125. send "<red>Error: You are already raiding a player! <gray>(<green>%{raiding::%player's uuid%}%<gray>)"
  126. else if arg is "accept":
  127. set {raiding::%player's uuid%} to {atraid::%player's uuid%}
  128. delete {atraid::%player's uuid%}
  129. loop {troops::%player's uuid%::*}:
  130. set {_d::*} to loop-value split at "|"
  131. give player {_d::2} of {@item::%{_d::1}%}
  132. delete {troops::%player's uuid%::*}
  133. send "<green>Successfully started raiding %{raiding::%player's uuid%}%<green>."
  134. send "<red>You are being raided by %player%<red>! <cyan>Go to your base to watch the raid"
  137. on disconnect:
  138. delete metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player
  141. on inventory click:
  142. if name of event-inventory contains "%player%'s Clan Menu":
  143. cancel event
  144. if event-item is an ender pearl:
  145. else if event-item is a clock:
  146. else if event-item is a redstone block:
  147. else if event-item is a sign:
  148. if uncolored event-item's name is "Join others in wars!":
  149. open metadata tag "AllTeams" of ("Teams" parsed as a offline player) to player
  150. if uncolored event-item's name is "View your team.":
  151. open metadata tag "TeamGUI" of ("%{team::%player's uuid%}%" parsed as a offline player) to player
  152. else if event-item is a diamond block:
  153. open metadata tag "Choose Board" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to player
  154. else if name of event-inventory contains "Leaderboards":
  155. cancel event
  156. if event-item is a gold ingot:
  157. if uncolored name of event-item is "Top Coins":
  158. open metadata tag "Coins" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to player
  159. else if event-item is a ghast tear:
  160. if uncolored name of event-item is "Top Essence":
  162. command /setup:
  163. permission: *
  164. trigger:
  165. set metadata tag "Choose Board" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to a chest inventory with 4 rows named "Leaderboards"
  166. set slot 12 of metadata tag "Choose Board" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to a gold ingot named "<gold>Top Coins" # Selector for coins leaderboard
  167. set slot 14 of metadata tag "Choose Board" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to a ghast tear named "<blue?Top Essence" # Selector for coins leaderboard
  168. set slot 22 of metadata tag "Choose Board" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to a clock named "<pink>Top Time Played" # Selector for time played leaderboard
  169. set metadata tag "AllTeams" of ("Teams" parsed as a offline player) to a chest inventory with 6 rows named "All teams"
  170. set slot 53 of metadata tag "AllTeams" of ("Teams" parsed as a offline player) to a arrow named "<green>Next page"
  171. set slot 45 of metadata tag "AllTeams" of ("Teams" parsed as a offline player) to a barrier named "<dark gray>Close menu"
  172. set metadata tag "Coins" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) to a chest inventory with 3 rows named "Top 10 coins"
  173. if metadata tag "Coins" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) is set:
  174. if metadata tag "AllTeams" of ("Teams" parsed as a offline player) is set:
  175. if metadata tag "Choose Board" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) is set:
  176. if metadata tag "Essence" of ("GUIS" parsed as a offline player) is set:
  177. broadcast "&aServer Successfully Setup. &b(Will automatically work on start)"
  180. on skript load:
  181. wait 10 seconds
  182. execute console command "/setup"
  185. command /team <text = help> <text>:
  186. trigger:
  187. if arg-1 is "help":
  188. send formatted "", "<green>Team Help", "<green><suggest command:/team create (name)><tooltip:Click here to create>Create your own team<reset> /team create (name)", "<green><suggest command:/team invite (name)><tooltip:Click here to invite>Invite others to your team<reset> /team create (name)", "<green><suggest command:/team join (name)><tooltip:Click to join>Join other teams<reset> /team join (name)", "<green><command:/team list><tooltip:Click to open list>List all teams.<reset>/team list", and ""
  189. else if arg-1 is "create":
  190. if {team::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  191. if {teams::list::*} contains lowercase arg-2:
  192. send "<Red>This name is already taken. Please try again"
  193. else:
  194. if (length of arg-2) <= 16
  195. if arg-2 is alphanumerical:
  196. send "<green>Creating your team..."
  197. add arg-2 to {teams::list::*}
  198. set {team::%arg-2%::leader} to player
  199. add player to {team::%arg-2%::members::*}
  200. set {team::%player's uuid%} to arg-2
  201. send "<green>Successfully created your team!" if {teams::list::*} contains arg-2
  202. send "<red>An unknown error occured while creating your team. Try again later." if {teams::list::*} doesn't contain arg-2
  203. else:
  204. send "<red>Your team name may only have letters and numbers. Try again"
  205. else:
  206. send "<red>Your team name can be no longer than 16 letters"
  207. else:
  208. send "<red>You are already in a team! <gray>(<cyan>%{team::%player's uuid%}%<gray>)"
  209. else if arg-1 is "settings":
  210. if metadata tag "settings" of ({team::%Player's uuid%} parsed as a offline player) is not set:
  211. set metadata tag "settings" of ({team::%player's uuid%} parsed as a offline player) to a
  212. open metadata tag "settings" of ({team::%player's uuid%} parsed as a offline player) to player
  213. else if arg-1 is "invite":
  214. if {team::%player's uuid%} is set:
  215. if arg-2 parsed as a online player is set:
  216. if {team::%{team::%player's uuid%}%::leader} is player or if {team::%{team::%player's uuid%}%::%{team::%{team::%player's uuid%}%::invitesettings}%::*} contains player:
  218. else:
  219. send "<Red>You do not have valid permission to invite people to your team"
  220. else:
  221. send "<red>You can't invite a offline player (Or a player who was never joined)."
  222. else:
  223. "<red>You are not on a team."
  225. command /clan <text = gui>:
  226. trigger:
  227. if arg is "help":
  228. send formatted "", "<green>Clan Help", "<green><command:/clan><tooltip:Click here to open>Open the gui for clans<reset> /clan gui", "<green><command:/clan go><tooltip:Go to your base>Base teleport<reset> /clan go", "<green><suggest command:/clan delete><tooltip:Delete your base and clan>Delete your base.<reset> /clan delete", "<green><suggest command:/clan create><tooltip:Create a base>Create your base!<reset> /clan create", and ""
  229. else if arg is "gui" or "GUI":
  230. open metadata tag "ClanGUI" of player to player
  231. else if arg is "go":
  232. teleport player to {clanbase::%player's uuid%}
  233. else if arg is "delete":
  234. send "&cAre you sure you wish to delete your base? Type ""Yes"" or ""yes"" in chat to confirm"
  235. set {basedeletechat::%player's uuid%} to true
  237. command /troops <text = help> [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:
  238. permission: troops.admin
  239. trigger:
  240. if arg-1 is "help":
  241. send formatted "", "<green>Troops Admin Help Menu", "<green>Give troops to players <pink><suggest command:/troops give (troop) (player) (amount)>Click here", "<lime>Remove troops from players <red><suggest command:/troops remove (troop) (player) (amount)>Click here", "<Green>Clear all of a player's toops <pink><suggest command:/troops clear (player)>Click here", and ""
  242. else if arg-1 is "give":
  244. else if arg-1 is "take" or "remove":
  246. else if arg-1 is "clear" or "reset":
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