
Object Cards

Nov 1st, 2017
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  1. Object Cards
  3. Name (Alt Name)
  4. Type of Object
  5. Constellation
  6. Technical Details
  7. Observation Notes
  8. Description
  9. Sketch
  10. Distance
  11. Fun Facts
  12. Subjective Rating
  15. Name: Albireo (Beta Cygni)
  16. Type: Binary Star
  17. What You'll See: Two stars very close to each other. The dimmer of the two is a bluer hue. (But what will it look like to your own eye?)
  18. Distance: 400 light years.
  19. Sketch: ( *. ) //* = #FFD4B2, . = #BBD1FF
  20. Fun Facts: These two stars are orbiting each other around a common center of mass, once every 214 years. Albireo is actually a three-star system, but the third star is too close to the brightest star to tell them apart. The bright star is a cool orange bright giant star, and the dimmer star is a very hot blue star. The bright star is seventy times the size of the sun, while the dim star is a mere two and a half.
  22. Name: M13 (The Great Globular Cluster of Hercules)
  23. Type: Globular Star Cluster
  24. What You'll See: A whole bunch of dim stars making up a fuzzy, round ball shape.
  25. Distance: 22,200 light years.
  26. Sketch: not gonna try typing it.
  27. Fun Facts: There are around 600,000 stars in this cluster. On a planet within a star cluster like this, the skies would be filled with thousands of incredibly bright stars, many of which bright enough to shine during the day. The star cluster so far away that the light we see from the stars in it was made in the stone age. M13 was the target of the Arecibo Message, a short 210 byte binary message to any aliens living in the cluster, sent by the Arecibo Radio Telescope in 1974.
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