

May 7th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: nice random ban
  3. reploidzerox: IT wasn't random
  4. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: how was it not random? please explain
  5. reploidzerox: You called a staff member, who you were asking personal questions to, a name
  6. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: yeah its called sarcasm, sherlock
  7. reploidzerox: It's still rude, like your prior comment
  8. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: which one?
  9. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: :D
  10. reploidzerox: -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: yeah its called sarcasm, sherlock
  11. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: ok so your saying that joking is offensive
  12. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: wow
  13. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: somebody doesn't like jokes
  14. reploidzerox: It is the way you're doing it. Calling names, insulting intelligence, being condesending
  15. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: how was i insulting his intelligence
  16. reploidzerox: That sherlock statment was insulting mine
  17. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: i was calling you smart...
  18. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: how is that an insult
  19. reploidzerox: Anywho, I'm done with his converstaion. I'm logging it and upgrading your ban to a permanent one. HAve a nice day
  20. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: yeah cause you cant finish a convos
  21. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: you got owned by a 10 year old btw :D
  22. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤: you have a nice day too mah nigga
  23. -ÐŤƓ™- Puffin™❤ is now Offline.
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