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Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. Watson was referring to the processs of conditioning. Classical conditioning is when you give a stimuli to anticipate the response. Watson could condition the babies to cry when they see a man by having a man come in every hour and pinch them. The man becomes the CS because the babies associate men with pinching. Pinching is the US because it hurts and they cry. The CR is crying when seeing a man. Watson could do similar things through this method to train the babies brains on what to think. The other process of conditioning is operant conditiong. This deals with punishment and reinforcment. If the babies are reinforced, or encouraged, when they try to crawl, they will learn to crawl because they see that it is good. If they are punished for trying to crawl, they will no longer attempt to crawl because they do not want to be punished. I agree with Watson's theory. Pavlov's experiment with dogs proved classical conditioning to be true. Punishing a dog for barking will cause him to bark less, while rewarding him for growling will make him growl more. This is an example of operant conditioning. These methods have been proven, therefore I agree with Watson's statement.
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