
Summary Story 201805

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. The group split fighting the Zeno, Emperor and Levnard. Zeno explaned that although Hess bloodline had been cut off when Yuraisha was locked away, they were worried about Rowen who got sealed in Lapis. Zeno headed to investigate when he heard some other people came along with the original Sworn Eight. He sensed an heir of Hess in the group and wanted to determine who was it, he agreed to train Lasswell for a reason to stay in the group. He traind Lasswell to awaken his blood of Hess to confirm that he was the one. At first Fina stopped Lasswell from facing Zeno since he still had hesitation, until he finally casted off hesitation and joined the fight. However, as Rain and Lasswell fully activated their blood of Ardore and Hess respectively, but as they activated side by side, the blood cancelled each other.
  3. Then, there is bombing. Some Hess people came in airship to fetch the group away in the confusion. Rain criticized them for dragging innocent civilions into the fight.
  5. As they are aboard, the Hess people announced they were declaring war and wanted assistance by the group. They were gathered and ignited by Yuraisha's last speech. They wanted Lasswell's support, as the heir of Hess royalty. Monpelt(?) and the barrier deactivation were a trap to lure Ardore main forces to Viksetram. They said they had hoped Monpelt would succeed but Emperor was just too strong. Rain displayed his disapproval that a war would just bring deaths to innocent people. To others surprise, Lasswell agreed, saying that it is best to change from the inside using his influence instead of not helping.
  7. Then, they travelled to some military base of Ardore army. The plan was to sneak in, deactivate defense systems and bomb the military base.
  9. There are four defense systems to deactivated, main group is to deactivate two and Hess people are to deactivate the other two. After the main group finished, they couldn't meet up with the Hess deactivate teams and the Hess in airship mentioned they lost connection with the Hess deactivate teams. Reagan and Lasswell separated into two groups to check them out.
  11. Reagan, Fina, Sakura, Cid, Mid, Eego, Sieghart are in one group. Reagan talked to Fina that he noticed Fina's feelings for Rain and asked if there was any progress. He said Rain is thick and Fina could be more proactive. Then, they found Hess deactivate team dead and the system deactivated. 6th and 7th Battle Star showed up.
  13. At first, they thought of running since the system is already deactivated. But, 6th said he planted a tracking device + bomb in Eego's body, so there is no use to run. And he would activate the bomb to kill everyone unless Eego followed him back to Ardore to re-educate her (i.e. kicking). Eego didn't want to be a burden and followed him, telling the group not to follow her. Then Cid refused and Reagan decided to follow to stop them.
  15. 6th star was annoyed and wanted to kill the group by just activating the bomb, i.e. breaking his promise to Eego. 7th star heard that, sneaked up from behind and stabbed 6th star, saying that 6th star taught him "people who broke promises should be left dead". He was happy to carry out 6th star's teaching. The main group got ready to fight but 7th star said he had no intention to fight since he was in good mood.
  17. After 7th star left, Eego broke the bomb activator, saying that she finally broke free of all confines and could join the group without reservation.
  19. 16th star was introduced. She just recently joined the Orders and had a moogle companion called Guri. She met 9th star Nagi in the walkway and noticed her horrible injuries. Nagi said it was okay because it was for Hyou. She would do anything for Hyou. 16th star mentioned something about a heart of a maiden.
  21. Lasswell, Rain, Nichol, Citra, Folka, Ignitio are in one group. They found the system still up and Hess deactivate team unconscious. Then, 16th star showed up. When Lasswell prepared to fight, 16th star warned them that although the Hess people were not dead, they should be healed first. As Folka and Rain/Ignitio healed them, Lasswell told 16th star she was weird that she didn't even leave them alive, but cared for their survival. 16th star thought it was normal to care for wellbeing of enemies.
  23. Then, Lasswell suggested 1 v 1 since it was only right to fight chivalrously to such a chivalrous lady. They ended up evenly matched. Guri said although she was weird, her strength was real. She was only 16th star because she just joined. Then, 16th star pestered Lasswell into telling her how he ended up so strong.
  25. As he talked, Nichol deactivated the system. 16th star discussed with Guri that it seemed that Ardore was at the wrong. Guri said it could be so since they were representing Hess, and they should spend time investigating. Then, Guri and 16th star left.
  27. After the systems are deactivated, they had to sneak in and disarm some weapons.
  29. Meanwhile, Lid talked to Jake by writing on his hand. She impersonated as someone else while taking care of Jake. Then, she left with Kunshira as they got ready to get the "Droplet of Origin". Kunshira tagged along because they needed someone alive to bring back the droplet. Lid said she did not want Jake to know it is her so he would not have to bear the emotional burden. She was ready to sacrifice her life to save Jake.
  31. Sol was still finding Rain's memory. He found out that the townspeople were eventually wiped out and Rain was crying while holding the body of a girl. He commented that he learnt what changed Rain.
  33. Throughout the journey, Rain questioned Lasswell about their blood and stayed being disapproval to his decision in joining the war. He said there would be time when Lasswell had to choose which side to save. He accused Lasswell that he would save Hess first. Lasswell got angry and asked what Rain would do. Also, he could not agree to save the world by sacrificing innocent people. Lasswell said it was inevitable. Rain said if Lasswell thought he was being too idealistic, Lasswell answered yes.
  35. Finally, they had a practice fight on airship for something nostalgic before the disarming mission. In their fight, they activated their blood of Ardore and Hess. At the middle of the fight, their blood auras conflicted and cancelled each other out and blew their weapons away. Rain said fight wasn't over and proceeded to punch Lasswell, saying that being like their aura, Hess and Ardore could never get along and co-exist. Lasswell punched back, saying they can as they fought each other barehanded.
  37. After the disarming mission finished, Hess started bombing as the group rushed back to the airship. Rain stayed behind. He apologized that he could not agree with Lasswell in the end. He got his aura up, saying he would attack the airship if they refused to leave. He apologized to Fina for cutting her, although he crystallized her wound so she would not die. The Hyou he fought in the village was actually Nagi disguised by wearing his armour. Lasswell pleaded him to stop as he didn't want to hear. He said to stay at the side of Emperor, he had no choice but to be cruel and heartless. Then finally, Rain transformed into Hyou, saying that he would protect the people of Ardore in his own way, as Lasswell and Fina cried in desperation.
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