
Anon Goes to the Beach Part 1

Oct 23rd, 2015
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  1. >You are driving your car down the highway leading to the interstate
  2. >There are three girls far ahead of you, seemingly trying to flag down a ride
  3. >As you near you look them over
  4. >One girl is in a punky rock outfit with long purple pigtails
  5. >The second is in a sporty jacket and looks as if she came from a tennis game
  6. >The third's body is almost matched in size by her hair
  7. >The first two are the ones flagging you down but the third is behind them with her arms crossed
  8. >You slow down a bit, thinking about whether or not you should help
  9. >But, you do need to get to your destination
  10. >Just before you accelerate again the one with the poofy hair suddenly kicks the two in front of your car
  11. >You immediately slam on the breaks
  12. >It continues sliding for all of two feet before stopping abruptly
  13. >The purple rocker is laying across the hood of your car looking away from you
  14. >The sporty girl is nowhere to be seen
  15. >You panic, thinking you ran her over and she's what you hit
  16. >The girl with the fluffy hair just knocks on your passenger window
  17. >You lower it
  18. "Holy crap did I run over her?"
  19. >"She's fine. We need a ride to the beach."
  20. >You look ahead
  21. >The rocker is groaning and getting up off of your car, rubbing her nose
  22. >"Ah, god, why'd you do that?" she says
  23. >"My hitchhiking thumb was getting tired."
  24. >In front you see a vibrant ponytail pop up, followed by the rest of the sporty girl
  25. >There's not a scratch on her but she's rubbing the side of her head
  26. >"That hurt, Adagio."
  27. >The fluffy one turns to look at her
  28. >"Lucky your head's so thick."
  29. >"Yeah, that would have really hurt."
  30. >The insult seemed to have completely bounced off her head
  31. >She turns back to you as the other two line up next to her
  32. >"Thanks for driving us," Adagio says while reaching through the window, unlocking the passenger door and climbing inside
  33. >You're not sure what to do as the two girls clamber in as well
  34. >You just blink at them
  35. >Is this real?
  36. >Adagio looks between you and the road
  37. >"Well? Go on."
  38. >You sigh and accelerate
  39. "The beach, you said?"
  40. >"Yep."
  41. "Well, that's in the direction I'm heading but far past where I need to go."
  42. >"And?"
  43. >She gives you a face of "Do I look like I care?"
  44. "Alright, jeez, I'll take you."
  45. >Pushy Hair
  46. "But since this is my car, you have to go by my rules."
  47. >You look at the two in the back seats and hone in on the ponytailed one
  48. >She has some bag of snacks in hand
  49. "First rule, no eating in the car."
  50. >"Aw!"
  51. >She slumps
  52. "I keep it clean and perfect like my clothes."
  53. >"Is that because you're wearing a business suit?" the punky girl chimes in
  54. "Somewhat."
  55. >The dark colors around her eyes makes it easy to tell she rolled them
  56. "Rule number two, no shoes or feet up on anything."
  57. >Shifting to your right reveals Adagio moving to lift her boots up onto the dashboard
  58. >You stare daggers at her out of the corner of your eye
  59. "Put those there if you want them gone."
  60. >Adagio recoils for a fraction of a second then promptly plants them on the floor
  61. >You switch back to the road
  62. >You thought the punk girl would be the one giving you trouble but she's sitting there properly while looking out the window
  63. "Rule three, if any of you are feeling sick then make sure to tell me so I can pull over or at the least give you a bag."
  64. >Your eyes rapidly move between them for signs of staining the upholstery
  65. >Nothing
  66. >The sporty girl smiles when you look at her in the mirror
  67. "Okay, good. Now, this isn't part of my rules, but since it's going to be a good bit of driving would you two mind telling who you are?"
  68. >"I'm Sonata, and this is Aria," the tennis girl responds while pointing to the rocker
  69. "Well, it's nice meeting you both. I guess."
  70. >Sonata smiles again
  71. "I'm Anon, so just ask if you need something."
  72. >"Nice meeting you too and yada, yada."
  73. >Aria lifts a hand and slowly spins it around in the air before planting it below her chin and getting back to staring out the window
  74. >You raise an eyebrow
  75. >"They're like that," Fluffy next to you coolly says
  76. >Your car joins onto the interstate road and smooths out straight with the others
  77. >Not that many cars today
  78. >You use your super awesome driving skills to keep straight while messing with the radio
  79. >Sirius XM, so wonderfully full of many channels
  81. [spoiler]This greentext is brought to you by Sirius Satellite Radio. If you want to get serious with your radio, get Sirius.[/spoiler]
  83. >You flip over to your usual channels and land on Spa
  84. >"Oh, oh! I love that one!" Sonata leans up close between you and Adagio
  85. "Alright, how about this. We'll change the channel to whatever you three like as we keep going. Sound fair?"
  86. >Sonata nods, Aria basically shrugs, and Adagio simply says, "Sure, that works."
  87. >Sonata's back in her seat with closed eyes, swaying to the smooth and slow tranquil music
  88. >Certainly is easy to tell the difference between them
  89. >You continue driving easily and, as monotonous as the road is, you quickly find yourself 20 minutes later
  90. >The beach is only about an hour away so it'd be nice to set each girl's channel to 20 minutes
  91. >You look at Aria in the mirror
  92. >You flip the channels (which makes a sad Sonata) and stop on an older rock station
  93. >The radio host's voice comes over the speakers
  94. >"And here's a song by the great dual woman group, Heart. This is, 'If Looks Could Kill,' on Sirius XM."
  95. >You're pretty sure he doesn't need to tell that since the beginning is well known
  96. >A glance to the mirror again shows Aria tapping a hand on her thigh to the music
  97. >"Caught you in the act - can't put up with that."
  98. >She's even mouthing the lyrics in perfect time
  99. >As the song continues Aria starts moving more and more
  100. >You grin, earning a quizzical rise of her brow from Adagio
  101. >The song continues to its end
  102. >Both Aria and Sonata were rocking out in the backseats
  103. >The rocking intensifies when the next song came on
  104. >"Any self respecting rock fan will know this next song. This is, Bon Jovi."
  105. >You turn the volume up and change the speakers to focus more on the back of the car
  106. >"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame! Darling you give love, a bad name."
  107. >The two girls are rocking at maximum capacity with both Aria and Sonata singing the chorus
  108. >If Aria air guitars any harder she's going to hurt herself
  109. >"I play my part, and you play your game! You give love, a bad name!"
  110. >Eventually the 20 minutes of rocking enjoyment ends
  111. >Sonata and Aria both have big goofy smiles on their faces
  112. >"My fingers are cramping from all that air guitaring," Aria says to Sonata between chortles
  113. >More Bon Jovi and some Aerosmith songs were played all the while they kept having fun
  114. >They both seemed to really love Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like a Lady"
  115. >It almost feels bad having to change the channel
  116. >You tell them that you have a few water bottles back there while you tune the station
  117. >You're not sure what Adagio would enjoy though
  118. >She's been pretty quiet and kept to herself
  119. >You switch it to classical music
  120. >"I'd prefer dance," Adagio states without shifting her gaze from the road
  121. >Dance it is then
  122. >You tune the radio again right when the host is talking
  123. >"Welcome to Dance of the 80's, 90's and Double Aught. Next up to groove on the floor is 'Love Me Right,' by Angel City and Lara McAllen."
  124. >Time to move the sound to the middle again
  125. >Sonata seems to enjoy almost any sort of music, as is evident by her moving with the beat
  126. >Guess that's why she's the cheery one of the trio
  127. >Aria also seems to like it a bit
  128. >Adagio unexpectedly starts to sing after a minute in
  129. >"Ooh, baby, understand, I want you to be the only man."
  130. >"Only man~" Sonata chimes in with the support singers
  131. >"But it seems though it's getting too hot. I think I'll start to have my own fun."
  132. >"Oh, baby, it's plain to see, that I'm qualified to fill your needs. You think you're puttin' over on me, oh honey, baby just you wait and see."
  133. >Now Aria joins in on the chorus
  134. >"Ooh, baby, love me right. Let me love you till the morning comes. Ooh, sugar, love me right. You know I want to be the only one."
  135. >Your car is filled with the singing of the three girls for the rest of the trip, even during the turnpike toll booth
  136. >The clerk said you have some music loving daughters and you just sort of laughed
  137. >If only
  138. >Pretty sure you're not that much older than them
  139. >Adagio smirks at you with the two in the back giggling
  140. >You finally arrive at the beach shortly after 10 o'clock
  141. >You let them out
  142. "Have a good day, girls. Enjoy yourselves."
  143. >You set the car in reverse when Adagio pops in the door again
  144. >"You're not coming with us?"
  145. "I just needed to drop you off, right?"
  146. >"Yeah, but..."
  147. >She looks over to the other two who are already looking out over the beach in excitement
  148. >Adagio gets into the passenger seat and closes the door then gives you a serious expression
  149. >"We haven't had this much fun in a good long while. Can you... stay with us for today?"
  150. >Bossy Poof who used Sonata as a tire stopper and got in on her own has warmed up
  151. "I need to get back though, had my stop a good bunch of exits back."
  152. >Her eyes look all over you then down to the center console of your car
  153. >"Just for today, please?" she pleads, her head back up
  154. >Hnnggg
  155. >She's giving you the puppy dog eyes
  156. >Oh how badly the fluff makes you want to pet her
  157. >You take a deep breath
  158. "Fine. I've been wanting a day off anyways."
  159. >Adagio instantly perks up, eyes and smile beaming
  160. >She leans over and gives you a hug
  161. >"Thanks."
  162. >She gets out of the car with you then whistles to Aria and Sonata
  163. >"Anon's staying with us today!"
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