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May 7th, 2013
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  2. ==============
  4. The cart connector has 62 pads, laid out something like this:
  5. +--------+
  6. 21.477MHz Clock | 1 32 | /WRAM
  7. EXPAND | 2 33 | REFRESH
  8. PA6 | 3 34 | PA7
  9. /PARD | 4 35 | /PAWR
  10. GND | 5 36 | GND
  11. F A11 | 6 37 | A12
  12. r A10 | 7 38 | A13
  13. o A9 | 8 39 | A14
  14. n A8 | 9 40 | A15
  15. t A7 | 10 41 | A16
  16. A6 | 11 42 | A17
  17. o A5 | 12 43 | A18
  18. f A4 | 13 44 | A19
  19. A3 | 14 45 | A20
  20. c A2 | 15 46 | A21
  21. a A1 | 16 47 | A22
  22. r A0 | 17 48 | A23
  23. t /IRQ | 18 49 | /CART
  24. D0 | 19 50 | D4
  25. D1 | 20 51 | D5
  26. D2 | 21 52 | D6
  27. D3 | 22 53 | D7
  28. /RD | 23 54 | /WR
  29. CIC out data (p1) | 24 55 | CIC out data (p2)
  30. CIC in data (p7) | 25 56 | CIC in clock (p6)
  31. /RESET | 26 57 | CPU_CLOCK
  32. Vcc | 27 58 | Vcc
  33. PA0 | 28 59 | PA1
  34. PA2 | 29 60 | PA3
  35. PA4 | 30 61 | PA5
  36. Left Audio Input | 31 62 | Right Audio Input
  37. +--------+
  39. A0-A23 are the Address Bus A lines, /WR and /RD are the associated read
  40. and write lines, and /CART and /WRAM are the two auxiliary lines.
  42. PA0-PA7 are the Address Bus B lines, with /PARD and /PAWR the associated
  43. read and write lines.
  45. D0-D7 are the data bus lines.
  47. REFRESH is (presumably) the RAM refresh signal sent out each scanline for 40
  48. master cycles.
  50. EXPAND is connected to pad 24 of the expansion port.
  52. /IRQ is connected to the CPU's /IRQ line. This can be read by the cart, or
  53. activated by the cart to invoke an IRQ on the CPU.
  55. /RESET is the reset signal, activated by the big reset button on the
  56. console. It can also be activated by hardware on the cart, if the system needs
  57. to be reset at a hardware level.
  59. CPU_CLOCK is (presumably) the current CPU cycle clock, which is either 6, 8,
  60. or 12 master cycles per cycle (3.58MHz, 2.68MHz, or 1.79MHz).
  62. The signals input on Left and Right Audio Inputs are mixed into the APU's
  63. output audio.
  65. The CIC pins are connected to the CIC chip, which is used for region
  66. lockouts. If the CIC in the console doesn't get the proper handshake over
  67. these pads, the reset signal is never released on the PPU2 chip, and so you
  68. never get anything on the display.
  70. Many carts connect only to pins 5-27 and 36-58, as the remaining pins are
  71. mainly useful only if the cart contains special chips.
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