

May 5th, 2019
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  1. Things had started to change.
  3. The Swarm saw a new Guild Leader, which was exciting since it was a Gorgon lady that looked really cool. She smelled like salt and wind, even her hair-snake tail-things looked like they got darker on one side than the other. With everything that happened, the giant catlady being turned to stone for one, it started to look like the Guild Leader's reign might find a end one way or another for that. Rumors were she had a lot of people after her, for things she had done and things she might do if left unchecked.
  5. People underestimate the Swarm like that often.
  7. A lot changed above as well. New faces taking control, harsher laws written everyday to force more disposed people into our fold. Some would think it was a good thing to see our numbers swell and have new life in the city. Thing is, that is only some that would say that, others could see the cracks forming in the grand picture. People were hurting and dying faster than we could keep up with, some even outright vanishing because they fell into some trap or another. The Gruul were tearing the place apart above screaming about a promised ending of ash. The echoes of boars trampling the slow and old under hoof still ring in the ears of many. They allowed a kid to take command and set him loose on everyone, thinking it was all part of a greater plan.
  9. He was right though about there being a plan.
  11. The day the world came to a close end. The sky breaking open and letting loose the most terrible horde of beings ever seen. That ugly tower is still there where that mutated dragon-squirrel sat, reminding everyone that it wasn't a collective nightmare. Ravinca isn't alone, there are other worlds and they might have plans to hurt everyone again. Everything just happened so fast, every scar and ugliness revealed about all the changes before. To think there were guilds that went along with this, that were controlled by people working for that thing. It hurt to see the broken trust among the unknowing, but there wasn't time then to mourn the lost. Once everything broke out, a lot of new faces appeared to help as best they could.
  13. There was a man, that looked like a big cat, with a mane and scar that help direct people into the Undercity for safety. Everyone pulled together to barricade as best as possible against the dreadhorde. Many people died up above while those below tried to keep people safe, making it harder to know what even happened up there once the dust finally settled. When the doors were open, all that was left was grief and stunned silence. There were buildings that still stand, there were bits of metal scattered around, there were even some of the new faces still there but they appeared to be busy. People started to leave the Undercity to see what could be done, rebuild or reclaim what was left of their lives before, bury their dead and beg to be able to see them again over handmade grave-markers.
  15. I could help them say goodbye.
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