
Log of 14

Sep 30th, 2013
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  1. (1:37:41 PM) Annalea: Seriously, though.
  2. (1:37:47 PM) Annalea: If CROM will do, I'm taking her down permanently.
  3. (1:37:53 PM) Annalea: Just being in chat is giving me the shakes.
  4. (1:38:01 PM) Annalea: I'm not sticking around if I'm not needed.
  5. (1:38:32 PM) Echo: Oh, I sent her out and put CROM in based on what you said before; I didn't think she was fully functional, and didn't want people fucking around and breaking her.
  6. (1:38:52 PM) Echo: It's entirely up to you.
  7. (1:39:21 PM) HexiHamaski: >.> crom could only do half the things nala can
  8. (1:39:23 PM) Annalea: She wasn't. That's why I crippled the API keys, so she wouldn't mangle her own site while she was running in autistic mode.
  9. (1:39:32 PM) HexiHamaski: we're lost without some kind of automated thingy
  10. (1:39:37 PM) Silber [] entered the room.
  11. (1:39:51 PM) HexiHamaski: even as an autistic she's better than crom
  12. (1:40:27 PM) Echo: Crom just does searches and stuff.
  13. (1:40:54 PM) Echo: Nala can actually pull site data, and compiles her own little wiki
  14. (1:41:20 PM) Eskobear: seriously, annalea, it's your prerogative if you want to keep nala in 19, but if you held a vote, nala would be elected by a higher margin than george washington's first term
  15. (1:41:22 PM) Eskobear: and nobody ran against him
  16. (1:42:03 PM) HexiHamaski: heck she'd probably win an american election
  17. (1:42:09 PM) Annalea: I don't care.
  18. (1:42:16 PM) Annalea: I spent the weekend getting physically ill every time I looked at the site.
  19. (1:42:53 PM) Meserach left the room (quit: Client exited).
  20. (1:43:35 PM) Meserach [] entered the room.
  21. (1:43:47 PM) Eskobear: understandable
  22. (1:47:24 PM) Annalea: Eh, I don't know about that.
  23. (1:49:23 PM) Eskobear: i mean, i've heard staff talk about times when there was seriously high stress and tension on the website, and talking about the physical reactions they had when they even thought about dealing with people on the site
  24. (1:54:29 PM) Djoric [~chatzilla@CB0DE268.B0229325.784636CA.IP] entered the room.
  25. (1:55:00 PM) Annalea: No, there's stress from dealing with site drama
  26. (1:55:40 PM) Annalea: And then there's things that are so personally degrading that no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it was just incompetence, you can't shake the feeling that somewhere along the line, someone decided to add insult to injury.
  27. (1:56:34 PM) Annalea: I've only ever felt worse once in my entire life, and that was when my father disowned me and I was so afraid for my life that Heaven had to force-feed me a valium because I was having such horrible panic attacks that I was no longer functional.
  28. (1:57:31 PM) Annalea: I think the only difference this time was that I /could/ walk away, and quite honestly I had to ask myself really hard whether I wanted to even come back.
  29. (1:57:54 PM) Djoric left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 183 seconds).
  30. (1:57:59 PM) Eskobear left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  31. (2:04:33 PM) Annalea: ... not that anyone cares.
  32. (2:04:40 PM) Annalea: @Echo: If you need me, you know where to find me.
  33. (2:04:42 PM) Annalea left the room.
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