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Sep 15th, 2015
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  1. Wakfu: The Machine Lord’s Reign
  2. aka Die Hard: Wakfu Edition (ABDL Version 2.0)
  4. Note: this is a mock-up for a potential quest and, as such, plot elements, characters, and settings are subject to change.
  6. Chapter 1: Hard Time
  8. When you imagined yourself in the Sadida Kingdom, you never thought you would be imprisoned in its jail. But here you are, sitting on a wooden bench in a clammy cell made in a side of a tree. You would ponder more about how you got to this point, but there are bigger and more pressing questions right now. Namely, what’s up with the new management that’s now in charge?
  10. The two guards standing just outside the steel bars appear to humanoid, but you can’t quite pin a class to them. With their black bodysuits, you want to say they’re srams, but their grey armor isn’t something an assassin would wear. One thing is for sure, they aren’t the green haired sadidas. While the helmets suggest they have heads, looking through the eye slots is like gazing into an abyss. What’s more unnerving is how they stand completely still with spears in their hands like toy soldiers. Indeed, they seem completely lifeless. Well, almost lifeless…
  12. “Hey, bro,” the guard on the right says to the guard on the left. “You want to play some dice for cogs and oil?”
  13. “Dude, we’re on duty,” the other guard replies.
  14. “Oh come on, she’s the only one here and she’s not going anywhere.”
  15. “What if Tiberius comes in?”
  16. “You’re paranoid. Chances are he’s on the opposite side of the kingdom doing important stuff for the lord.”
  17. “You don’t know that.”
  18. “Well, no, I don’t. I mean, I can’t guarantee that… but you know what I can guarantee you?”
  19. “If you say rolling a seven ou-“
  20. “Me rolling a seven out,” the guard says, holding out a pair of dices in his hand. The other guard looks at him. Due to the lack of expression, you presume the guard is annoyed by his partner. The guard on the right proceeds to jingle the dice in his hand to entice the other guard. “Come on, you know you want tooooo...”
  22. While they continue to squabble, you unbuckle your pants and look inside. Your crotch feels as dank as the cell you reside in. Thankfully, your padded undergarments are keeping the feeling from spreading. Still, you would very much like to get your bag back and change into a fresh pair. You re-buckle your pants and slouch in your seat. You’re not seeing these guards being nice enough to hand you your bag back or even change you out of your diaper.
  24. You look down to a puddle of water. In the reflection, you see a…
  26. >Feca
  27. >Ecaflip
  28. >Pandawa
  29. >Sram
  30. >Rogue
  31. >Sadida
  32. >Masqueraider
  33. >Eniripsa
  34. >Osamodos
  35. >Iop
  36. >Sacrier
  37. >Eliotrope
  38. >New Sufokian
  39. >Enutrof
  40. >Cra
  41. >Xelor
  43. >Rogue
  45. In the reflection, you see a rogue, which is what you are. You like to rob people of their hard earned (or ill gotten) kamas. Sometimes, you sneakily stalk your prey and pickpocket them while they are distracted. Sometimes you demand their money at gunpoint. Either way, you’re getting what you want.
  47. Besides the dice, the guards don’t seem have anything of worth on them. Heck, they don’t seem to have a key to your cell. “This blows…” you mutter, fixing your skull printed bandana-mask.
  49. “I’m just saying that all this time spent arguing is better spent on rolling dice-” There’s a loud creak. Both guards look to their left. “Oh crap, it’s the boss!” the right guard exclaims, putting his dice away. “Quick, look busy!” Both guards stand more upright than they did before somehow. You hear a series of footsteps that are getting louder. “Ah, Tiberius, sir. What a wonderful surprise!”
  51. You get off the bench and approach the bars. They feel ice cold to your hands. You miss the tree bars that were here before. Tiberius steps into view. He’s a hulk of a being that towers over the other guards. His outfit looks similar to theirs but he has a rather stylish plume for his helmet and his armor looks a bit more ornate. His overall guise, however, is ruined by the huge indentation in the center of his chest plate. Before you can get a better look at it, he turns his head and stares at you. His eyeless gaze and stature makes you take a step back. The dampness in your nether region becomes warm again. You’re definitely going to need a change soon.
  53. Trailing behind him is a young woman with short blonde hair and long, pointed ears. She’s pretty clearly a cra, although you can’t remember the last time you saw one wearing an outfit like hers. Her hands are shackled behind her back, she’s gagged by a white cloth, and there’s a metal collar around her neck with a chain secured to it. The end of the chain is held in Tiberius’s firm grip. Bringing up her rear are three more guards.
  55. She keeps her eyes to the ground, not even showing any interest in her surroundings. Surprisingly, she doesn’t seem particularly perturbed despite her current predicament. You can’t tell if she’s not putting up a fight because her will for it is gone or she’s playing it smart and saving her strength. She’s rather hard to read.
  57. “So, yeah, we’ve been just been guarding this whole time and totally not talking about playing dice,” the right guard says to Tiberius. “Yep, guarding hard like a-“
  59. “Open the cell,” Tiberius commands. His deep voice makes the very air tremble.
  61. “O-okay. I’ll get right on it, sir,” the guard replies timidly, while holding up his free hand. The top digit of his middle finger folds backwards, yielding a simple metal key. He approaches the cell opposite to yours. He digs his middle finger into the keyhole of the steel frame of the cell and turns it. The cell bars instantly slide into the ground or somewhere.
  63. Tiberius steps closer to the cell, yanking the chain. The force of the pull makes her walk in front of him. The guards take up positions around cell with their weapons ready. You get as close as you can.
  65. “Welcome to your new home,” Tiberius says. He then shoves the cra into the cell. She loses balance and trips, making her fall to the ground with a muffled groan. The guard turns his finger key and the bars reappear. “While it’s not as luxurious as the princess’s suite, I hope these accommodations are to your liking. It’s certainly roomier than what I gave your boyfriend.” She furiously stands up even with her legs shackled. With uncontrollable rage in her eyes, she clashes against the bars in a vain attempted to break them. The guards flinch. Tiberius doesn’t. “You best be a good little girl from now on for you and your friends’ sake. Who knows, if I’m feeling generous, I might let you see your proud hero again. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
  67. There is no reply, not even a muffled grunt. He turns around and pulls something from his belt. It looks like a stick with a huge leaf on it. Doesn’t look like its worth much. He tosses it to one of the guards who ungraciously catches it. Tiberius points to his left (your right). The guard nods and hurries out of view.
  69. “Listen up, people!” Tiberius bellows. “Under no circumstance is she to leave this cell. If I comeback and find a single hair outside the cell, I will personally dissemble all of you. Understand?”
  70. “Yes, sir!” the guards all reply. Tiberius starts to walk away.
  71. “Um-um, sir,” the guard on left says, pointing to you. “What about her?”
  72. “What about her?” Tiberius replies, not even bothering to stop and look.
  74. You can’t help but feel offended. The two new guards move next to the newly occupied cell while the old ones return to their spot by you. The cra falls to her knees. The rage you saw in her eyes before is now gone and been replaced with welling tears. Despite being a stranger to you, you can’t help but feel sympathy for her. You find that feeling very odd.
  76. You look at the sturdy bars once more. That urge for freedom is now stronger than it was before. You need to find a way to escape.
  78. Or change your diaper.
  80. Whichever comes first.
  82. >Ask the guard who the cra is
  83. >Attempt to lock pick (Rogue exclusive)
  84. >Play dice with the guard
  85. >Take a nap
  86. >Ask the guard for your bag
  87. >Ask the guard to change your diaper
  89. >Take a nap
  91. You let out a yawn. Waiting around in this cell is making you quite tired. You lie down on the bench and cradle the back of your head with your hands. You’ll take a quick nap and then come up with an escape plan. You close your eyes.
  93. “Hey, guys. What did I miss?” a voice calls out.
  94. “Well, besides Tiberius yanking out our heart cores if we let the cra escape, not much.”
  95. “Oh, cool.”
  96. Silence. Wonderful silence.
  97. “So… what am I supposed to do?”
  98. “Seriously?”
  99. Your thoughts exactly.
  100. “Yeah, I’m serious.”
  101. “I’m going to presume you’re supposed to guard her cell like we are.”
  102. “Oh, yeah, that makes sense.”
  103. Silence. Beautiful silence.
  104. “So… where am I supposed to stand? You guys already took the good spots. I can’t just stand in front of the cell. That’s really awkward.”
  105. “How about you stand in the center of the hall?!” you blurt out. There’s a pause.
  106. “Hey!” he replies. “That’s a good idea. Thank you, nice lady.”
  107. You groan and turn away, finally drifting asleep…
  109. ~
  111. “What is she doing?” One of the guards asks. You open your eyes.
  112. “I dunno,” another guard replies. “Does she want something?”
  114. You rub your eyes and approach the bars. The cra stands uneasily with her legs pressed together. Her face is twisted in an expression of complete discomfort.
  116. “Do want some water?” the guard asks. She shakes her head and groans frustratingly. “Food? Music? Moist towlette?” She shakes her head to all of them.
  118. “Guys, I think she clearly needs to go to the bathroom,” you say. “It might help a bit if you took the gag off.”
  120. All the guards look at you. They then look back to the cra. The guard closest to her cell reaches in and pulls down on her gag.
  122. “Yes! Yes, I need to go to go the bathroom, you dolts!” she yells. She has a lovely yet authoritative voice. “Why would I want mus-“
  124. The guard lifts the cloth back up, gagging her once more. She groans in annoyance.
  126. “I think the gag should stay on,” the guard says. They all nod. “Well, okay then. We’ll just open up the cell and escort her to a bathroom.”
  127. “Were you listening when Tiberius was talking? He’ll kill us if she steps outside the cell.”
  128. “I think he was speaking figuratively…”
  129. “Do really want to risk that, bro?”
  130. “But we can’t have her making a mess. These hands were made for wielding spears, not to clean pee off the floor.”
  131. “Wait, I have an idea!” the guard standing in the center exclaims. “I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
  133. He jogs away. A guard shakes his head. The cra’s legs are pressed closer than it was before. You don’t remember the last time you felt that way. On one hand, you miss it. On the other hand however, you don’t. You hear the guard coming back.
  135. “I’m back, guys!” he proclaims. He holds up a white cushy looking thing that looks too familiar for comfort.
  136. “Is that… a diaper?”
  137. “Yeah, ain’t it cool?”
  138. “W-where did you find that?”
  139. “In lockup when I was putting away her bo-” he stops. “I probably shouldn’t have said that. Anyways, I was in lockup and I saw one of them sticking out of this bag.”
  140. “That looks pretty big for a baby.”
  141. “Yeah, must be for a big baby… or someone who wasn’t potty trained.”
  142. “How embarrassing.”
  144. You try to keep a straight face, but even your bandana-mask can’t hide your red cheeks. You return to the shadows. The cra is positively mortified by the implications of the diaper. Her cheeks are just as red as yours. She shakes her head furiously in a doomed attempt to stop the inevitable.
  146. “So what do guys think? It should fit her.”
  148. Everyone else, but the cra, agrees.
  150. “Okay, everyone get ready,” the guard on the left says. “Since it’s your idea, you go in and put the diaper on. As soon as the cell opens, you step in and we’ll close it behind you.”
  151. “So… how do I…”
  152. “Just figure it out.”
  154. Everyone except the diaper carrier readies their weapon and draw their attention to her, neglecting you completely. “You better back away from the bars,” a guard warns, holding his spear menacingly. The bars descend and the guard quickly steps in. With everyone distracted, this is a prime time to do something to escape.
  156. >Continue watching
  157. >Catch their attention
  158. >Attempt to lock pick the door
  160. >Attempt to lock pick the door
  162. While the guards are a little too close for comfort, this is a good time to pick the lock. Good thing you keep your lucky lock pick in her bandana. You tiptoe to the front of the cell while pulling out the lock pick.
  164. “Um… so…” the diaper carrier says, clearly confused. “Do I put diaper over her outfit or…”
  165. “No, you idiot,” one of the guards replies. “She’d just wet her pants.”
  167. You stick your hand between the bars and shove the lock pick into the keyhole, and start wiggling it to find the tumblers. Since you can’t really see the hole with the bars in the way, you keep your eyes on the guards. Thankfully, their attention is still on the cra.
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