
Process Priority

Feb 8th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. in AHK scripts you can use this if it needs priority above basically everything else (overkill for most situations):
  2. ProcessSetPriority("High")
  4. if you add an AHK script as a task to task scheduler, you might want to export the task and then change the XML default priority from value: 7 (below normal) to: 5 (normal), then import it.
  5. no need to set it to normal in the AHK script itself, because it's normal by default (programs ran by task scheduler sometimes need different priorities but usually below normal is fine).
  6. don't set any other priority in task scheduler for AHK scripts, b/c those you should set in the AHK scripts directly (for when you open the file directly plus any other situation)
  8. for non-AHK tasks in task scheduler, you might want this:
  9. Task Priority Priority Category
  10. 0 Real-time
  11. 1 High
  12. 2-3 Above normal
  13. 4-6 Normal
  14. 7-8 Below normal
  15. 9-10 Idle
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