
bitch better have my money

Jun 6th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was driving his Rover slowly down to the lots looking around raising an eyebrow, he looked over to Bliss, "Well if we were worried about him being involved with seedy people, I think we can check that off the list." He said speaking quietly in the car. He could smell the chinese food they'd pickedup, as a quick and easy thing to eat in the vehicle that was still fairly healthy. He was a little sore from doing demo stuff with Adam today, but he was buzzed on the excitement of this stakeout.
  2. Tsaaq: "Look. There he is." Bliss said as she poitned ahead of them. "Oh I hate this place so much." She shook her head. She picked around at her Chinese food and kept a keen eye of Drew who was speaking to some shabby looking characters by the gross van that was famous for being an awful van.
  3. Covet: Eli reached down and grabbed his chinese food once he was parked and started in on it. " I'm not to fond of it either, nor those people he's talking too. What on earth could he be getting from them?" He asked and reached into the center console getting out some binoculars, because of course they would go all out.
  4. Tsaaq: Bliss shook her head slowly. "I don't know." She whispered. Drew continued to speak with one of the males before going around the van to a spot where they couldn't see him. Bliss grumbled and slouched in her seat. "Darn it." She whispered. "Do you see anything? He moved." She sighed.
  5. Covet: "Not now.. And I wasn't in focus beforehand to see if there was a sort of exchange before then. Do we get out and try to see what's going on?" He asked her still whispering as he put the binoculars down in his lap with a frown, taking another bite of his food.
  6. Tsaaq: "No!" She said as she put his hand on his thigh. "Not yet." Bliss said as she watched carefully and rose her eyebrow. Bliss saw Drew emerged, the male handing him money before he crawled into the van and shut the door behind him. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to piece it together.
  7. Covet: "Did he just get money from the guy? I'm so confused..." He said watching them closely then looked over at Bliss, "You don't think he's selling drugs do you?" Eli whispered to her, because he was clearly stuck on this whole drug thing.
  8. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "No... Wouldn't he had given him something...?" She asked with her eyebrows still furrowed. She tapped Eli's thigh once more. "Look, somebody's coming from the woods." She said quietly. The girl was ragged looking as well. She handed Drew money as well and he skeptically counted it. "What the?"
  9. Covet: "Okay well this just got really weird. " Eli said, pulling up his binoculars. " She looks a little, worse for wear, like she could use that money herself." He frowned and set his food down, trying to come to a new conclusion, "You don't think he's.... "
  10. Tsaaq: Bliss frowned widely and looked over to Eli. "Think he's what? He doesn't need money. They're no need for any of this! I don't understand why he's doing anything or what he could be doing!" She said with a little distress in her voice. Her eyes directed to Drew once more who was still counting the stack of bills. He seemed to scoff before he backhanded the girl. All while the seedy looking guy exited the van, a suited male following behind him and looking as if he wanted to escape as soon as possible. He moved across the street into his own car and drove off. Bliss attempted to piece it all together while watching it all. She flinched when he striked the girl again.
  11. Covet: "He's pimping... But why, What is he getting out of it if he doesn't need the money?" Eli said then watched him hit the girl a couple of times, "Okay.. now do we step in?" He said getting agitated as he watched the other guy drive off and Drew still with the girl. "I don't feel comfortable leaving her with him..." Eli went to open up the door because this dumb ass has a hero complex.
  12. Tsaaq: She sighed and lowered her head. "Then this is worse than I feared." She whispered. "Eli! No stop!" Bliss told him, not leaving the car. // Drew smack the girl once more for good measure, letting her fall to the ground. "Hell no, I'm not giving you any of this money. Why? So you can buy some dope with it? Don't be stupid!" He said. "Get up. You're wasting my fucking time." Drew scolded her. The male just stood there and watched cause honestly he didn't want to get fucked up like this bitch was.
  13. Covet: "Bliss, I'm not going to let him just hit her like that. I can't in good conscience let that happen." He told her with a sigh and looked at her, "Stay here though, I don't want him to come at you, and if things go bad.. Call the police?" He said and walked that direction, "Hey Drew... how about we just leave the nice lady alone and let her go for the night and you and I have a chat." He said keeping his arms up trying to look as non-threatening and non-hostile as possible.
  14. Tsaaq: Bliss went to speak but Eli was already walking away. She shook her head as she pulled out her cellphone and dialed 9-1. // Drew watched as the girl stood then heard Eli's voice. His expression hard as he looked over to him. "Fuck off." Drew scoffed before pulling her along by her shirt and tossing her into the van. "You two fucks find some fucking tricks on backpage then call for me if you need me." He instructed. The two fearful prostitutes retreated to the van. Drew gave Eli another look. "You still here?" He asked irritably.
  15. Covet: "Stop asaulting them like that." Eli said getting angrier now, walking around to where Drew was yelling at the prostitutes, "Yeah I'm still here, and wondering what it is exactly you're doing. You don't need the money so mind telling me what this is about?" He said trying to take the more diplomatic route.
  16. Tsaaq: "It's none of your fucking business last time I checked." Drew replied with a roll of his eyes. "And you're fucking cramping my style. Don't you have some fucking japanese cartoon to jerk off to? This is adult business." He replied. "And I don't know if you know but these idiots are homeless. If anything I'm helping them make a living." Drew said. "So fuck off and mind your business before I start beating your ass and putting you out on that corner." He went to step towards Eli, hovering over him.
  17. Covet: "No, actually I don't... Can't say Hentai's really my thing. " Eli said then shook his head, "It doesn't matter if they are homeless, you don't get to dictate to them how they earn a living, especially if all you're doing is taking it away from them." He glowered back at Drew, " I wouldn't be so keen to lay into me or put me to work, You're cousin's got the cops on standby if anything goes wrong, she's watching us right now. So why don't you tell me what your motive for all this is? Just bored at home?"
  18. Tsaaq: Drew rolled his eyes at Eli again. "Shut up! I don't have time to answer to some fucking nerd." He said loudly, pushing Eli aside. "I don't care if you have the cops on standby. Don't you get it? I don't care! If I cared, would I be here in the first place? No." He grumbled seeming genuinely annoyed. "Why don't you and Bliss go home and mind your fucking business? And that's my nice way of saying it. The next time? I'm just gonna start wailing on you." He shrugged before banging his hand on the van. "You better not be in there playing fucking Candy Crush!" He scolded.
  19. Covet: Eli stumbled back when Drew shoved him, " If you don't care then why? You think that we're just going to go back to the house and pretend like we didn't see any of this? I watched you physically assault a woman." Eli said getting up in his face now, pushing him back from the van " So how about you let them go for the night and we go back to the house together and we figure all this out?"
  20. Tsaaq: Drew groaned loudly and pushed Eli away once more when he attempted to shove him in return. "Shut up Eli!" Drew yelled. "You cheated on Bliss, you're a fucking scumbag pretending to have a stupid code of honor. You're horrible!" He shouted. "At least I know I'm a bad person. I've always known that. I've never been good and I don't get in anybody's face about it. You should fuck off. It's bad enough that you somehow tricked my cousin into being with you again even though you're semite garbage!" Drew shouted, grabbing Eli by the collar. "So no! I'm not letting them go. I'm not going home right now. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing. And you'll keep doing what you're doing! I'm being really nice right now in not beating your face to fucking mush!"
  21. Covet: When Drew started in on the horrible person he was it was all Eli could do from seeing red, but when he brought up Eli being semite garbage, he pulled his arm back and hit Drew right in the side and shoved him off. "Funny, I don't think you actually know what the word nice means." Eli fuming at this point with Bliss's cousin pulled his arm back and socked him right in the face, harder than he expected with working out comes new power and something about responsibility, that's clearly being thrown at the window. He winced and clutched his hand then went to walk off because at this point it was only going to be a bigger issue, and he didn't need to add more fuel to the fire. He started making his way over to the Rover feeling his hand throb.
  22. Tsaaq: Bliss saw the two of them tussle and instead of calling the police and got out of the vehicle. "Stop it!" She called out with a hoarse voice. "What are you guys doing? You said you wouldn't do anything like that!" Bliss yelled, more with concern than scolding. // Drew staggered slightly and held his face a moment and his face hardened once more. "You little fucking shit!" He shouted once he saw Eli was retreating. "Why you running you fucking nerd!?" He asked as he ran in his direction and lunged forward in an attempt to tackle him from behind.
  23. Covet: "I know, I'm sorry.. but Drew made it personal, and I lost it for a se-" He said then felt the wind get knocked out of him as he was tackled to the ground. He groaned out feeling his hand throb more, "Get Off Drew, you deserved those punches you ignorant abusive jerk!" Eli said more worried because Bliss was now involved.
  24. Tsaaq: Bliss hyperventilated a momment. "How did that happen?! You said it would be okay!" She said in a panic. "No! Drew stop!" Bliss shouted, trying to pry him off of Eli. // Drew sputtered and attempted to rest his weight on Eli so he would be pinned as he aimed to punch him in the face repeatedly. "And you're not you little bitch?" He asked loudly. "You asked for this. I didn't want to fucking beat your ass but you beg for it. You practically fucking beg for it!" Drew shouted at the top of his lungs and lost focus on the fact that we was trying to wail on somebody's face. "Fuck off!" He screamed with fury. He could feel Bliss trying to pull back his arm. He swung his hand back in an attempt to swat her away and accidently smacked her hard across the face. That's when he finally stopped. "Shit, Bliss! I'm sorry! Are you okay?" He asked, looking remorseful. He grumbled and looked at Eli. "This is your fault!" // Bliss flew back a few feet and felt he pain sting half of her face. Drew had heavy ass hands. She whimpered as she held her face and glanced between the two of them. Bliss shivered with fear a moment then stood to her feet as she made her way over to the car in silence.
  25. Covet: Eli put his hands up to block his face, but with how hard and fast Drew was throwing punches there was no way he could block them all and he felt his face swelling up in a few different places. "Yeah.. it's my fault you lost control." He mumbled and stood up making his way back to the Rover, stumbling a bit as it was kind of hard for him to see. He looked at Bliss and nodded to the vehicle. "Let's get out of here...Are you okay to drive? I kind of can't see at the moment."
  26. Tsaaq: "Don't fucking follow me anymore dipshit, unless you want me to fucking kill you!" Drew shouted, going back over to the van, fuming about all the business he missed from dealing with nerds. // Bliss nodded robotically and went to get in on the driver's side. She sat there in silence and waited to Eli to come inside of his car. She was still shaking.
  27. Covet: [I have an image of the hyenas from Lion King as they threaten Simba into the sunset XD ] "I'm so sorry Bliss. I didn't want you to get involved like that." He said with a frown, clutching his hand, "Are we still staying at your place? We kind of don't have a bathroom at the moment at ours" He said unsure if going back to her place was a good idea, thinking about what the plan was next."
  28. Tsaaq: Bliss winced and rubbed her face. "Yes, of course we are." She said in a fairly light tone give then situation. "It's fine. I'm fine." She lied as she drove forward towards where her family's estate.
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