
Anon Gets Drunk and is A Tool.

Apr 30th, 2012
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  1. Spelling errors abound. I don't care; I'm very tired.
  3. >You open your eyes.
  4. >At least, you think you open your eyes; it doesn't seem to have made a difference.
  5. >Wherever you are is almost pitch black. You can hear a distant sound of water dripping on stone.
  6. >"HelOW!" A sharp pain in your jaw cuts you off, and as you lift your fingers to it you feel a wetness.
  7. >A quick lick of you finger confirms your fears, the iron tang of blood briefly alights on your tongue.
  8. >On top of all that you feel a bit sick, and you have a terrible headache.
  9. >Your eyes adjusting to the light allows you to take in the fact that you appear to be in a small stone room.
  10. >There is one door. It looks heavy.
  12. >Just as you force yourself into a sitting position the door is flung open by magic and a unicorn in gold armour glares at you.
  13. >"On your feet, beast." It commands.
  14. >You groan and turn away from the door, but you're forced to stand by a rough application of magic.
  15. >"You're to stand before the Princesses for your crimes." He punctuates this sentence with a hoof to the small of your back, forcing the air from your lungs in surprise.
  16. >"Wh... What... crimes?" You manage to wheeze out, as chains are draped around you and a lock seals you into their binding.
  17. >"Very funny." The armoured p0ny growls, and shoves you towards the door.
  18. >You're marched down corridor after corridor, and up flight after flight of stairs until eventually you emerge in what you recognise as the palace of Canterlot, blinking in the light from the windows nearby.
  19. >Now you can see your ripped and filthy clothes, the cuts on your hands that have been rudimentarily administered to and the fresh blood you just wiped from your jaw staining your finger.
  20. >A chocolate-brown Earth p0ny with a thermometer cutie-mark rushes towards you.
  21. >"He's bleeding through his dressings. You haven't been... indelicate with him, have you?" He asks one of the now several of your guards in an almost soothing baritone.
  22. >The guard merely grunted, shaking his head in a way that could mean 'no', or could simply have been a twitch.
  23. >"Can anyone tell me what I'm doing here?" You ask the air ahead of you. "Or why I'm so messed up?"
  24. >You are stared at.
  25. >You are stared at until you are marched through the huge double doors to the main throne room.
  26. >"Your majesties. The prisoner." One of the identical guards announces.
  27. >You are unceremonially thrown to the ground, your already aching head protesting in the voices of a thousand damned souls.
  28. >You raise your eyes just in time to see a hoof you can only guess belongs to Celestia hit the ground almost directly beside your head.
  29. >'This does not seem to be going well' You internally note, catching sight of yourself in the highly polished gold hoof-braces.
  30. >You struggle to your knees, which is difficult with shackled wrists, and look up at the benevolent ruler of this strange land.
  31. >She regards you with a stern eye, which immediately becomes concerned.
  32. >"Remove these chains immediately, guard!" She calls over your head. "You mustn't drag him around like some monster."
  33. >The chains lift from you and you notice yourself being lifted by the solar monarch.
  34. >"Anon, I presume? Twilight Sparkle has told me much about you." She fixes you with what would normally be a soothing smile, but you're too confused and hurt to take her up on it.
  35. >"Nothing true I hope." You deadpan, gaining a light chuckle from the Princess.
  36. >"Do you know why you are here?" She asks, setting you down and returning to her throne.
  37. >At this point you spot Luna, who seems to be staring at you, but as you catch her eye she looks away, suddenly very interested in the curtains.
  38. >"No." You say simply.
  39. >"And you are no doubt wondering why you appear to be injured?"
  40. >"Yes. I have theories, though." You shoot a look at one of the guard p0nies still standing around.
  41. >"I assure you if my guards were a little... less than gentle, they certainly didn't cause your injuries. That's a much more interesting story."
  42. >You just stare at her for a few seconds.
  43. >"I suppose you'd like me to tell it?"
  44. >You nod. Adding a "Yes, please." as an afterthought.
  45. >Celestia grins.
  46. >"It begins, as most epic tales do, with a drinking contest." She delivers with a little giggle.
  47. >Oh fucking hell.
  49. >Yesterday, some Canterlot bar, some insociable time of the night, or the morning.
  51. >"...And ah'm tellin' YOU, ah can drink more'n you've ever seen in one bar." Applejack jabs a hoof in your direction, luckily picking the correct image from the three currently floating around her vision.
  52. >You belch, slam down your glass and glare at her through severely narrowed eyes.
  53. >"You couldn't even find a... drink... in a... drunk... shut up." You opine. "Another round!" you cry to the passing bar p0ny.
  54. >You other friends seem concerned. Except Fluttershy, who has passed out on Rainbow Dash's shoulder and is quietly drooling into her mane. Rainbow Dash is currently attempting to be the voice of reason.
  55. >"Anon, maybe you should..."
  56. >"Silence, many-coloured one." You manage to hiccup out. "The apple-scented one has questioned my fortitude."
  57. >"You sayin' ah smell?"
  58. >"No, no, it's nice. You have a nice smell. Look, just drink this." You hold the newly delivered shot out to her. "I get a bit silly where I'm drinkening." You stage whisper to Pinkie Pie, who happens to be sat next to you, enthralled by the challenge.
  59. >You slam the shot back and watch as Applejack does the same, then burps. Gags. Heaves. Finally you watch as she gets up and bolts for the little filly's room.
  60. >"Winner!" You declare, holding your fists in the air. "The champ is here! Hu-man hu-man hu-man!"
  61. >Your obnoxious chanting seems to be annoying another patron of the bar, and he shoots you a filthy look.
  62. >"Buck off, pal." You growl at him.
  63. ---
  64. >"Wait." Back in the present you interrupt Celestia's storytime. "I think I remember that. I think it also explains why I'm bleeding from my face."
  65. >Celestia just nods and continues her story.
  66. ---
  67. >Sparing the gory details, Celestia skips to the end of your drunken fight.
  68. >You are sat in the dirt, leaning against the wall of the bar, bleeding from your face.
  69. >"Anon, are you ok?" Twilight asks, gently.
  70. >You stir, and try to focus your blurry vision on the centre purple p0ny.
  71. >"Fine," you spit a little blood onto the ground, "You should see the other guy."
  72. >"We did, he just left, and he didn't have a scratch on him." She casually informs you, trying very hard not to grin.
  73. >Well shit.
  74. >You stand, unsteadily, and set off in a random direction.
  75. >"Anon, we're staying at the palace."
  76. >"I know that, silly filly." You wave a hand.
  77. >"The palace is that way." Twilight points perpendicular to the direction you're stumbling.
  79. >Some time later you find yourself in the halls of the palace.
  80. >Your friends seem to have vanished, possibly they have all been attacked by the vicious monster known as 'sleep'. You can't remember where your room is.
  81. >Did it have big double doors? Let's say yes and open these ones here.
  82. >Luna looked up from some treaty or other she was supposed to be reading to spot a rather bedraggled human being stumble into the throne room.
  83. >"This is not my room." You state, not really realising quite where you were.
  84. >You spot Luna suddenly, reacting as though she had popped in from the ether, rather than being sat there the entire time.
  85. >"Good morning, Princess... erm... Applejack?" You try.
  86. >"Applejack isn't a princess, that's Luna." You tell one of the guards that has appeared at your side, as though he'd made the mistake.
  87. >You take a step towards the throne. Luna raises an eyebrow.
  88. >"Oh, would you look at you. 'Ooh, I'm so great, I control the night, aren't I special, ooh.' Well y'know what?" You accuse.
  89. >"I really like the night. So yeah, how d'you like them apples?" You grin to yourself. "I sure showed her. With her pretty mane and her nice eyes."
  90. >You hold a finger up suddenly.
  91. >"Spike, take a letter."
  92. >It's unknown how one could forget that someone ISN'T there, but you continue dictating to the phantom dragon anyway.
  93. >"Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that I'm having a lovely time in your world. You have nice booze. I am dripping blood onto your floor right now. I learned that Applejack cannot drink, so don't believe her when she says she can. She is lying." You are casually sauntering towards the throne and Luna.
  94. >"Also, your sister seems nice. She's a bit stare-y, but I like her eyes so that's fine. Am I allowed to say that? You are a good princess and I hope you have a lovely time tomorrow, and all the other days. Again, sorry about the blood on your floor. Your pal, Anon."
  95. >You are now stood practically in front of Luna, who is blushing.
  96. >"Oh, good morning princess Luna, how are..." And then you passed out.
  97. ---
  98. >"So I passed out, that doesn't explain why I was in a cell. Or the fact that my clothes are all shredded." You state.
  99. >Celestia just smiles again.
  100. >"As you fell my guards believed you were attacking me." Luna ventured, finally looking at you again. "They descended upon you with great haste. In the confusion they appear to have torn your garments."
  101. >"And my hands?"
  102. >"Even unconscious, you seemed unwilling to leave. You grabbed the throne and had to be dragged off by six guards, as you scrabbled to return to the throne you scratched your hoo... hands on the flagstones." She even chuckled a little.
  103. >You felt like a complete idiot.
  104. >"Twilight sent me a letter detailing your bar room antics, pieced together with Luna's recollection I'd say it makes quite the tale." Celestia told you. Well that answered your next question, anyway.
  105. >"And don't worry. We've had somep0ny clean your blood from the floor."
  106. >"Erm..." you begin, sheepishly, "I'm sorry, your majesties. I assure you, this wont happen again."
  107. >They both simply regard you for a few moments.
  108. >"I'm sorry for making such remarks about you, Princess Luna, it was inappropriate and I should know better. I'm sorry for the interruption also, and for causing a scene."
  109. >Luna raises a small smile.
  110. >"So you don't really like my mane? Or my eyes?"
  111. >"No. Yes... Princess, you have... I mean..." Your haste to answer overrules your good sense.
  112. >"I am teasing you, Anon."
  113. >"I apologise again for my actions." You finish. "Also, for bleeding on your floor."
  114. >For a little while the royal sister just look at you.
  115. >"Guard, could you take Anon back to his room and get him cleaned up. His friends are waiting for him in the dining room." Celestia addressed one of the armoured p0nies around the room.
  116. >"I'm sure they'll want to hear all about this little incident."
  118. >As you are escorted out you can just hear Luna saying; "It was a little disturbing, but flattery is flattery, nonetheless."
  119. >"Always trust a drunk to tell you the truth, dearest sister." Celestia replied.
  120. >You hold your head in your hands and groan.
  121. >You can already imagine the look on Applejack's face.
  122. >No more drinking contests, ever.
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